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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why I've Not Exactly Been In The Game For a While

  1. I, so to speak, needed to let the fields fallow over for a while, anyway. Neither overplanting nor overharvesting are good.
  2. I've really hardly yielded results. I was actually amazed when, e.g., Donna Foley Marby actually thanked me for the defense of her and her book "Maude". As far as I can tell, I hardly ever yield results like that. Besides, I expect what I usually yield—backlash! After a while, that "damned if you do, damned if you don't, and damned if you neither do nor don't" conundrum just brings ennui at best and an exacerbation of Depression at worst—and I have admitted that the only reason that I have not taken Great-Granddad's path is because I would not want to risk the negative effects of surviving an attempt to go down his path.
  3. I've been busy with Reilly—another reason, by the way, as to why I haven't taken Great-Granddad's path.
  4. I've been busy with dealing with my Depression and other matters.
  5. Today, I woke up with a cold and muscle aches.
I assure you, by the way, that I'm not the only one who's in my kind of situation. People in similar situations, e.g.:

  1. Need to let their fields fallow over once in a while as well.
  2. Feel ennui, melancholy (or exacerbation of Depression), and/or even worse if they feel that their attempts at tikun ha'olam don't yield anything, let alone anything good—whether for themselves or, most importantly, others.
  3. Sometimes have outside commitments and circumstances. 
Incidentally, the coming year is HaShanah shel HaSh'mitah b'Eretz Yisra'el.

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