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Monday, September 4, 2017

Anesthesia? One Had Better Believe That....

Despite that Reilly's and Camille's previous teeth-cleaning surgery went well, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" is scared for Reilly and Camille (as is "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi"). Besides:

  1. Reilly and Camille are going to be dropped off at the vet at 7:00-7:30 in the morning.
  2. They will not have had treats since 7:30 tonight or their morning "num nums" at 7:00.
  3. They already don't understand why they can't have treats for "good peedies".
  4. Despite that Reilly is getting localized anesthesia and even did well with generalized anesthesia when she was spayed, Reilly is a 14.5-pound adult puppy whom could be easily adversely affected by anesthesia—and "Momma" as a 5'0"-5'1" human whom weighs about 124 pounds had an awful experience with anesthesia when she had an ITB Pump put into her (though it was mostly caffeine withdrawal that affected her to not hold even water down by the fourth day of recovery—although having to have the oxygen tubes put back in once after she woke up from the anesthesia was enough of a sign that the anesthesia affected her somewhat and made the caffeine withdrawal worse).
Scared-for-Reilly "Momma"? Scared-for-Camille "Auntie Nicole"? You bet, and both "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" and "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" ask people to pray on Reilly's and Camille's behalves.        

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