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Showing posts with label legal_matters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label legal_matters. Show all posts

Monday, June 19, 2017

Re People With Mental Illnesses Having Guns: Should We Be Sitting Ducks For Ableists?

Some people with mental illnesses actually do need guns. For example, vulnerable people who may well be targeted due to have mental illnesses need guns to defend themselves. As for Tr**p, he actually hates people with disabilities, including those whom have mental illnesses.

Thus, this ableist ploy by Tr**p to demonize people with mental illnesses may well backfire on him when his Tr**pites whom are committing hate crimes may realize that people with mental illnesses will not allowed themselves to have people step on them.

As for me, I wish that I had and could use a gun to defend myself against anyone whom would target me due to my Depression, OCD/Anxiety, and/or ADD alone (and wasn't getting a threat from a "physically fit German American" due to being a Jew with disabilities enough?).

Besides, look at how the Nazis were partly able to implement T4: they made it illegal for Jews in Europe to be armed, and (as I found out via JewishGen) I lost a cousin whom was murdered because she had Schizophrenia:

Lodz Ghetto Hospital Death Records

Searching for Surname (phonetically like) : RUSZNAK
1 matching record found.
Run on Sun, 18 Jun 2017 22:55:09 -0600

List Date
RUSZNAK, MagdalenaV. Str. 10 
 Hospital Records


Lumping in all people with mental illnesses with those such as Adam Lanza, whom refused to get help and whom committed a mass murder-suicide shooting, is wrong and playing right into Tr**p's hands.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Obvious Real Perspective Of Jacob Malone, As Put Into My Words

On April 28, 2017, ex-pastor Jacob Malone received a sentence from Chester County, Pennsylvania judge Jacqueline Cody in light of the fact that he entered a guilty plea due to intoxicating his rape victim with alcohol, exerting undue influence over her as her pastor, and forcibly getting her pregnant. I put his sorry-not-perspective in my own words:

I'm sorry...only that I got caught. Were I really sorry, I never would've planned to victimize my former charge in the first place—let alone began to carry out my plan by luring her to reside with me, Libby, and my and Libby's children. I never would've lured her into the Malone residence only to pile alcohol onto her, kiss and touch her as a starting point to commit progressively-worse acts of sexual battery, and exert undue influence over her—especially as her pastor and surrogate father, I knew that I could get her to be quiet as I intoxicated her with alcohol and sexually batter her in the name of Jesus. Besides, I got her to live with me permanently—or so I thought—and go to school in my area—and she never ratted me out to her teachers or other school staff once.

Then I forcibly got her pregnant as I once again raped her—if I were really sorry, why would I force a child, especially a pro-life one whom knows that neither she nor our child did anything wrong, to have to prepare to explain why she's not a whore or a teenage delinquent? I brazenly put that girl in a position to carry a scarlet letter on her name—she wondered if she did something to deserve what I did, and I couldn't have cared less.

Meanwhile, I didn't turn myself into the police or confess to my church—in fact, I had Libby sit with me as I made a video to tell a different story than that my church kicked me out after I raped one of my congregants and forcibly had her conceive a child. I also never surrendered my passport—in fact, I acted like an asylum-seeking victim and a refugee while my victim had to go through a painful process to find refuge in God—and I didn't pay any child support or victim compensation before I intercontinentally traveled.

I came back to the United States two weeks later to turn myself into the police only because I was a wanted man whom wanted to enter a guilty plea and craft a favorable plea deal for myself. If I were repentant in the meantime, I would've filed divorce from Libby and give her full custody of my and Libby's kids in order to protect her and them—after all, I didn't get only two years; at least 18 years and 5 months alone is a long time to not see Libby and my children, including the child of my victim; and I've lost my paternity rights in regard to both Libby's children by me and my victim's child forcibly conceived by me.

I could go on and give some other details, though you get the point—as I said, I'm sorry only that I got caught.

Monday, May 22, 2017

The Accomplishments Of Gio Managadze, (Self-Proclaimed) UMD Valedictorian Of 2017

Congratulations to Gio Managadze on the following:

  1. Proving to be an aspiring D****d Tr**p.
  2. Insulting UMD and other UMD University System Students And Alumni (myself included)
  3. Aiding and abetting the propagators of the excuse and misconception that sociopathy and narcissism are mental illnesses as opposed to evil and egoism.
  4. Aiding and abetting the propagators of the ageist stereotype that Millennials are Me-llennials.
  5. Getting your first real legal experience—looking at charges of first-degree criminal libel, theft via embezzlement and misappropriation, fraud, and conspiracy to commit all of the acts thereof—your parents and UMD have every right to press criminal-libel, fraud, and conspiracy charges against you; and your parents charges of theft via embezzlement and misappropriation against you.
  6. Getting sued along with getting criminally charged, and having either the lawsuit used against you in Prince George's County Circuit Court or the verdict in "Maryland v. Managadze" used against you in "Managadze, University Of Maryland, et. al. v. Managadze".
  7. Finding yourself in Prince George's County Correctional Center sometime down the road, and having a well-known criminal history and record thereof.
  8. Ending up as an equivalent of the guy whom berated the Chick-Fil-A® employee.
You've found yourself, alright—and you've found yourself headed down a path to being a self-made indigent prison inmate and litigatee, and a self-made and infamous loner whom lives a life of torment and misery.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Why I Won't Change The Name Of My Blog

