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Monday, July 30, 2018

Why A "Government Shutdown" By ***** Would Not Be A Government Shutdown

This isn't even like last time—it's far worse. If the threat of a government shutdown becomes a reality, it won't be only three days. We'll also no longer have a republic as we know it. Think about this:

  1. *****'s definition of "great people" is far different than the definition of "great people".
  2. "When Mexico sends its people" (emphasis mine): he's going even as far as to allege to Mexico is involved in a conspiracy to send illegal immigrants, and he's saying "When Mexico sends its people"—not anything like, "When some people illegally emigrate from Mexico"—and he sees all Mexicans as inherently evil.
  3. He met with his puppet Putin in Helsinki, in notoriously-Nazi-collaborating Finland—and this isn't to mention what one of his shills wrote in the CIA Factbook (Incidentally, one can tell what known ***** supporter John Schnatter also thinks of Jews when they read the exact wording that I quoted in my open letter to him and *****.). He also invited him to the White House, and he has a relationship with a Putin ally and another notorious Anti Semite: Kim Jong-Un.
  4. He has a "Secretary of Education" whom is taking actions such as rolling back the ADA¹.
  5. He supports Anti-Zionist, Haredi-supporting, and currently-being-investigated Prime Minister(?) Benjamin Netanyahu—and speaking of which, you have to wonder if "Bibi" was legally elected, as (for example) the coalition of Shas, Agudat Yisra'el, and allies of Shas and Agudat Yisra'el have no problem intimidating others (and, being as sexist as they are, they certainly had no problem pathetically trying to intimdate the Women Of the Wall at the Kotel recently—they even went to try to drown out Torah and siddur readings with whistles and blarings of loudspeakers). Also by the way, Agudat Yisra'el began as an Anti-Zionist party in the Diaspora and now runs institutions such as the Interior Ministry in Israel—and this has become increasingly so with Netanyahu's Likud as the majority party in the Knesset.
  6. He has literally threatened a war with Iran (another Putin ally, might I add)—and the United States certainly does not need a nuclear war right now, much less at all.
  7. He has either allowed or even made the NPS give White Supremacists a permit to rally outside of the White House.
Those are just examples, by the way—and more reasons why Special Counselor Mueller's indicting of ***** as soon as possible is imperative. 

¹PS That I found about its 28th anniversary in an email and even had to make a card partly to raise awareness about it is pathetic—and ableism seems to be even increasing in society.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

How Hard Is "Roll Over"? Better Question: How Hardheaded Are Reilly and Camille?

To say the least, Camille is very and particularly hardheaded. She gave "Auntie Nicole" scratches and threw fits for trying to teach her "Roll over", too! Even worsely is that she has the support of "Mimi", even despite that she would deliberately sit back up when she was told to "[s]tay lying down and follow the treat with [her] nose." Contrary to what "Mimi" alleged, she wasn't even trying to follow the treat with her nose at any point, either (and like "Auntie Nicole" didn't watch two separate videos on how to teach her "Roll over". 🙄)!

As for "Momma"'s (albe-lovable) brat, she is hardheaded as well. However, she didn't throw fits like Camille did. Nonetheless, she did the same "Sit up when she tells me to stay lying down" schtick. She even added her own touch to it: refuse to come—and sometimes even run away (especially after she'd see Camille being stubborn and thus not getting the treat right away)—and, if she came, would do the defiant sitting-up routine and beg for the treat.

After two days of this (though not two days in a row), "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" might have to figure out another way to teach Camille and Reilly "Roll over", since they (literally and figuratively) won't roll over. 

Saturday, July 28, 2018

שבת ט'ו באב שלום וט'ו באב שמח! : AKA, Another Card From Reilly

PS Reilly very patiently waited for the treat—and especially because she was so patient, she probably would've that something else to be peanut butter...or yogurt...or pumpkin...or any of the other millions of treats that hi ohevet! By the way, Tu B'Av actually begins tomorrow, since the New Moon was sighted on the 14th of July.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

#TimeTravelTuesday (By the Way, Reilly Was Younger At the Time Than "Momma" Remembered That She Was)



So occurred the event that led to a #dogshaming photo. Incidentally, "Momma" couldn't help but tear up thinking about the albe-defiant gesture that Reilly made—especially since so much time has passed and "Momma"'s puppy has long been an adult puppy now (though she'll always be "Momma"'s baby puppy—and this "Momma" types with tears on her cheeks, as she thinks about how time passes over four years later. She also couldn't help but laugh as she thinks about how cute Reilly was and still is.).

As she shared last night:

Thursday, July 19, 2018

#ThrowbackThursday: A Surprise Visit From "The Tall Guy"

"Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" already mentioned the visit before. Nonetheless, here are all of the pictures from it that she took on her regular camera (as opposed to her phone camera) this time: