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Showing posts with label milestones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label milestones. Show all posts

Saturday, March 25, 2017

When "Momma" Saw 12:00 AM, 3/25/17 On Her Computer....

She shouted for joy—and definitely kvelled!—and gave Reilly scritches, etc.. Cam thus let out a jealous bark!—so "Auntie Nicole" gave her scritches as well, and Cam even let "Auntie Nicole" pick her up like a human picks up a human baby with "Wee!" (After a later second try, though, of course, Cam jumped off of the couch like, "Enough".)

PS "Auntie Michelle" was understandably verklempt when she realized that Reilly is now three years old according to both the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

National Puppy Day 2017, &c.

Remember that "Momma" wanted Reilly to have a more-obedient nature by her third birthday? That is apparently not happening—after all, what better way to mark National Puppy Day is there but to eat many "nasties", bark inappropriately, and even play roughly enough with Camille to the point at which Camille yelped as puppies do when other puppies are playing too roughly with them?

As "Momma" has said, she needs somebody to be a helpmate to her and a co-human parent to Reilly (and this admittedly is partly a "hint, hint" to whomever Reilly's "Daddy" is supposed to be, especially if he is who "Momma" thinks that he is). After all, for example and as "Momma" has also said, being 5'1.75" with Cerebral Palsy far from helps her, for instance, be able to try to roll Reilly over when she inappropriately barks.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

More Of What "Momma" Wants For Reilly's Birthday & Camille's Hebrew Birthday

Besides what "Momma" already asked, and—for example—didn't quite get when Reilly ate "nasties" (as "Momma" heard from upstairs when "Auntie Michelle" and "Mom-Mom" confronted Reilly—and barked inappropriately this morning) "Momma" wants people to at least look at (if not buy) some copies of Reilly's books—re Reilly in general and as a "dogter", and re Reilly's "stella" snow day (for which "Momma" needs to finish the paperback copy). Also by the way, "Momma" was again exhausted yesterday and is having a ton of anxiety today partly because of not getting certain clear answers about a certain person (and one that Reilly'd want to meet, might "Momma" add)—especially as Reilly's getting older, and turned three yesterday at sunset (Adar 23, 5776), and "Momma"'s not far from 30 at all (and in "Momma"'s condition, 30 is old indeed).

By the way, Camille's Hebrew birthdate was Nisan 6 or Nisan 7, 5775—and "Auntie Nicole" is not sure of which, since she has no clue as to whether Camille was born before or after sunset)—so, Camille has a while before she is officially two (since the Hebrew calendar is what God created to overall all calendars, with a harsh caveat in Moses' time up until the Diaspora due to the Romans).

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Few Things That "Momma" Wants Reilly To Have For Her Birthday

Reilly will be three on March 25th by Gregorian dating (and by Hebrew dating, today at sunset, the 23rd of Adar! L'Yom Huledet Same'ach, Reilly!). As far as "Momma"'s birthday wish list for Reilly, it includes:

  1. A more-obedient nature, and an obedient nature that only enhances (not diminishes) what independence, individuality, etc. that she as a puppy can have. After all, for example, disobeying "Mom-Mom" by eating "nasties" to a point at which "Mom-Mom" had to give her another "Mom-Mom"-to-Reilly talk resulted a few hours ago.
  2. A less-jealous nature, and a less-jealous nature that only enhances her loyal and loving nature, since perhaps (for example) she'd be nicer to Camille were she less jealous!
  3. That a certain person would enter Reilly's life
  4. That "Momma" would be a better "Momma" to Reilly (which, especially as Reilly stares down "Momma" again, "Momma" knows that having a certain person in Reilly's life would help).

Monday, March 20, 2017

Countdowns To Birthdays, An Anniversary That Happened Re Writing About Reilly Two Weeks Ago, &c.

Reilly will be three years old in five days on the Gregorian calendar, and Camille will be two years old in a week. Meanwhile, "Momma" is also remembering another milestone: exactly two weeks ago, two years passed since "Momma" became a mentoree to the main person whom inspired her to write about Reilly and become an author in general; and three weeks and two years will have passed since "Auntie Nicole" became a mentoree on Camille's birthday.