  1. If I change the name of my blog, I'm engaging in an ex-post-facto action. Besides, keeping "The Nicole Factor" isn't like—for example and perhaps using an extreme example—if people were to name their children certain names nowadays or, in some cases, keep names that they had prior to certain events. Incidentally, to see that some parents did name and have named their children names such as "_____o" is incredibly disappointing; and I cringe when I see people with that name on Facebook.
  2. I thought that those allegations were hit jobs against Bill O'Reilly.
  3. I've called for the overturning of "Coker v. Georgia" (1977) and "Kennedy v. Louisiana", pointed out that "sexual assault" is really sexual battery—I've also not shied away from the sad reality that I'm somehow related to Natalie Wood's rapist and Jean Spangler's murderer, and I've talked about how rape did not escape our side of the family: in fact, I was surprised that rape seemed to escape our family and should not have been surprised when I found out that one of Great-Granddad Czarnecki's second cousins was involved in a gang rape (Somehow, the Chernetskis and Daniloviches are related in more ways than one, and both have roots that go back to Chavusy; and every single generation has had to live with whatever started with some Danilovich.).
Point being, then, I'm not going to change the name of "The Nicole Factor" just because the now-ex host of "The O'Reilly Factor" became the worst factor in his and others' lives, since I had nothing to do with what Bill O'Reilly did and I've spoken out against sexual exploitation (including that of the would've-probably-been-raped-anyway Jean Spangler) even within my own family history (and since Natalie Wood's rapist murdered Jean Spangler after she exposed their affair via a note to him, he would've raped Jean Spangler and any other women whom'd've said "No"—that's sadly a pattern among Daniloviches whom continue the family dynamics on any side, sexual and non-sexual dynamics alike.).

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Why Sexual "Assault" Isn't Really Assault—It's Worse!

"Sexual assault" is actually sexual battery. When I read the news about Abigal Breslin having spoken about being "sexually assaulted", I thought back to my days in criminal-justice college classes—and if only she had been assaulted as opposed to be both assaulted and battered!

Sexual assault—threatening any form of sexual harassment, including any form of sexual battery—is bad enough. Sexual battery is worse, and intentionally or unintentionally calling sexual battery "sexual assault" is mitigating what sexual battery, which is often to almost always preceded by little to no sexual assault whatsoever, is—and sexual battery (which I myself almost mistakenly just called "sexual assault" just now) can happen in the smallest amount of time and totally unexpectedly on the part of the victim.

For example, a woman who's walking up to her apartment complex may not see her rapist assault her as he stalks her—especially as he swiftly and forcibly grabs her, batters her, and physically batters her separately from having physically battered her when he sexually battered her. Similarly, the middle-school student at her locker may not see her perverse male classmate assaultingly hover behind her and reach his hands out to commit battery against her. Jennifer Christie had the first kind of case happen to her (except for that she was in a hotel and battered prior to being grabbed); and too many a female student has the second kind of case happen to her in real life, which is why "Malcolm In the Middle" demonstrated another art-borrows-from-life episode.

By the way, as I recall, I had an experience in which a middle-school classmate put his hand on my backside without my permission or before-it-happened knowledge; although I don't know who he was, and I just frankly nervous-laughed it off, as he did so when quite a few people were walking in the middle-school halls. With a crowded hall and the school being (at the time) Owen Brown...I'm lucky that it wasn't worse, as some forms of sexual battery are worse in degree and form than, notwithstanding that no form of sexual battery is lucky—and I was walking with a walker, so I wasn't exactly going to have time to fully deal with it.

In conclusion, then, let's stop being incorrect about what sexual assault and sexual battery are, since the only way that calling sexual battery "sexual assault" is correct is that it's politically correct—or at least what's thought to be correct in a politicultural or culturopolitical sense.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Though I Forgive And Don't Begrudge, I Don't Forget

I'd be absolutely foolish to let my guard down and pretend that someone didn't wrong me when he or she did wrong me, especially when he or she comes back to slander and/or libel me about what he or she said and/or did. In fact, as I've come to know because of how I was abused during my childhood, one's placement of blame on his or her victim of slander and/or libel is abuse on top of abusethat kind of abuse is known as verbal abuse and/or emotional/mental abuse:

