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Monday, October 23, 2017

More On Wanting To Explain Things To Reilly—Whom, By the Way, Would Be A Ravens Fan For Halloween, But...

That might be too scary until the Ravens shape up, and Reilly and Camille live in a house where any Halloween costumes are either of the following:

  1. Cute and/or celebratory—e.g., such as dressing up as a fan of a football team, like one relative of Reilly's and Camille's happens to be doing this year (though of course his or her human family will dress him or her up, and "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" won't say what team to protect everybody's privacy).
  2. Not over-the-line or too-scary-of-which-to-make-light-of-even-on-Halloween scary. "Momma" even thought about dressing up Reilly as a ghost until the idea that Reilly would have to be dressed up in white got in the way (and "Momma" will not use certain colors, even for cards with Reilly in them, in this era if she doesn't have to do so, especially she does not want things taken out of context. Besides, another color would be confusing—unless Camille would be Ms. Pacman [and there's a morbid one—i.e., with a puppy dressed as a character that would eat the character as which the other puppy is dressed]).
By the way, that's part of what "Momma" wishes that she could explain to Reilly in terms beyond terms that one would use when he or she would talk to puppies, whom are intellectually equivalent to human toddlers. In other words, "Momma" wishes that she could go beyond using terms such as "very mean" and "not nice" when she refers to racists and other bigots when she's talking to Reilly, and she wishes that she Reilly could understand terms such as "racist" without her having to elaborate in puppy terms on what "racist" means—i.e., without having to say something like, "'Racist' means somebody who hates somebody else because of his or her skin color or ethnicity [and then having to elaborate in puppy terms on what 'ethnicity' means, since puppies don't have memories like humans do and won't remember what 'ethnicity' means unless they are told about it repeatedly overtime]."

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