Of course, Reilly has example after example of when she's spoiled, whether it's her birthday or any other given day. As for "Momma", not so much—in fact, "Momma" wonders if God loves Reilly more than He loves herapparently, for example, it's good for "Momma" to be alone while it's not good for anyone else, notwithstanding that "Momma" needs a helpmate and Reilly needs a "Daddy". Also, how will "Momma" surely know, for instance, whether the guy is a total stranger or even one of the guys among guys and gals whom inspired "Momma" to write about Reilly, no matter what "Momma" thinks in regards to who is or might be Reilly's "Daddy"?

Saturday, March 18, 2017

More Reil-ish or Rei-rish Luck

After a lucky St. Patrick's Day for Reilly, Reilly gets:

  1. An auspicious date for a week prior to her Gregorian birthday: the 18th. In Jewish tradition, "18" is "חי" or "life". She also gets a Yom Shabbat. Also, 1 + 8 + 3 with "3" for the third month = 12.
  2. Her Gregorian birthday is on the 25th, also a Yom Shabbat. 2 + 5 = 7. As for 2 + 5 + 3 = 10; and "10" is considered a number of perfection in many traditions.
PS God does use numbers as, at the least, reminders; and Reilly has both math and Shabbatot on her side this year. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Planned Book On Camille, When "Mimi" Doesn't Spend Enough Time With Camille, Etc..

With the second edition of Reilly's book out, "Momma" gave away another copy (and as she's said, she really is working on trying to become an author)—and she polled to see if people would read a book on Camille (and "Auntie Nicole" made the giveaway a "no vote, no entry" one).The results are as follows:

If Nicole Czarnecki were to write a book on Camille, would you buy or try to win it?

More likely than not16%
More unlikely than likely5%

Incidentally, "Auntie Nicole" fails to understand why anyone who wouldn't read the book on Camille would enter the giveaway but for a few reasons such as:

  1. He or she likes trying to get free books, maybe even—in this case—to resell it offline if it's a paperback book, e.g.—and yes, there really are people whom hate "Auntie Nicole" that much (notwithstanding that, e.g., Reilly is currently napping by her "Momma"—at least some sentient creature loves "Momma" on a consistent basis, compared to even many fellow human sentient creatures in her life). If he or she also tried to get the book to resell it, or—on the other hand—get it just to make fun of it and/or have his friends make fun of it, that would not surprise Reilly's "Momma"—even "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" made fun of it at first. 
  2. He or she is a big fan of Reilly and not Camille—poor Camille. 🙁
  3. He or she wants to get a free book for a friend.
Meanwhile, "Auntie Nicole" can relate in filial and non-filial ways to Camille's filial pain—even "Mimi" doesn't spend enough time with Camille (Who shouldn't own a puppy, by the way "Mom-Mom"? Even "Mom-Mom" has acknowledged that "Mimi" doesn't prioritize Camille as much as she should, and how hurtful "Mom-Mom" can be only adds to when "Momma"'s Jirish temper can be affected.). As a result of "Mimi" not prioritizing Camille as much as she should, Camille can get sleepy and feel depressed—and as recently as Sunday, this happened—and Cam wakes, perks, and lights up when "Mimi" comes into the room to actually spend time with her and, e.g., puts that darn Kindle or laptop down for once—even under guilt of being teased that, e.g., "Auntie Nicole" will become Cam's "Momma" if "Mimi" doesn't come downstairs from a long-enough nap to spend time with Cam.

In a similar way, "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma"'s loneliness and confusion re what exactly Camille's possible "uncle" and Reilly's possible "Daddy" wants continues to affect una noche oscura del alma en parte de su vida—a dark night of the soul in part of her life—as she is trying to be patient and wait on God to have Reilly's possible "Daddy" reach out to her—and patience in general is all the harder for a person with OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD to learn.

How fitting, by the way, that a converso coined that term!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: When "Momma" Is Thinking About Asking Reilly How To Get Reilly's Possible Daddy To Reach Out To Her...

That is bad, especially considering that the same puppy on whom "Momma" just had to use the spray bottle could have caused her to die yesterday. Still, there is an impasse, and he's gotta budge—or at least give some clarification one or another way—and as "Momma" has written:

"She's also been thinking about Reilly's possible "Daddy" and what he wants—and she's told Reilly that and kept asking her if she thinks that the person in question will be her "Daddy". Reilly seems to have answered in the affirmative every time, as—as "Momma" has explained—a prophetess giving a prophecy or an oracle¹²!