  • Verbal Abuse occurs when one person uses words and body language to inappropriately criticize another person. Verbal abuse often involves 'putdowns' and name-calling intended to make the victim feel they are not worthy of love or respect, and that they do not have ability or talent. If the victim speaks up against these statements, they are often told that the criticisms were "just a joke", and that it is their own problem that they do not find the joke funny. They may also be told that no abuse is happening; that it is "all in their head". Verbal abuse is dangerous because it is often not easily recognized as abuse, and therefore it can go on for extended periods, causing severe damage to victim's self-esteem and self-worth. Damaged victims may fail to take advantage of opportunities that would enrich their lives because they come to believe they are not worthy of those opportunities.
  • Psychological Abuse (also known as mental abuse or emotional abuse) occurs when one person controls information available to another person so as to manipulate that person's sense of reality; what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. For example, [a form of the most-extreme kinds of] psychological abuse [occurs] when a pedophile tells a child victim that [he or] she caused the pedophile to abuse [him or] her because [he or] she is a 'slut' who 'tempted' the pedophile. Psychological abuse often contains strong emotionally manipulative content designed to force the victim to comply with the abuser's wishes. It may be emotional abuse in this sense when it is designed to cause emotional pain to victims or to “mess with their heads” in attempts to gain compliance and counter any resistance. Alternatively, psychological abuse may occur when one victim is forced to watch another be abused in some fashion (verbally, emotionally, physically or sexually). Like verbal abuse, psychological abuse is often not recognized as abuse early on and can result in serious sequela (psychological after effects) later on.

You'd be foolish to think that I won't call you out on it or take other actions of admonishment regarding you, and I have even reported threats of violence on Twitter to both Twitter and the authorities. Imagine, then, what actions of admonishment I'd take offline if I'm willing to report threats that are seemingly small because they are online—for example, I'd threaten to sue you if I had to do so, whether I'd get a pro-bono lawyer or ask the court to make you pay legal costs and any necessary damage payments. By the way, ask a few people whom I had to threaten with legal action for their clear violation of the ADA—once I threatened the action and reaffirmed my threat, they suddenly decided to make the accommodation which they needed to make.

In conclusion, I remind you that "forgive and forget" means "forgive and don't begrudge"—not "forgive and pretend that it never happened".

Monday, October 10, 2016

Reilly As A Service Dog & In A Courtroom?!

Firstly, Reilly is not behaved enough to ever be a service dog. Secondly, she misbehaved and barked enough to cause "Momma" to flinch while "Momma" was typing just a few minutes ago—and she knows that barking is a "no-no". Thirdly, she is already two-and-a-half years old and more than old enough to be fasting on Yom Kippur if puppies could fast and had to fast—and she would be fasting if she could and were required to fast.

Finally, "Momma" would never drag barky and all-too-gregarious-for-a-courtroom Reilly into any courtroom—besides, "Momma" thankfully ended up not having to take legal action in regard to a recent violation of the ADA after all—"Momma" has nobody whom'd drive her to the courts, anyway.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Originally On LinkedIn: Facebook, Its TOS, and Algorithms?

A while back, a Facebook friend told me that Facebook apparently enforces its TOS by using algorithms. Algorithms—a well-over-$1-Million company uses algorithms to enforce its TOS?

"I believe the maker of facebook is sexist and racist. Something should be done about it. I got in trouble for swearing at a racist but he didnt get in trouble for being racist. Something is so wrong with that"
I wish that I could've replied to her comment with the observation that its more that Facebook is evidently not hiring enough people to enforce its TOS—and while I grant that there are multiple TOS-violation reports a day, I also grant that there are:

  1. Many people looking for jobs.
  2. People like me whom'd be glad to have a job helping Facebook enforce its own TOS, especially since many of us have been affected by TOS violators. As for me, I live in Maryland and could help enforce Facebook's TOS virtually—I can't drive (since I have Cerebral Palsy) and, while I'm working on being an author and analyst-commentator, would love to be off of SSI benefits as well to help Facebook crack down the kind of, e.g., ableism and Anti Semitism by which I've been affected. Of course, I have to be prepared for the reality that Facebook will see me as nothing more than my Cerebral Palsy and what mental illnesses I have—after all, why would Facebook see me as any different since they often don't care when an individual with a disability is attacked by a TOS violator?
  3. TOS violations that are so egregious, they've had to be reported to the FBI since Facebook wouldn't deal with them—and I remember that the FBI emailed me back per one threat that I reported and told me that I needed to forward the threat report to the Secret Service.
  4. Too many instances in which Facebook even restores accounts and pages of TOS violators—and one page that they restored involved a threat against Hillary Clinton, while another on which someone reported content posted an obscene "**** Facebook" meme regarding when Facebook actually did enforce their TOS.
Since Facebook probably won't hire me, though (See Point Two and consider the case of Katie Shoener in a non-Facebook field.), they could at least consider what I've written here & hire others whom are looking for jobs.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Why Thomas Salbey Does Deserved To Get Charged, Though Not With "Detriment To the Dead" Charges

Thomas Salbey's possibility of getting charged in Munich angered a friend of mine. Unfortunately, I had to agree with Bavarian prosecutors that Thomas Salbey has to be charged. However, I noted that the charges should not be related to "detriment" to the decedent, the Munich Mall murderer. The charges, as I stated, should be:

  1. aggravated battery
  2. aggravated disturbance of the peace
  3. aggravated exacerbation of a deadly situation by way of aggravated provocation
  4. obstruction of justice by way of interfering with law-enforcement work.

