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Thursday, September 21, 2017

L'Erev Teru'ah Tovah!

Hopefully, Yom Teru'ah 5777 will be a better Yom Teru'ah than Yom Teru'ah 5776 was—at least for "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole"! As for Reilly and Camille, they started off their Yom Teru'ah celebrations with peanut butter for (relatively) cooperating in taking pictures—so, Reilly's and Camille's 'Erev Teru'ah 5777 has been a Mo'ed Teru'ah l'teru'ot simchot—and Reilly got an extra treat because she patiently waited for "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" to get Camille into the picture and move in order for Camille to look directly at "Auntie Nicole" instead of be distracted by "Mimi"!

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