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Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Letter To Those On Facebook Who Are Cowardly Enough Not To Tell Me What They Really Think Of Me...

I've come to understand that some people have come to my mom and sister and stated that they either don't even look at my Facebook page for various reasons or look and still have plenty of complaint about what I post, etc.. First of all, I define Facebook as "Face"book-- meaning that I'm not hiding my face or anything else from you. If I have something not to hide, I don't hide it. I didn't ask you to agree with me on everything, but as I've said, I can back up what I say. If you want to agree to disagree and even not debate, you can choose to keep any reservations to yourself. But then don't come my mom and sister instead of coming to me or just plain keeping your reservations or disagreements to yourself.

Second of all, "social networking" means being social and working with what you have in the fishnet called life-- let's face that we're all swimming upstream together in at least one or another way, whether or not we like swimming up the stream of life together. When we swim together, whether or not we want to swim together, we're expected to be honest with and about each other and about ourselves to each other.

Third, as I've said before, I'm not honest about those that I don't love and don't have to love. At points, if I weren't a Christian, I wouldn't be a Christian. But since I am a Christian, I have to love even my worst of worst enemies-- some of whom have affected me to state, " At points, if I weren't a Christian, I wouldn't be a Christian." Some of these same people have also affected me to agree with Mark Twain: "If Jesus were here today there's one thing he wouldn't be--a Christian."

I could go on; but in conclusion, if you have a problem with me, you come to me or call me out if you feel that

you need to. If necessary on my part, I will respond to any charge that you bring against me; and I will always

back up what I say.

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