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Saturday, February 18, 2012

This Spaniard Hopefully Knows Something About the "McCoy" Family...

Council Bluffs, Iowa arrived from on "The Nicole Factor: Farrell-DeBoy Canadian, What's Up?".
12:42:52 -- 1 hour 20 mins ago
11:31:28 -- 2 hours 31 mins ago

I check my Feedjit Live Feed, and let me tell you that I hope that this Madridian knows something about Rosalita "Rosa" ("Rose") Ann "McCoy" Reilly. If you don't think that I'm still looking por familia, you are loco. If you don't understand espanol (which I need to brush up on, anyway; since it is a literal mama lashon), let me put it in Yiddish: you don't think that I'm still looking for mishpacha you are meshuga. Meanwhile, I figure that by now, the DeBoys have to be Jewish. There was at least one Jew who married a DeBoy, and our DeBoy mishpacha probably received a number of Yehudim v'Yehudi'ot as well. Por ejemplo (See how I'm mixing up the Spanish and Yiddish, by the way? Me gusta variedad.):

That's not German hair, as far as I can tell. That's curly, Jewish hair. Also (by the way, sadly we have a Braun in our line; and she'd better not be related to Eva Braun; but anyway), I invite you to look at the family tree and see the variety of possibly-Jewish or Jewish-adopted surnames there: por ejemplo, Erbacher, Pelz, Lambrix (Lambrecht, Lambrich), Pirong, Walker (Valker), Volk (Folk), Meijers (Meiyers), and other names.

I mean, folks (people), I look at my Feedjit and Blogger stats, at my family tree, etc.. C'mon; mi madre es judia problamente, y si no en la familia de "McCoy", entonces en por lo menos una de las familias de los DeBoys. Pueblos, no soy estupida. No fui loca de los Fockos, etc.; fui? 

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