I'm pretty sure that some (including my friend) will not be thrilled with my assessment, though it is what is. After all, Thomas Salbey worsened a bad-enough situation, especially by throwing a beer bottle at an already-dangerous-to-self-and-others individual.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Originally On LinkedIn: Regarding Government And the Workforce

I will (at least try to) never forget when Former Pakistani Prime Minister Bhutto was murdered on December 27, 2007—and I will never forget the clip in which she highlighted her philosophy on government: "Where the madrassas won't get involved, the government will." 
The equivalent of the late Bhutto's statement for Non-Muslim (or at least Non-Muslim-majority) countries: the government has to and will get involved when the churches, synagogues, mosques, etc. won't get involved. Taking the examples of my people in the Desert and churches in particular—since I'm a Jewish Christian—I highlight why OSHA had to be created and why legislation such as the Civil Rights Act had to be written (Incidentally, what a shame that Barry Goldwater did not support the Civil Rights Act.)
The first example comes when God spoke to Moses about when a house is being built:
“When you build a new house, then you shall make a parapet for your roof, that you may not bring guilt of bloodshed on your household if anyone falls from it.
So much for that being applied and happening in the Judeo-Christian United States! Thus came along the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, since its predecessors weren't adequate enough—and even after Upton Sinclair exposed the equivalent of "guilt of bloodshed...if anyone falls from [a being-built roof]" in the meat-packing industry! By the way, when I Googled to find out when OSHA was founded, I was surprised to see that it was not founded until 1971, long after "one nation under God" should have had an organization to hold the reckless employers and overseers accountable.
Also by the way, OSHA came too late for those such as coal miners in Northeastern Pennsylvania—with my great-great-grandfathers Michael Gajdos, Sr. and Julian Czarnecki among them—and groundskeepers such as Julian's son Anthony (whom, as I've written before, severed three of his toes and his leg up to his knee as he mowed a lawn at the apartment complex which hired him—and his work-related accident partly affected his suicide just months later). 
Were their churches there to raise a voice for them and other workers, to hold their congregants' and community members' employers accountable for the employees' safeties. After all—as especially the Bible-literate ones, including my family whom needed someone to speak up for them as workers, would have known—"Justice, justice you shall pursue!" Yet, not even a layman or laywoman rose his or her voice enough to affect that an organization such as OSHA would be unnecessary.
The same laymen and laywomen also neglected to raise their voices enough when civil rights were an issue, even though "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" automatically implies that nobody should discriminate against anyone else. Because not enough men or women raised their voices until laywomen like Rosa Parks spoke up through their civilly-disobedient actions, and clergymen such as Drs. Martin Luther King and Abraham Joshua Heschel marched as they called for freedom for all Americans, the derogatory signs such as the horrid ones against Jewish and Irish men remained on business-owners' doors and windows, and Blacks and women were lucky if they were paid even remotely close to fairly. Never mind that a Jewish man whom wouldn't have been allowed to apply, James by name, admonished fellow followers of another Jew, Jesus of Nazareth:
Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth." 5 You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury; you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter. You have condemned, you have murdered the just; he does not resist you.
How many church-going businessmen "condemned...the just" such as the Jews (including church-going ones) and Irishmen whom they would not hire, despite that these Jews and Irishmen would have gladly "mowed [their fields]?" How many of these same church-going businessmen had "wages...which [they] kept back by fraud" from sharecroppers, shoeshiners, maids, nurses, and other laborers?
(Incidentally, I have questions for you if you wonder—or, if you knew, still wonder—why my paternal family remained Crypto Jews in even the United States—after all, "No Jews" still reeks of the albe-far-worse Anti Semitism that they escaped when they left Imperial Russia and Austria Hungary. If my family isn't enough of an example, look at the family of lucky-to-be-a-businessman, Austria-Hungary-born Fritz "Frederick Kerry" Kohn.)
Because apparently-pious, God-and-country, "Bless your heart" businessmen withheld wages from and otherwise discriminated against Blacks and women (even with intimidating maxims such as "It's a man's job" and "A woman's place is in the home."), and refused to hire Irishmen and Jews (all while slandering and libelling Jews as conspirators whom owned every business), the Civil Rights Act (including Titles VII and IX) had to be written and signed into law. By the way, in terms of Title IX: you try getting a decent job without some kind of college degree (whether you'd've gotten an Associate's Degree or a four-year-degree), let alone if you had to leave college because you faced horrid discrimination, and tell me when you get that job. 
Even I have a B.A. in Political Science from UMBC, and—according to the National Association of Mental Illnesses' recent newsletter—I am statistically doomed because of mental illnesses, which make me three times more likely to be unemployable than someone with a physical disability—and here's the kicker: I have both mental illnesses and Cerebral Palsy. So, think again if you don't think that Title IX relates to the workforce as much as it relates to the educational system.
I also note that Titles VII and IX far from help me, and they also far from help others—since the government is made up of people whom should be getting involved in their communities both within and outside the government sector, Title VII and IX often fail to be enforced. After all, many of the people who are supposed to be enforcing the Civil Rights Act—not to mention the Americans With Disabilities Act—are the same kinds of people who look down on the kind of people on whom the oh-so-pious businessmen of back then looked down. Therefore, quite a bit of government involvement that's supposed to make up for the lack of community involvement actually becomes a Catch-22.
Nonetheless, the government has to be involved when the communities won't get involved—even when the government gets involved too late for those like Michael Gajdos, Julian and Anthony Czarnecki, and Frederick Kerry, not to mention the Irishpersons, Blacks, and women whom were in similar positions to the positions of the Gajdoses, the Czarneckis, and the Kohns.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Megyn Kelly: "Conservative" and "A Lawyer" Mein Tuchus!