"As she's written before, too:

 "'For all that "Momma" knows, though, maybe loneliness will count as enough of a fast for God to send her a helpmate for her and a "Daddy" to Reilly, whether soon or down the road—and whoever the 'Daddy' for Reilly might be could be anyone from a total stranger to even one of the guys among guys and gals whom inspired 'Momma' to write about Reilly, no matter what "Momma" thinks of the chances that any given guy would or will ever be Reilly's "Daddy".'"

By the way, "Momma" just had to use the spray bottle again—if only someone could and would help "Momma" roll Reilly over!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

How Reilly Marked Her Gregorian Month Birthday—aka, Part Of Why "Momma"'d Like An Answer From Reilly's Possible "Daddy" One Or Another Way

Reilly's day on "Momma"'s Gregorian year birthday was fine enough for Reilly—cue the reverse, inverse, or whatever you want to call how bad "Momma"'s day on Reilly's Gregorian birthday was for "Momma". To be fair, Reilly promised to be a better girl tomorrow when she came downstairs and got scritches just now—nonetheless, Reilly marked her Gregorian month birthday similarly to how she marked her Hebrew month birthday. Here are some highlights:

  1. She decided to leave poor Camille inside by herself while she was going potty—and of course, Camille got a short end of one of Reilly's sticks just as she did on Reilly's Hebrew month birthday.
  2. Why Camille was left inside is as follows: when "Momma" accidentally did not hook the extendable leash through the other leash's hoop, Reilly decided to let a pupchase ensue—and that pupchase included no less than Reilly eating "nasties" (including mulch), getting into "Mom-Mom"'s garden, deliberately running away from "Momma", and not coming inside until she heard "Camille" bark at something.
  3. When Reilly seemed like she was going inside, she tried to run back out in the backyard.
Meanwhile, "Momma" isn't supposed to be frustrated? "Momma" is supposed to accept how Reilly takes advantage of her disability, even though Reilly doesn't know that that's why she can outmaneuver "Momma"? "Momma" is supposed to tolerate and endure the lectures from "Auntie Michelle" about she can do more than she thinks than she can, as if she doesn't know herself well enough?

Also, not having a helpmate for herself and "Daddy" for Reilly continues to exhaust her and Reilly—maybe that's part of Reilly stubbornly went back into "Momma"'s room, jumped up onto "Momma"'s bed, and refused to get off of the bed and downstairs until "Momma" got out of the bed.

Can't she at least get an explanation from Reilly's possible "Daddy" for her and Reilly's sakes? How long must she ask this of  Reilly's possible "Daddy" (since she knows that he wants something and can't figure out just what)—and ultimately יהוה—or she supposed to, for example, depend on "Auntie Michelle" and "Momma" for the rest of her and Reilly's lives?

By the way, it's 1:29 AM EST on January 26th as "Momma"'s finishing this blog entry, and she began writing this at the end of the 25th—and poor Reilly's waiting as patiently as usual.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A Picture Of Two Of Reilly's Fellow Ole Fielders That "Momma" Found The Other Day

"Momma" found a picture of two paternal siblings named "Lola" and "Charlie". Their father—as their owner, Ruth, stated—is Dashing Cream, whom sired Lola with Desiree and Charlie with Penny Lane.

Image may contain: people sitting, dog and indoor
The picture was originally publicly shared by Ruth on Ole Field Farm's Facebook page. Reilly's sort-of doppelganger is on left, and Camille's is on the right. 

By the way, "Momma" found the picture of Reilly's possible relatives on her own Gregorian birthday—and she's celebrating Reilly's 2.83-year Gregorian birthday—thus, finding the picture must've been a gift for "Momma" and Reilly! Also by the way, Reilly had quite an interesting day on "Momma"'s birthday and is a gift whom keeps on giving!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Forget (Well, Sort-Of Forget) "Momma"'s Day—How Was Reilly's Day?

