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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Whoopi Goldberg & Joy Behar Didn't Embarrass Sarah Huckabee Sanders

For "Salon" to even have that as their headline is embarrassing, as Sarah Huckabee Sanders has embarrassed herself—or at least should be embarrassed because of her behavior, including defending Tr**p and her father. Also, Sarah Huckabee Sanders doesn't "have to go out and defend those lies every day", as she willingly took the job as Tr**p's press secretary and decided that "Like father, like daughter" is okay in her case.

Both "Salon" and Joy Behar ought to be ashamed for even defending Sarah Huckabee Sanders, especially right after Joy Behar called her out for her behavior—and for Joy Behar to turn around and act like Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a victim, and "Salon"'s (not to mention others') promoting of Joy Behar's lie that Sarah Huckabee Sanders ""[has] to go out and defend those [Tr**p's and her father's pro-Tr**p] lies every day" is embarrassing—and "Salon" and Joy Behar are embarrassing themselves by defending Sarah Huckabee Sanders and, effectively, Tr**p and Mike Huckabee. 

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