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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

In Order To Mark Three Days Until Her Hebrew ~2.83rd-Year Birthday...

Reilly, the birthday girl, decided to throw up in her "blankie" and a little on the backdoor mat after she had eaten "nasties" and barked for quite a bit of the previous Hebrew day—and as when "Momma" got into trouble for the recent toilet-paper incident, she got into trouble for "not watching her closely" and had to explain that she told Reilly "No nasties" and even thanked her when she drop a "nasty" (a leaf). If Reilly's foreshadowing what "Momma's" 27th year is going to be like for "Momma"...welcome to Hell, "Momma"—as if "Momma"'s life isn't Hell enough or affecting her to be a bad "Momma" to Reilly.

Ba(rke)d(-Up) Start To the Day

As Reilly's 2.83-year birthday is coming upReilly started off the morning by barking like a klipeh as she's been prone to do since ~1.83 years ago. From what "Mom-Mom" recalls, she picked up the habit from four much-older adult puppies in the neighborhood—and someone else has picked up on it since—and Camille, in fact, picked up the barking habit in turn so much so that she was even facing the door to the backyard and barking because of some neighbors whom she saw walking!

"Auntie Nicole" would have a hard time rolling over Camille, and she certainly had a hard time trying to roll over Camille's cousin ⃰  earlier—and the only reason that she could even try to roll over Reilly is because she was sitting up on her bed and Reilly was on the bed with her, and Reilly was facing the bedside window. Reilly put up a fight complete with flailing and thrashing around—and "Momma" couldn't roll over Reilly.

⃰  They're actually twice-removed cousins—as Apple, Reilly's mother, is a grandaunt of Tootsie, Camille's mother.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

"Momma" & Reilly Kind Of Share Birthdays Next Week & In the Spring, Because...

"Momma" is turning 27 human years old on the 23rd, and Reilly is turning 2.83 human years old on the 25th. On the Hebrew calendar, since the New Moon occured on December 30th, January 23rd is Tevet 25th (when "Momma" was born in 5749—or, by Rabbinical reckoning, 5750)—and (Biblically speaking,) Reilly will have already turned 2.83 human years old on January 21st, or Tevet 23rd (since March 25, 2014 was Second Adar 22-23, 5773).

In other words:

  1. "Momma" was born on a 23rd and 25th.
  2. Reilly was born on a 25th and a 23rd (unless she was born before sunset on the 25th of March)
  3. The 24-year-and-two-month Hebrew birthday of "Momma" occurred on Reilly's Gregorian birthdate, both of which were the 25th day of the month on their respective calendars.
  4. 23 January 2017: 25 Tevet 5776 = 25 March 2014: 23 Second Adar 5773—here, the day numbers reverse for the Gregorian and Hebrew months (and to figure out how to phrase that took "Momma" quite a while, by the way).
  5. What Adar 23 will be this year is to be determined, and Reilly will have to celebrate her third Hebrew birthday on Adar 23 if a Second Adar 5776 does not occur—and whether that coincides with March 25, 2017 (or even March 23, 2017) is to be determined.
Incidentally, "Momma" has a very-specific gift request to יהוה for herself and Reilly on one of their birthdays—and perhaps on the intersection of "Momma"'s two birthdays (which happens 27 years later after sunset, whereas it happened before sunset 27 years ago.). 

Monday, January 16, 2017

Why I As a Conservative Stand With Avaaz & Other Leftist Or Left-Leaning Organizations In Certain Cases Against RINO Trump

Donald "Insurance For Everybody" Trump is proving to be just as bad as Barack "You can keep your doctor if you like him" Obama to any reasonable mind—yeah; who's really going to repeal Obamacare now? Who's also going to help the least among us—Dr. "Get people off of it" Ben Carson? Not everyone has the (apparently-)good (mis)fortune of not suffering disabilities (such as in the case of those like Dr. Carson, whom might actually need to suffer disabilities for at least a while to see what it's like).

On the other hand, if Donald Trump and Dr. "[I]f the people had not been disarmed" Carson get their way, I (and others) could always die in another T4—and, in their minds, why not, since we'd be decreasing the load on their entitlement system? Besides, especially to Dr. "[I]f the people had not been disarmed" Carson, I as a Jew am expendable—since, after all, Jews were apparently responsible for the Holocaust because we weren't legally allowed to defend ourselves—I suppose, too, that there's "legitimate" Anti Semitism just as there's "legitimate rape", since "you can't rape your spouse", correct? Not that I could defend myself, anyway—and I'd be an easy target for rapists and rape enablers such as Michael Cohen and Dr. Carson—and get real if you don't think that people like me would not be blamed if Donald Trump et. al. get their way.

As for me, I stand with organizations like Avaaz and even Ultraviolet when I need to stand with them—after all:

If Trump gets his way, he's coming for the Jews—
And if I don't speak up for myself, who will speak up for me?
Then he'll come for people with disabilities—
And if I speak up for only myself, who will speak up for others?
Then he'll come for even quite a few women whom support him—
And if women like me who don't support him don't speak up now, when will we be able to speak up?
After all, this isn't just about if he'd come for me and I'd have nobody left to speak up for me.