For anyone whom's wondering, "meir tuchus" means "my butt!" Anyway, no true conservative (Classical Liberal) and lawyer would state that "legal" inherently means "should be legal":

  1. As far as the SCOTUS being the final arbiters of the law, the SCOTUS ruled in favor of inherently-illegal doctrines such as "Ferguson v. Plessy" and, before that, "Sanford v. Scott". The former was not overturned until 1955 (when "Brown" was fully cleared for implementation), and "Scott" en de facto was never overturned until Jim Crow ended, despite that the end of the Civil War ended it en de jure. 
  2. DOMA was in force from the Clinton Administration until just relatively recently in the Obama Administration. 
  3. Legalizing same-sex marriage risks religious freedom within certain contexts. For example, why should an Orthodox rabbi be sued by a couple whom he refuses to marry when he believes that the Flood came because of same-sex marriage in part (which the Talmud does state)?
By the way, speaking of rabbis, one'd think that Orthodox rabbis such as Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs would be helpful during this time of Anti-Jewish and Anti-Christian intolerance—although he's not at all tolerant of either Jewish Christians or gentile ones, or any Orthodox Jew whom even tolerates Christians (despite how Christianity as Noahidism is viewed).

Monday, December 14, 2015

This Is A "No Duh!" Action To Take

Taxing the American Internet user would be absolutely detrimental.

Pass the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act!

Send Letters to Congress : 19,198 Letters Sent So Far

Pass the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act!
States and local governments are poised to extend telephone taxes to your home and mobile Internet bills if the current federal ban on such taxes expires as scheduled on December 16, 2015 (Congress passed a five day extension from the previous expiration date of December 11). The average expected tax would be 12% and could be even higher.  The federal ban MUST be extended.  Permanently. The House has already passed it but the Senate must act.
Tell the Senate: Pass the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

An Open Letter To Everyone Whom Has And/Or Could Harass And Bully Me For My Beliefs, Etc.

The non-underlined text is in regards to what prompted me to write this letter to a specific person. The underlined text is specific and general, as I have had others similarly harass and bully me in the past:

My belief in Yeshua is not relevant to the subject of homosexual acts as to how that the treated in the Torah, which is a common ground for both Messianic and Non-Messianic Jews. I even told a fellow Messianic that proselytizing is unacceptable and intolerable. Your attempt to embarrass me for my beliefs is a violation of the Facebook TOS as well as Torah.

Per the Facebook TOS alone:

1) "We respect other people's rights, and expect you to do the same.
You will not post content or take any action on Facebook that infringes or violates someone else's rights or otherwise violates the law. 

"We can remove any content or information you post on Facebook if we believe that it violates this Statement or our policies."

2) "Posting things that don't follow the Facebook Community Standards (ex: threats, hate speech, graphic violence).

Using Facebook to bully, impersonate or harass anyone.

Abusing Facebook features (ex: sending friend requests to a lot of people you don't know). Overusing features could make other people feel uncomfortable or unsafe. As a result, we have limits in place to restrict the rate at which you can use features. Learn more about these limits." 

3) "We don’t tolerate bullying or harassment. We allow you to speak freely on matters and people of public interest, but remove content that appears to purposefully target private individuals with the intention of degrading or shaming them. This content includes, but is not limited to: "

4) "Content that attacks people based on their actual or perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or disease is not allowed. We do, however, allow clear attempts at humor or satire that might otherwise be considered a possible threat or attack. This includes content that many people may find to be in bad taste (ex: jokes, stand-up comedy, popular song lyrics, etc.)." (What Facebook considers hate speech)

If you attempt to embarrass or shame me again, I will look into having charges for cyberbullying, hate crimes, and civil-rights violations pressed against you.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

If Some Of You All Want To Keep Judging Ms. Dorvilier....

By the way, Google it, too. "Postpartum Depression violence". Some of you all need to grow up (at best) and/or get mental-health treatment (at "worst"/most). Also, do not buy that Postpartum Depression and violence have no link. Depression, let alone Postpartum Depression, can affect violence (including murder and murder-suicide). My father's paternal grandfather (not a Postpartum-Depressive man, let alone an untreated one, as far as I know) committed suicide because of Depression alone! How much more might a Postpartum-Depressive woman commit suicide and/or murder! In addition, I suggest that you keep silent if you have no clue about mental illness. After all, "Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding." (Proverbs 17:28, for Christians and so-called Christians—especially if you are Jewish. You well know that our fathers and mothers received all of Tanakh by the Second Temple Era). For everyone else, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Let me add, too, that I know about mental illness. I already explained enough about my mother's maternal grandmother's mother, did I not? I also explained enough my father's grandfather. Well, guess what? I inherited his Depression! I also inherited my father's OCD/Anxiety and ADD (He will admit to the ADD. He has yet to admit that OCD/Anxiety and Depression; though I clearly inherited his mental illnesses, and I remember those pill bottles that I saw in his now-former apartment. Let me tell you, now I know that not all of them were Vitamin B12 pills. I also have other memories that I did not think about at the time that they were present events.).