Since "Momma" had her Gregorian birthday today and is "Auntie Michelle"'s twin, Reilly had a very-interesting day with both "Momma" turning 27 and "Auntie Michelle" taking a day off from work to celebrate her birthday. Some highlights:

  1. Since "Momma" accidentally pulled the door of Reilly's crate too high up—and, thus, out of its slider—Reilly had to wait until "Momma" got the door back into the slider, and it took quite a while (and with less strength than others and exhaustion, "Momma" couldn't get it back in as quickly as possible. Also, she couldn't get the help from "Auntie Michelle" that she would've liked to get—even after she woke up, was asked to help, and could've reconsidered her "Later" excuse.).
  2. Reilly and Camille did get to go upstairs and wake up "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi"—and part of Camille's wake-up call to "Mimi" was her usual "Good morning; let me in!" scratching on the door!
  3. At least "Auntie Michelle" took Reilly "potty" when "Momma" needed her to substitute to her—though "Auntie Michelle" rushed "Momma" to take Reilly "potty" after Reilly ran the bell in the first place, which gave "Momma" no time to quickly finish her coffee or put on a coat—and "Momma" needed "Auntie Michelle" to substitute after she got cold and got Reilly's extendable leash stuck around her cart.
  4. Reilly, meanwhile, had to deal with "Auntie Michelle" rolling her over when she barked—and Camille had to deal with "Mimi" rolling her over as well! 
  5. Since "Auntie Michelle" was home, "Mom-Mom" was able to take Reilly and Camille for a longer winter-day walk after she came home from work earlier (since she'd normally pick up "Auntie Michelle", whom is still working on learning to drive, from work and thus come home closer to when it's dark).

  1. Reilly and "Momma" thank everyone for the birthday wishes for "Momma", and Reilly and "Momma" send their love to Reilly's family, friends, and fans!
  2. Speaking of love, "Momma" and Reilly would've loved to get one birthday wish from someone whom'd they've hoped (or at least "Momma"'s hoped) would say something by now—and "Momma" definitely would read the birthday wish to Reilly if she got one—besides, Reilly recently celebrated her month birthday for Tevet.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

"Momma"'s Not Exactly A Gift To Her Two-Year-10-Month-Old Birthday Girl...

She tolerates "Momma" and probably has to "Keep Calm And Pray On" to tolerate her. By the way, Reilly gets every month birthday marked in some way—even with just a sentiment such, "It's your [e.g., 2-year-and-10th]-month birthday! Happy Birthday, Reilly!" 

Maybe she'll be able to mark this birthday with a special gift

PS Getting chased by a jealous Camille who just pawed Reilly up to five times after she bit her cheek in a dominance display does not help the poor birthday girl (or "birthday pup?).

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

In Order To Mark Three Days Until Her Hebrew ~2.83rd-Year Birthday...

Reilly, the birthday girl, decided to throw up in her "blankie" and a little on the backdoor mat after she had eaten "nasties" and barked for quite a bit of the previous Hebrew day—and as when "Momma" got into trouble for the recent toilet-paper incident, she got into trouble for "not watching her closely" and had to explain that she told Reilly "No nasties" and even thanked her when she drop a "nasty" (a leaf). If Reilly's foreshadowing what "Momma's" 27th year is going to be like for "Momma"...welcome to Hell, "Momma"—as if "Momma"'s life isn't Hell enough or affecting her to be a bad "Momma" to Reilly.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

"Momma" & Reilly Kind Of Share Birthdays Next Week & In the Spring, Because...

"Momma" is turning 27 human years old on the 23rd, and Reilly is turning 2.83 human years old on the 25th. On the Hebrew calendar, since the New Moon occured on December 30th, January 23rd is Tevet 25th (when "Momma" was born in 5749—or, by Rabbinical reckoning, 5750)—and (Biblically speaking,) Reilly will have already turned 2.83 human years old on January 21st, or Tevet 23rd (since March 25, 2014 was Second Adar 22-23, 5773).

