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Monday, October 2, 2017

A Historical Comparison By A Bat Anusim, And "Can Congress Actually Impeach A 'President'?"

No, and the continuing problem is that people are calling D*****d Tr**p "President". As a fourth-generation pogrom survivor, I can tell you that talk—e.g., about Congress removing Tr**p from officewithout action is—as the saying goes—empty words, or even words that are full of either irony, paradoxy, smooth-tongued malice, survivalism, or mystery and/or secrecy. My paternal family's words in regard to our heritage, for example, were and are full of mostly survivalism and secrecy, due to the ironic and maliciously-smooth words of the self-proclaimed Judeo-Christian United States. 

They were full of survivalism and secrecy when my paternal grandfather's paternal family became Anusim and fled Lipsk for a United States that at best ended up doing relatively bupkis for especially other Jews in Russia (both in the Imperial Era and the Soviet Era, the former of which Great-Granddad Czarnecki and his parents fled). Along with Great-Granddad Czarnecki's family were other families (including other sides of my father's families), both of Anusim and of Non Anusim, whom fled Russia—not to mention Jewish families (including other families of my father) Austria Hungary and Imperial Germany, and not to mention Jewish families (including family members of my father) whom fled Post-Austrohungarian and Post-Kaiserreich states and localities—and for these Jews, the United States also did bupkis.

Where, for instance, was the United States during the pogroms and the Holocaust but for getting involved in wars and other matters only when they affected the United States directly? In one case—and probably one of the most infamous (if not the most infamous of the most infamous) ones—a president allowed Nazis into the United States, got involved in War World Two only Pearl Harbor was hit, and spurned a delegation of rabbis, even at the cost of Jewish-American civilians whom were somehow in Europe during the Holocaust in Germany. As for the Holocaust in Russia, especially after the Holodomor and Stalin's intent to implement his"Final Solution" plan, the United States also deliberately failed to get involved in that! (By the way, don't be fooled: Stalin darned well knew that Ukraine had long had a significant Jewish population, and the Russian Army surely wasn't quick to stop the Babi Yar Massacre!)

This time, especially those of us whom are descendants and/or otherwise relatives of direct pogrom and Holocaust survivors are as affected by an aspiring Neo ****** and Neo Stalin as our ancestors and/or relatives were affected in Imperial, Nazi, and Communist (including Soviet) Europe—direct pogrom and Holocaust survivors are being affected all over again. The most-significant factor in all of this is that anyone is calling D****d Tr**p the "President of the United States", and an illegitimately-elected "President" is not a "President". Meanwhile, are especially direct and indirect pogrom and Holocaust survivors not to be at least a little scared of a man whom, for example:

  1. Targeted especially Jews from the beginning? After all and for starters, according to him, "the only kind of people [whom he wanted] counting [his] money are little, short guys that wear yarmulkes every day," yet "[we weren't] going to support [him] because [he didn't] want [our] money".
  2. Has used Anti-Semitic and otherwise-bigoted revisionists like Julian Assange (a known bigot) and Vladimir Putin (a goes-without-saying bigot) to get him illegitimately elected and continue to be in the White House? Julian Assange even went as far as to deliberately decontextualize emails about pool parties and other subjects to make the bad-enough-as-is Hillary Clinton look worse than she is—and to decontextualize emails like that might be hilariously pathetic if it didn't affect a base whom was looking for an "anyone but Hillary" excuse. Putin, meanwhile, helped Tr**p with the hacking of voting machines and continues to help him try to obstruct the Russiagate investigation?
  3. Also targeted other groups from the beginning, and used proxies besides Assange and Putin—even ones whom volunteered to be proxies after the fact? Ask, for instance, a certain proxy from ReddIt
  4. Either does nothing when a person receives threat from Tr**pites (and I've received at least three) or even blames the victim of death threats (whether he directly makes those threats or blames someone whom received a threat from at least one Tr**pite? By the way, I'm—so to speak—small potatoes, at least for the most part. Reporters for media such as Politico, "GQ", and "The Atlantic" are not. Incidentally, regardless of whether someone's Jewish or gentile, that's akin to when the Nazis and Soviets were targeting those whom they assumed to be Jewish, isn't it?)?
Then the least that others (including and especially Jews who call D****d Tr**p "President") can do is stop calling D****d Tr**p "President", and Congress will finally remove an illegitimately-elected "President" from an office that he isn't supposed to have.

PS I stated "Communist (including Soviet) Europe" because I had forgotten that Yugoslavia under Iosip Tito was independent of Soviet Russia. Post-Austrohungarian states such as Czechoslovakia (1968-1991) and Hungary (1956-1991, after the failed resistance against the Soviets), and localities in Poland (July 5, 1945-December 25, 1991—at Augustów—or thereabouts—if July 5, 1945 did not seal Poland's fate) were not.

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