I, thus, know what I am saying. Therefore, I can open my mouth. I forgot to mention as well, and let me add, that my mother's paternal grandfather's father ended up in Springfield State Hospital due to Alcoholism. I also ended up in Sheppard Pratt once, and that's where I was diagnosed with Depression. I can give other examples as well, and now I am really going to tell the "some of you all" to shut your mouths and not say a damned thing about me—and I know that at least one of you thought that I was the fool in this case. I did not say that I am wise, by the way; so, you word twisters can really stop now (Do not think that I am clueless, either.).

I even suspect that quite a few of the "some of you all" are sociopaths and/or otherwise lacking compassion, critical thinking skills, and discernment as well. According to Fox News (who published an Associated Press article), "Authorities believe the mother doused her baby with an accelerant then set her on fire, Bewley said. They do not have a motive. The woman was taken into custody Friday night." Yet, some of you all have the hutzpah to cite "innocent until proven guilty" even in cases in which the motive is clear.

Postpartum Psychosis, Crime, Etc.

BTW, my sister wants to clarify that her rude background laughter had nothing to do with the subjects at hand, despite that I asked that she would be quiet while I made the video to which this blog entry applies.

Anyway, here are the statistics on Postpartum Depression and Psychosis:



(Please note that Black and other Non-White, Non-Hispanic women are affected the most.).



The original story is at

Monday, November 24, 2014

Your Vote and Comments

<a href="" title="Do You Think That the No True Bill Was Justified?">Do You Think That the No True Bill Was Justified?</a>

By the way, I've been blogging more at The Times of Israel lately.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Even If Nobody Else Is Saying This...

Quite honestly, I wonder if it didn't have to do in part with the Haredi constituency in New York City that follows Yevamot 62b. Sure, this Vietnamese couple made their argument; nonetheless, was someone also trying to appease the Haredim?

"Our Rabbis taught: Concerning a man who loves his wife as himself, who honours her more than himself, who guides his sons and daughters in the right path and arranges for them to be married near the period of their puberty, Scripture says, And thou shalt know that thy tent is in peace.49  Concerning him who loves his neighbours, who befriends his relatives, marries his sister's50  daughter,"

Incidentally enough, I had no clue that it was that specific. I just knew about the reference. Anyway, don't kid yourself; the Haredim have a very-strong presence in New York City (e.g., Williamsburg, Crown Heights). By the way, the decision reads in part:

There is no comparably strong objection to uncle-niece marriages. Indeed, until 1893 marriages between uncle and niece or aunt and nephew, of the whole or half blood, were lawful in New York. And sixty years after the prohibition was enacted we affirmed, in May, a judgment recognizing as valid a marriage between a half-uncle and half-niece that was entered into in Rhode Island and permitted by Rhode Island law. It seems from the Appellate Division’s reasoning in May that the result would have been the same even if a full uncle and full niece had been involved. Thus Domestic Relations Law § 5(3) has not been viewed as expressing strong condemnation of uncle-niece and aunt-nephew relationships.

I wonder, too, if that's why some Haredim immigrated to New York. They may not have been literate in haleshonot l'goyim, though they still knew what was going on. Remember that back in Krasne nad Krasnopol, Wojciech and Marianna Krusznyska Danilowicz were smart enough to claim negligence in baptizing Katarzyna—by the way, Jews did use and even adopt shemot hagoyim; though I'm not sure if we'll ever know the real names of "Katarzyna" et. al.. "Marianna" is probably the one real name, though, since that's "Miryam Chanah".

As for their cousin Rochla (and I'm definitely not fooled in light of this, since Aleksandria listed Katarzyna as her in-law mother and nearest relative, even though they were not talking to each other after Julian and Aleksandra became Anusim), she came to New York with enough English literacy (or maybe she talked to a customs official who could speak Yiddish) to get into New York (Her aunt had to pick her up; so, who knows?).

By the way, all of Great-Granddad's families stuck together in Northumberland County, PA, too (Look it up. If you're too, quite honestly, lazy to do it, I'll give you the names and links to searches for "Czarnecki", etc.; "Danilowicz", etc.; "Andrulewicz". etc.; and "Margiewicz", etc.. Otherwise, you're on your own from there. I've proved myself enough—and I don't need that "Both sets of parents?" argument again, since Alexandria gave her parents' name as "Antoni" and "Katarzyna" as well. As far as I know, that neither is my fault nor was the fault of Great-Grandaunt Alice. I didn't even know that Great-Granddad's parents were here—let alone Crypto Jews who escaped the pogroms—until I was close to 20 years old, and she was simply writing what her mother told her to write. So, I wouldn't even be counted in an Israeli Census before then, and she was a bat chayil.

Anyway, back to my point (since I just needed to say all that in case I would get the "That's not enough evidence," "That's coincidence," etc. arguments): since Haredim are (as I must mention, in case one didn't know that Haredim are) very much a constituency in New York City (and, thus, New York State) and knew enough to immigrate to the "treif medina", could they somehow have played into "Nguyen v. Holder" (2014), even if quietly? After all, I perhaps would darned well consider that if I were a Second Circuit Court judge—especially if I wanted to get reappointed, and even someday appointed to the Supreme Court (As is known, elective politics plays even into appointive politics.).

