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Monday, April 1, 2019

"Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" Had To Give Up Camille?, and Reilly Has a "Daddy"!?

April Fools! In all seriousness, though:

  1. The subject of the above video has been recommended by "Mom-Mom" to stay with Reilly should "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" ever move out since Reilly and Camille "are a bonded pair", and it would apparently be cruel to separate them. This is also part of why "Mom-Mom" would not necessarily get her own puppy while Reilly and Camille are still living in the same house: that is, Reilly and Camille are bonded enough to possibly exclude any subsequent puppy from the pack. She would actually buy "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" another puppy to take with her in order for Camille to stay with Reilly. While "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" is heartbrokenly and heartbreakingly tempted by that logic, "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" absolutely put her foot down on that one: that is, "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" reminded "Mom-Mom" that Camille would be more heartbroken were she ever separated from "Mimi" than she would from Reilly, especially if "Mimi" got her a companion and someone over whom she could be alphess for once. Of course, "Mom-Mom" wouldn't hear of it.
  2. "Mom-Mom" of course assumes that "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" and Reilly will never move out—wooo; what a way to further shatter (or at least try to shatter) any hopes for her and Reilly! 💔 
  3. If "Momma" and Reilly ever do move out (which, Yehovah willing, they will somehow), "Momma" is taking Reilly with her regardless of what "Mom-Mom" thinks.
PS The above video is a video of Camille and "Santa Ducky", since "Auntie Nicole" has no recent pictures to post and wanted to still post something there (obviously in part to not give away whether "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" really did had to give up Camille), and "Momma" did record Reilly's reaction to it—and she'll post that reaction later today (א׳י׳י).

Monday, March 25, 2019

Five Years Since...

Reilly was born per the Gregorian Calendar! Happy Birthday and Belated National Puppy Day, Puppy!

PS At least Reilly gets to be four for five to six more days on the Hebrew calendar, and Reilly will always be my baby puppy even though she has long been an adult puppy (and I'm feeling verklempt about Reilly already turning another year old!)!

-Reilly's "Momma"

PPS There is one gift that "Momma" would like Reilly to have this year (as a "Momma" like her just isn't a good "Momma" alone; and she hasn't exactly been a gift to Reilly, either—Reilly deserves a much better "Momma".).

Friday, March 22, 2019

A Special Card From Reilly

PS That should've been World Poetry Day ("Momma" misheard Alexa!)

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Read The Post And Then My Comment On It, And Then You'll See What's Between the Lines

In other words, Hillcrest Veterinary Hospital doesn't care about people, let alone pet owners, or pets with disabilities (and neither does "People", apparently, which is a damned shame).

PS I absolutely let Hillcrest have it, too. By the way, I used the example in re people with Epilepsy because my maternal grandmother (ז״ל) had Epilepsy and seizures because of it, one of which I witnessed.

PPS I urge you boycott Hillcrest Veterinary Hospital, especially if you have disabilities and all the more so have service (including emotional-support) animals. Hillcrest seems more than happy to call you a coward if you ever (ח״׀״ס) have to have a service animal put down and cannot stay in the room.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

A Very-Belated #FluffyFriday Post, Part One...

The obligatory post-grooming, "I just want my treat", and somewhat-uncooperativeness-involved photoshoot 😆:

"I got excited enough to drink water. Life is good!"

"I'm not exactly keen on Mom-Mom getting my bow back into my hair."

"Hi—I just want the treat!"

Yeah, not exactly willing to cooperate even in spite of wanting the treat

Trying to get them next to each other for a cover photo...not so much success with that (as one or the other is not looking directly at the camera or standing close enough to the other or the one).

Begging (with reminiscent-of-"The Animaniacs" Camille to her left)

Begging and pushing (and Camille really has acquired that pushing habit!)

"Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" will not lie: Camille and Reilly (especially Camille) reminded her of "Ren and Stimpy" here for some reason 🤣 (and "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" has never watched that show or seen clips of it too much").

More begging (and with reminiscent-of-"The Animaniacs"-or-Minnie-Mouse Camille behind her)

See? Not next to each or directly looking at the camera (although Camille is sort of looking directly at the camera).