Ben Carson's Attitude Is A Symptom and Reflection Of Society's Ableism

If only the case were as simplistic as Ben Carson likes to make it seem. Too many self-proclaimed conservatives don't help their communities, and then they complain about those of us "that make excuses"—as one person named "Gillespie" accused people like me of being.

Speaking of Gillespies, I had neighbors whom are Gillespies and have at least two friends whom are Gillespies; and the Gillespie in question is a shame to my neighbors' and friends' family name. I say this, by the way, with shandas to my own family namesIrish ones, including Reilly, being among them and Jewish ones, including Czarnecki, being among them. 

The Czarneckis whom were—and some of whom still are—shandas to the shem hamispacha either lied or did not say the truth about how my cousin Jamie came to have a low IQ—only later did I find out that he was not born that way. As for my mom's family, her grandmother Alice Reilly Allen may well have lied about her aunt Kas' disability—incidentally, one of my Gillespie friends brought this to light when he told me that she had Cerebral Palsy like I do, not Polio—and my maternal grandmother confirmed that Nana Allen may well have lied.. 

The point, then, is that Ben Carson's attitude is one more case in point that ableism continues to be rampantevenand perhaps especiallyin families whom have members whom have disabilitiesincluding even themselves: case in point, my dad never admitted to having OCD/Anxiety or Depression (and I found out only after I was diagnosed with OCD/Anxiety and Depression, and looked back on why all those pill bottles were in his apartment—and they weren't B12 ones, as I should've known), and he still justifies lying about his paternal grandfather's suicide (about which I should've known before I ended up in Sheppard Pratt after I threatened to take Great-Granddad's path).

PS I went to college and graduated with a B.A. in Political Science. I am registered with an employment agency. I am on LinkedIn, etc.—as I said, if only the case were as simplistic as Ben Carson and others like to make it seem. 
Meanwhile how (un)fortunate that he doesn't suffer a disabilityand maybe if he did suffer one, he'd at least know something about being the least among humankind and compassion. That's one of the few reasons that I'm glad that I have Cerebral Palsy and mental illnesses—that is, being of the least among humankind, "those that make excuses", etc., I know what compassion is and what it isn't.

Highlights Of MLK Eve, Courtesy Of Two Maltipoos

  1. To clean Reilly's teeth and have Reilly and Camille do a few tricks, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" employed treats. "Paw" for Camille meant "paw Camille on the head" for Reilly, and "other paw" meant "try to reach the treat with my paw"—this despite that Reilly already had her treat!
  2. When "Auntie Michelle" was sick and lying in bed, this did not stop sickbed-visiting Reilly from "Auntie Michelle"'s sheets a few times—she could smell Camille's scent on them—and it certainly did not stop Reilly from trying to dominate Camille—even though, at that point, "Auntie Michelle" was laying on the couch and they were laying on her stomach! 
  3. When "Mom-Mom" sent down Reilly and Camille for sick and couch-bound "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi", Camille made her presence known by doing an audible puppy shake. Both Reilly and Camille enthusiastically greeted "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" as well.
Reilly and Camille were also certainly empaths in regards to "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi"—thus why they were on the couch with her, as they wanted to be with their sick family member. Meanwhile, Reilly is certainly being an empath—although certainly and understandably not a sympath—as she waits for "Momma" (whom's, incidentally, waiting for an in-life-overall highlight for both herself and Reilly) as she wraps up for the day (and thinks about that highlight, especially since she and Reilly may need that highlight especially soon).

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Who Advised Andrea Bocelli To Take Donald Trump's Offer In the First Place?

Were I one of Andrea Bocelli's managers or PR agents, I've written a memo of dissuasion such as:

"Absolutely not. You're Italian, Roman Catholic, and blind. Do you really think that Donald Trump—a known admirer of Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, and their contemporary counterparts such as Saddam Hussein and Putin—would be good to you? He doesn't like any Olive—let alone Latin—people, Christians—let alone KKK-despised Catholics, or people with disabilities.

"You do realize, by the way, that Italians and Hispanics are not the only Olive people whom he hates, right? If you didn't, know that he also hates—for example—Jews, such as Jesus—for starters, ask Julia Ioffe and other Diasporan Jews, and certainly ask Jews under Ultra-Orthodox oppression—then you'll understand why he supports the Netanyahu and the Ultra Orthodox.

"As for Christians, he can't love Christians (let alone be a Christian) since he hates Jews—and I can't help you if you need that one explained to you—and since he helped his KKK-affiliated father discriminate against Blacks, he couldn't love Christians or be a Christian even if he didn't hate Jews.

"As for people with disabilities, ask Sergei Kovaleski and Marlee Matlin—the latter of whom is also Jewish, which is another obvious reason that Trump targeted her.  As for Sergei Kovaleski, by the way, Slavophobic Trump would doubly despise him regardless of whether he's Jewish with a Slavophonic surname or ethnically Slavic—ask his ex-wife Ivana and the Polish workers that he exploited.

"In conclusion, then, I hope that you understand why you should not take the offer of a known White Supremacist and ableist—let alone one that is a KKK aider and abetter—after all, being a blind Latino whom claims a Jew as your Savior inherently put you among the kind of the people that Donald Trump hates."