Let's not be fooled: if (and since) Katarzyna's parents could (so to speak) pull strings to be under-the-radar Anusim, and Rochla knew enough to get into New York, the Haredim could and do know enough to (at least if they wanted) play into a gentile case that has implications for Haredi Jewish tradition.

Let me conclude one incidental observation as well: "Antoni" and "Katarzyna" seem to be to Poland as "Juan" and "Maria" are to Mexico.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Third Warning, Cockeysville...

If you try to come back again, you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Note that I am looking into prosecution options as I type.


Friday, April 18, 2014

Warning #2 To Cockeysville....

As I stated, be assured that I will take swift and sufficient legal action. As I discussed:

Md. Code Ann., Crim. Law § 10-304 (2010)—Because of another's race, color,
religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, disability, or national origin, or because
another is homeless, a person may not: (1) (i) commit a crime or attempt to
commit a crime against that person; (ii) damage the real or personal property of
that person; (iii) deface, damage, or destroy, or attempt to deface, damage, or
destroy the real or personal property of that person; or (iv) burn or attempt to
burn an object on the real or personal property of that person; or (2) commit a
violation of item (1) of this section that: (i) except as provided in item (ii) of this
item, involves a separate crime that is a felony; or (ii) results in the death of the

Therefore, I hope that you think really carefully before you read this blog again. Cyberstalking, cyberbullying, and using a person's condition against him or her is a felony. As I've stated, think twice or I will take swift and sufficient legal action. You've already tried to use my beliefs against me (as I noted re the hate acts disguised as historical education); you are now trying to use my mental condition, and you're only adding to the list of potential charges that may soon become actual charges against you.

Cockeysville, Maryland arrived from on "The Nicole Factor: OCD".
00:03:35 -- 21 minutes ago

Monday, April 14, 2014

For Cyberstalking And Cyberbullying, Lutherville Was Already Put On Notice; And....

I surely hope that I don't have to prosecute whoever is in Cockeysville and trying to do what whomever was in Lutherville tried to do. If the need arises, I will do what I warned Lutherville that I might do. The sad part is that I even know who the " Cockeysville" is, and he or she had better knock off doing what Lutherville did really quickly. As I warned Lutherville in explicit and certain terms:

 [K]now that you are committing a hate crime according to Maryland law, and I advised a friend to take legal action against an Anti-Messianic group who was breaking the law by harassing his or her group:
Md. Code Ann., Crim. Law § 10-303 (2010)—A person may not, by force or threat of  force, obstruct or attempt to obstruct another in the free exercise of that person’s
Md. Code Ann., Crim. Law § 10-304 (2010)—Because of another's race, color,
religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, disability, or national origin, or because
another is homeless, a person may not: (1) (i) commit a crime or attempt to
commit a crime against that person; (ii) damage the real or personal property of
that person; (iii) deface, damage, or destroy, or attempt to deface, damage, or
destroy the real or personal property of that person; or (iv) burn or attempt to
burn an object on the real or personal property of that person; or (2) commit a
violation of item (1) of this section that: (i) except as provided in item (ii) of this
item, involves a separate crime that is a felony; or (ii) results in the death of the
Md. Code Ann., Crim. Law § 10-307 (2010)—A hate crime sentence imposed under
this subtitle may be separate from and consecutive to or concurrent with a
sentence for any crime based on the act establishing the violation of this subtitle.
Therefore, I hope that you think twice. As I stated, don't think that you're being cute or clever by visiting this blog—and perhaps even disguising your location—in order to do evil against me. You will find yourself in legal trouble if you keep coming here in order to try to (and don't think that I don't know that you might be or are trying to), for example:
  1. Collect data to use against me—e.g., twist or otherwise misrepresent what I said.
  2. Collect data to use against people in my life, in my family, etc.
  3. Intimidate and/or silence me by knowing that your visit will be recorded on Feedjit, and thinking that I will suddenly be afraid to blog because of you.
If you don't believe me, keep looking through my blog—you will see that I have even documented right on this blog when others have tried to be cute or clever in doing evil against me.

Given who Cockeysville is, I know that that's part of what he or she is doing. To make a long story short, this particular person got especially upset when I questioned what one of his or her associates was doing in taking part in a hate act which is disguised as a legitimate form of historical education—and which quite a few of its participants well know is not at all a legitimate form of historical education, no matter how they try to justify it as such. An example of such a kind of act can be read on Civil War Memory's forum—as for the associate's specific act, I will not delve into that (I don't want to give Cockeysville anything to twist against me.).

Also, as far as I know, Lutherville at least took my warning seriously. Cockeysville had better do the same. As the Miranda Warning reads [with my emphasis here]:

"“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?”"

