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Saturday, March 23, 2013

This Is My Night, Or...

At least it's an example of one of my nights--at least one of my Shabbatot (viz., tonight).

  1. Observing Shabbat (if I'm lucky or blessed)
  2. Watching "Fridays With Geraldo" on "The O'Reilly Factor" (and any other part of "The O'Reilly Factor" if I feel like it)
  3. Eating dinner
  4. Getting a shower
  5. Playing on the computer (e.g., watching YouTube clips, being on Twitter, talking with friends on Facebook)
  6. Getting to bed late again, knowing damned well that I should be in bed because I have a counseling appointment in the morning.
This is partly why (and as much as I love talking to my friends on Facebook, this is party why) I need a big break or miracle in life--mundane, monotonous, lonely nights won't always cut it.

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