In other words:

  1. "Momma" was born on a 23rd and 25th.
  2. Reilly was born on a 25th and a 23rd (unless she was born before sunset on the 25th of March)
  3. The 24-year-and-two-month Hebrew birthday of "Momma" occurred on Reilly's Gregorian birthdate, both of which were the 25th day of the month on their respective calendars.
  4. 23 January 2017: 25 Tevet 5776 = 25 March 2014: 23 Second Adar 5773—here, the day numbers reverse for the Gregorian and Hebrew months (and to figure out how to phrase that took "Momma" quite a while, by the way).
  5. What Adar 23 will be this year is to be determined, and Reilly will have to celebrate her third Hebrew birthday on Adar 23 if a Second Adar 5776 does not occur—and whether that coincides with March 25, 2017 (or even March 23, 2017) is to be determined.
Incidentally, "Momma" has a very-specific gift request to יהוה for herself and Reilly on one of their birthdays—and perhaps on the intersection of "Momma"'s two birthdays (which happens 27 years later after sunset, whereas it happened before sunset 27 years ago.). 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Reflections On The 27 Club: Because I'm Turning 27 On the 23rd, And Fellow 1990 Babies Will Be 27

The 27 Club: if you live past 27, The 27 Club is good. If you don't live past 27, especially if you're famous...welcome to the 27 Clubat least you're in the company of Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison, among others.

Of course, you don't want to be experienced with the Lord buying you a Mercedes Benz when the heavens stop the rain—if your hearse ends up being a Mercedes Benz and the rains stop, you've experienced the flip side of "Blessed are the deceased on whom the rain falls."

With that said, let's see where my life goes in 13 days...

Unlucky number 13...

Oh boy....

At least my hearse won't be a Mercedes BenzI'm Jewish and I care about what happens after I'm deadeven though I can't come back to haunt anybody if my experience does end up being that my hearse is a Mercedes Benz. At least if the rain falls on me, whoever would buy me a Mercedes Benz will be experienced with what it's like to be going home soaking wet, having to change clothes unless he or she catches a cold, and perhaps also having to leave this earthly realm—man plans; God laughs, and Mercedes Benzes are as good as the spoils that Achan ben Carmi took.

Update: If God is delivering us from Trumpand worse than Trump—in time to give many to-be-27-year-old people a birthday gift, the case seems to be that Ribbentrop just got Molotoved! Man plans; God laughs, and Trump might as well turn himself in to the FBI while he can do so—and hand over his Mercedes Benzes for at least bail money, since he's going to need a lot of it!

Somewhat Offbeat: "Momma"'s Crying Over "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" & Current Heartbreak

Whenever "Auntie Michelle" would sing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" as a lullaby to Reilly during her first year home, "Momma" would break down crying (and is getting tears in her eyes now as she types this). "Momma" reminded "Auntie Michelle" of this when "Auntie Michelle" cried over seeing photos of others' beloved pets of blessed memory on a Facebook page, and this was after "Momma" asked her if she was crying because she was thinking about that God-forbid day down the road ⃰ .

(May Reilly and Camille each either be Raptured alive with her human mother or live until her human mother is at least 60 and be Raptured with her at the Resurrection of the Dead and the Calling Up of the Living!).

In a similar way with a different kind of love, "Momma" has been spiraling down for over a year and once again failing Reilly. As she explained:

"[A] year ago on January 6th was when she lost touch with one of the people whom inspired her to write about Reilly, and that loss has been hurting like Hell ever since then—and it's also affected mental-illness flareups that have her to be a quite-often-relatively-bad "Momma" to Reilly, which is paradoxically contrary to what "Momma" thinks that the person whom inspired her to write about Reilly would want."

She certainly isn't helping Reilly (Poor gal!), though she's trying her best—and even her OCD flared up today as she frantically looked for and tried to keep Reilly and Camille away from every piece of glass that fell into the backyard from an already-broken-glass pile on the porch enclosure—of course, she's been staying up late again thinking about him or her and the huge loss that losing touch with him or her has been.

She's also been thinking about Reilly's possible "Daddy" and what he wants—and she's told Reilly that and kept asking her if she thinks that the person in question will be her "Daddy". Reilly seems to have answered in the affirmative every time, as—as "Momma" has explained—a prophetess giving a prophecy or an oracle¹²!

As she's written before, too:

 "For all that 'Momma' knows, though, maybe loneliness will count as enough of a fast for God to send her a helpmate for her and a 'Daddy' to Reilly, whether soon or down the road—and whoever the 'Daddy' for Reilly might be could be anyone from a total stranger to even one of the guys among guys and gals whom inspired 'Momma' to write about Reilly, no matter what 'Momma' thinks of the chances that any given guy would or will ever be Reilly's 'Daddy'."