Lutherville, as I stated, has since left me alone; and Cockeysville had better follow Lutherville's example. After all, I also have evidence against Cockeysville; and this is the most-recent wave of it:

Cockeysville, Maryland left via from "The Nicole Factor: Wikipedia"
22:48:34 -- 39 minutes ago
22:46:13 -- 41 minutes ago
Cockeysville, Maryland left via from "The Nicole Factor"
22:38:57 -- 49 minutes ago
Cockeysville, Maryland arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
22:37:20 -- 50 minutes ago
Boston, Massachusetts arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
22:18:44 -- 1 hour 9 mins ago
21:53:41 -- 1 hour 34 mins ago
21:53:06 -- 1 hour 35 mins ago
21:52:37 -- 1 hour 35 mins ago
21:52:06 -- 1 hour 36 mins ago
Gaithersburg, Maryland arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
21:16:04 -- 2 hours 12 mins ago
Gaithersburg, Maryland arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
20:14:42 -- 3 hours 13 mins ago
Gaithersburg, Maryland arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
19:39:39 -- 3 hours 48 mins ago
17:44:40 -- 5 hours 43 mins ago
Curitiba, Parana arrived from on "The Nicole Factor".
16:31:54 -- 6 hours 56 mins ago
15:41:42 -- 7 hours 46 mins ago
Romford, Havering left via from "The Nicole Factor"
15:31:31 -- 7 hours 56 mins ago
Romford, Havering arrived from on "The Nicole Factor".
15:31:26 -- 7 hours 56 mins ago
Chicago, Illinois arrived from on "The Nicole Factor: Jewish".
14:57:53 -- 8 hours 30 mins ago
Gaithersburg, Maryland arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
13:27:05 -- 10 hours 1 min ago
Nottingham, Maryland arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
12:47:39 -- 10 hours 40 mins ago
09:19:45 -- 14 hours 8 mins ago
07:50:21 -- 15 hours 37 mins ago
Romford, Havering arrived from on "The Nicole Factor".
07:04:11 -- 16 hours 23 mins ago
05:21:49 -- 18 hours 6 mins ago
Albuquerque, New Mexico arrived from on "The Nicole Factor: Toby Keith's Mistress Identified?".
03:38:56 -- 19 hours 49 mins ago
02:47:21 -- 20 hours 40 mins ago
Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania arrived from on "The Nicole Factor: September 2013" by searching for yitzhak nates chico rabbi.
23:53:44 -- 23 hours 34 mins ago
Nottingham, Maryland arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
21:50:11 -- 1 day 1 hour ago
Romford, Havering left via from "The Nicole Factor"
21:30:27 -- 1 day 1 hour ago
Romford, Havering arrived from on "The Nicole Factor".
21:30:19 -- 1 day 1 hour ago
20:49:18 -- 1 day 2 hours ago
Gaithersburg, Maryland arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
17:08:23 -- 1 day 6 hours ago
Boston, Massachusetts arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
15:27:06 -- 1 day 8 hours ago
15:26:54 -- 1 day 8 hours ago
Gaithersburg, Maryland left via from "The Nicole Factor"
14:58:59 -- 1 day 8 hours ago
Gaithersburg, Maryland arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
14:58:38 -- 1 day 8 hours ago
14:53:46 -- 1 day 8 hours ago
Gaithersburg, Maryland left via from "The Nicole Factor"
13:48:48 -- 1 day 9 hours ago
Gaithersburg, Maryland arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
13:46:21 -- 1 day 9 hours ago
Gaithersburg, Maryland left via from "The Nicole Factor"
13:03:07 -- 1 day 10 hours ago
Gaithersburg, Maryland arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
13:02:34 -- 1 day 10 hours ago
Cockeysville, Maryland arrived on "The Nicole Factor".
12:07:37 -- 1 day 11 hours ago
09:40:31 -- 1 day 13 hours ago
08:53:06 -- 1 day 14 hours ago
Romford, Havering arrived from on "The Nicole Factor".
07:20:35 -- 1 day 16 hours ago
05:07:50 -- 1 day 18 hours ago
05:07:46 -- 1 day 18 hours ago

Let me say, also, that Cockeysville has even tried to do the same to me on other media besides my blog. By the way, follower bloggers need to take note:

Just because a person (whether he or she is a blogger or not) says or does something that someone else may not like (whether online or offline) does not give the disliker the right to commit crimes against (e.g., bully—e.g., stalk, intimidate, slander) the person whose words and/or actions (including online words and actions—e.g., a blog entry, a sharing of a meme) he or she dislikes. Even if the person would create and/or disseminate something as egregious as hate content, the disliker of the content has no right to commit crimes against the person who create and/or disseminates the content. The disliker, meanwhile, can simply choose to ignore the content or even report it as to do so is necessary.

For example, as much as I hate the Kitty Mansfield page on Facebook (and I did, to [so far] no avail, report it to Facebook), I have no right to commit any criminal acts against Kitty Mansfield and those who like her page (Meanwhile, Facebook will hopefully realize that the Kitty Mansfield page does fall under the category of "Sexually explicit content". Thankfully, Facebook has revised some of their decisions before.).

The same goes with Lutherville (who learned his or her lesson) and Cockeysville on the flip side of the coin; and if it doesn't in Cockeysville's case, Cockeysville will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.