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Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Hope That You're Reading This, Janet, and Know...

I am no respecter of persons. I'm like Augustus and G-d in that sense: I will be harsh on family members when they've done wrong. As I've stated, your beloved grandma was a kapo. You still think that those were different times? What's the matter; Mary Rusnak Gaydos couldn't have trusted G-d with what little money she had and send some to Zoli, Pepi, Sandor, Miklos, and the other relatives before they were murdered?

I check my stats. I hope that you know that, Janet. I watch to see who's reading what I write.

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Fosko Family said...

So I assume you've done the genealogy work to prove that Sandor, Pepi, etc. were relatives of Andrew Rusnak, and not just people who happened to have the last name?

Nickidewbear said...

Yes. They were in Kosice, the same area that Ya'akov (Jakub) came from. They were who wrote to Great-Grandma Gaydos (which is why Grandma absolutely refuses to know where her mother's grave is. She'll never tell you that, but Aunt Mary told me once that Grandma doesn't know where Great-Grandma Gaydos' grave is. Can I blame her? That your own mother would do that to cousins who wrote to her for help is pretty sick, especially when you witnessed it as a six-to-eight year old-- from 1942-1944.).

Have you seen the pictures of Pepi, Vilmos, and David as well? They even look like Dad, Grandaunt Mary Ann, etc. in some respects.