This person could also be the same one whom told her what the real story about Reilly's "Great-Grandaunt" Kas might be, and that "Great-Mom-Mom" confirmed could be the story for all that she knows.

Whatever the case is, "Momma" suspects that Reilly's possible "Daddy" knows whether or not he's also at least one of the other people described—now can "Momma" please know for her and Reilly's sakes, and can יהוה please move Reilly's possible "Daddy" to at least tell "Momma"?

"A merry heart is a good medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones", and "The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a broken spirit who can bear?" Doesn't יהוה see that "Momma" can't be strong enough for Reilly if she can't be strong enough for herself, and that she won't be strong enough until she gets the answer that she needs from Reilly's possible "Daddy" himself? 

Besides, "Momma" may—for example—miss a broken piece of glass one day, and that broken piece of glass could be fatal to Reilly if she can't find it and has no help in finding it, 

⃰ In case you don't get it, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" when "Auntie Michelle" sings it to Reilly makes "Momma" think of the "Rainbow Bridge"

¹ In the JPS 1917 translation of Tanakh, "oracle" is translated as "parable", "word", "burden", etc..

² "Momma" asks Reilly that in a, if you will, casting-lots or an asking-of-God's-word way.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

A Painful Milestone For Reilly To Mark: A Second UTI Infection

As if Reilly doesn't suffer enough because of "Momma", she now suffers a painful milestone which was probably exacerbated by "Momma": her second UTI! 🙁 Not that Reilly's lack of drinking as much water as she should, penchant for eating "nasties", and not "peedying" when "Momma" takes her outside helps Reilly—and not that "Mom-Mom" entirely blaming "Momma" helps, either!

To be fair, "Momma" did suspect that Reilly has a UTI when she had to go "peedy" another time within not too long of a time after she "peedied" on the hallway carpet—and she did actually "peedy" that time, and she doesn't normally "peedy" outside when "Momma" takes her! However, "Momma" forgot about her suspicion until "Mom-Mom" told "Momma" that she saw—if one will—red stuff in Reilly's liquid output.

Once again, "Momma" doesn't have the luxury of being able to just get off and on the back porch like others have—and Reilly fails to work with "Momma" in the way that Camille works with "Auntie Nicole"  when she has to stands on the porch and hold the leash—at least in that area, Camille gets it and works to find a spot within the radius in which "Auntie Nicole" has Camille stay.

Meanwhile, Reilly is on antibiotics and—according to "Auntie Michelle"—"did willingly comply" once "Mom-Mom" insisted on having Reilly come into the kitchen to eat her "nums nums"—and "Momma" heard as "Mom-Mom" told Reilly to come, and knows that Reilly caught on to what "Mom-Mom" did by putting her medicine in her "num nums".

PS One of the people whom inspired "Momma" to write about Reilly* once told "Momma" that Reilly's "Great-Grandaunt" Kas had Cerebral Palsy, and—given that "Momma" has Cerebral Palsy and can't always be the best "Momma" to Reilly—"Momma" actually hopes that that's true and that Kas' Polio is just another product of Nana Allen's pechant for telling Reilly's "Great-Granddady" and "Great-Granduncle" Steve bubbe meises (though she told the older kids the truth) about certain things—she'd have one more family member to whom to relate and be a better "Momma" to Reilly because she'd feel a little better.

Now, if only "Momma" had Reilly's "Daddy" in her life to help her be a good "Momma"!

*"Momma" hopes that, that person will either confirm or deny that Nana Allen was telling a bubbe meise.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: On A Few Milestones, Including Reilly's Third New Year's Day & A Painful Anniversary

"Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" just realized that January 2017 marks happenings such as:

  1. Reilly's third New Year's Day and Camille's second New Year's Day
  2. The tenth month of Reilly's third year and Camille's second year—Reilly and Camille will be, respectively, three human years old on March 25th and two human years old on March 27th!—can you believe it?! Time passes, doesn't it?
  3. A painful anniversary for "Momma" that explains a significant part of why she has failed Reilly many times over the past year.
Those who know the specifics know them. To those whom don't know the specifics, "Momma" will say this much: a year ago on January 6th was when she lost touch with one of the people whom inspired her to write about Reilly, and that loss has been hurting like Hell ever since then—and it's also affected mental-illness flareups that have her to be a quite-often-relatively-bad "Momma" to Reilly, which is paradoxically contrary to what "Momma" thinks that the person whom inspired her to write about Reilly would want.

