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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

And He Or She Is Only Self Harming....

Unpublished again. Why? Because lie after lie is contained in here:

"Nicole, my intention is not to hurt your feelings, nor am I a bully. I am trying to hopefully help you see what others see of you. Unfortunately most people follow you because your videos are like a car accident; no one wants to look but you can't turn away. Not the way to become "famous". When you cannot think of an intelligent response you resort to name calling and lying. Not very mature or God like. Again, you have lied by omission by publicly sharing only your part of our conversation and omitting my comments. Who's the controlling bully now, Nicole?! Soooo I suppose this comment will not make it either. "

I have had quite a few people follow me because they've felt that I have had something to contribute. I don't know who this shame to Perry Hall, Maryland is; but I hope that someone else stops him or her from trying to hurt me and hurting others really soon--before he or she ultimately further hurts only him or her self.

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