As patient Reilly waits for "Momma" once again, "Momma" thinks about how she'll at least try to be a better "Momma" to Reilly as she waits to see if that person will ever be in touch with her again—and at least give Reilly a gift for Molad HaKatan and Shabbat, not to mention Molad HaKatan b'Shabbat. 

By the way, this is Reilly's first Molad HaKatan b'Shabbat—and Reilly therefore has another milestone in January 2017!

Meanwhile, "night nights" and Happy Little Christmas on Shabbat from Reilly and "Momma". 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

You Don't Know If You Have The Next Moment, Let Alone Tomorrow—So...

As much as Kirk Douglas' turning 100 looks like it's going to happen, one can't assume that it will—please stop making a big deal of it unless and until he does. For all that you know, he could die tonight or within the early hours of tomorrow.

Besides, consider Lana Wood, any survivors of Jean Spangler and her baby (whom happens to be a cousin of mine), and even layperson sides of the Danilovich family (the **** that one can't make up—many of us are unhappy with how Kirk Douglas wreaked more Danilovich havoc on other people. As I say—and with a hypocritical lack of better wording than "crazy"—Daniloviches either are crazy, attract crazy, or both are and attract crazy—although some of us end up relatively unscathed by the craziness and end up not scathing others).

Do you think that they and those like me really like watching as Kirk Douglas gets away with hurting others as he may live to be 100, and that three of his victims took what he did to them to the grave—and that he directly took two to the grave? The Kirk Douglas behind the fame and wealth of Kirk Douglas is one whom has used fame and wealth to hurt others (not that other stereotypical Daniloviches don't use what they have to hurt others, anyway).

Besides, these quotes (and ones which—trust me—capture that something that's in the Danilovich water) should disturb you (and I don't know who started the **** in the shtetl where we got the Danilovich name, though some common ancestor in Dunilavičy did start it. By the way, the qoutes aren't always in their original order.):

Virtue is not photogenic. What is it to be a nice guy? To be nothing, that's what. A big fat zero with a smile for everybody.
I've made a career of playing sons of bitches.
Making movies is a form of narcissism. 
I've always believed virtue is not photogenic, and I think I've always been attracted to a part, uh, I'd rather play the *evil* character, most of the time, than the nice fella. And I think it really *bothered* my mother, because she would tell people, "You know, my son's not like that, he's really a nice boy!"
I can't tell you how many times someone has said, "I've heard you're such an S.O.B.I'll say, 'Who said that?' Ninety percent of the time, it;s [sic.] someone with whom I've never worked. [Note: 10% of the time, it's someone with whom he has.] 
 When you become a star, you don't change. Everyone else does.
[2011, on Anne Hathaway] She's gorgeous! Wow! Where were you when I was making pictures?  [Note: IMDB brackets original. Really nice to know that he thinks that when he has a wife!]
[Per IMDB's biography on him]: Hedda Hopper told him after he became a star with Champion (1949), "Now that you're a big hit, you've become a real S.O.B." Douglas replied," You're wrong. I was always an S.O.B. You just never noticed before.". 

By the way, I'll give my father—whom resembles his paternal grandfather's cousin—this: he has, as far as I know, never raped or murdered anyone.

Before you even assume, then, that Kirk Douglas will make 100, think about who'll cringingly watch as he's done nothing but hurt others in the end—and as a descendant of "Katarzyna" Daniłowiczówna Czerniecka and Abram "Wojciech" Daniłowicz, I implore you to think about especially what Natalie Wood, Jean Spangler, and my cousin by Jean Spangler suffered—and I ask you to think about what Lana Wood suffers because one of my Danilovich relatives once again wreaked havoc on the world, and others whom suffer as we leave them in our wake because of Daniloviches like Kirk Douglas.

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Natalie Wood in 1960.