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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

#WednesdayWisdom: Making A Purim Card With Reilly This Year, As "Momma" Should Have Done Last Year!

Since Purim isn't until Friday and Shabbat is a Shabbat Purim this year, "Momma" at least has time to make the card. She also was able to have costume materials for Reilly procured this year and will actually be able to try to make the costume (which is simple one and one that she can make this year). As for "Momma", she has a puppy mask that she actually was able to cut out of an Amazon box, and she'll wear that even if she won't appear in the card with Reilly.

Friday, February 23, 2018

לשבת שלום מראילי לכולם!

PS Reilly received pumpkin as a treat for letting "Momma" take photos of her in her tallit and with her wearing her kippah!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Something That I Thought About Re A Friend's Facebook Post Re A TV Character's Comment On Anorexia

(This was originally a reply on Facebook. I have added more thoughts within the thought here.)

To be honest, I've wondered what Holocaust survivors and their descendants think of that, even in regards to the ones whom have Anorexia whether or not it's in remission. Especially were I a first-generation Holocaust survivor, I might be thinking, "I was starved in the [']concentration['] [actually, murder] camps, and you girls and boys are willingly starving yourselves? Don't you realize that you have the privilege to eat?" 

(Let's face, by the way, that "concentration camps" either understates or obscures exactly why the Nazis built the murder camps, which they built solely to hold as hostages and enslave Jews in order to try to commit full-scale ethnocide—and while there were Jews whom were complicit in that, many or most Poles and other gentiles were the main ones whom were either passively or actively complicit in that. To see why my family decided to become Anusim, also by the way, is not that hard, especially when one looks solely at the experiences of my great-grandfather Czarnecki's maternal family during the Holocaust.

On the other hand, I am sadly certain that some Holocaust survivors experienced of some form of Anorexia because they thought that they weighed too much in comparison to other Holocaust survivors and victims whom died of starvation. I've read of parallel cases in which, for example, Holocaust survivors whom have died deliberately had themselves cremated because they felt guilty about surviving while their loved ones and others were cremated either alive or after they were otherwise murdered.

Incidentally, I've also read of first- and subsequent-generation Holocaust survivors experiencing onsets of other mental illnesses, including OCD/Anxiety and of course Depression and PTSD. I can relate to that because mental illnesses certainly onset in family members of mine and in myself after traumatic incidents of lesser degrees except for when those incidents have been almost- or entirely-equal-in-degree Anti-Semitic incidents such as the Belostok Pogrom. After all, for instance, I am a fourth-generation pogrom survivor, and I would not be surprised if the Depression that caused my father's paternal grandfather's suicide was at least partly related to being affected by the Belostok Pogrom. I would also not be surprised if the onset of my OCD/Anxiety and Depression was related to my being a fourth-generation pogrom survivor and being therefore all the more affected by 9/11 and its fallout as well as beginning to learn about the full extent Holocaust during the fallout, although only when I found out that I am Jewish was when I looked back and realized that my nefesh Yehudit was sensing all of the Anti Semitism that my own family endured and responding to what I was learning and 9/11 with its fallout in light of my own family's experiences

Reilly Isn't Taking Camille's Futzing Around, Even (Or Perhaps Especially) On a Weekend

  1. When Camille pawed Reilly in the head yesterday, Reilly growled at her.
  2. As for today, according to "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle, "Camille tried to engage in a dominance show/play with Reilly, and Reilly was not having it and promptly—dare I say—clomped her nose and mouth as if to say, 'Excuse me—Who's alpha?!' and left it at that. Camille, to her credit, backed off and acknowledged Reilly as alpha. They both went inside after that like nothing happened."
In other words, Camille tested Reilly's boundaries and learned that messing with Reilly in the mornings and after walks—perhaps especially on weekends—are not good ideas. 

PS L'Chodesh Adar Tov—and if there's no Second Adar this year, Reilly's going to be four on March 12 or 13 this year on the Hebrew calendar!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Friday, February 16, 2018

#FluffyFriday: Somewhat Offbeat: Why Reilly Deserved Some Peanut Butter Last Night

Again, Reilly was incredibly patient with "Momma" and even laid beside her for a while as she was wrapping up last night—and for some reason (a certain reason¹, as far as "Momma" can tell and as she again explained to Reilly last night), "Momma" keeps failing Reilly even though she promises to be a better "Momma" (Besides, once "Momma"'s night-owl and OCD/Anxiety-, ADD-, and Depression-affected mind gets going at night, it gets going at night and "Momma" suddenly decides to look up a lot of things while—for example—she's waiting for a certain answer for her and Reilly's sakes). Thus, "Momma" gave Reilly the peanut butter that she promised her—and Reilly of course very much enjoyed having a spoonful of peanut better.

¹ P.D. Una nota incidental a una cierta persona: Como ¨Mamᨠdijo, "[ella] y Reily rezan por tí todos los días, y ellas piensen de tí todos los días...o al menos ¨Mamᨠpiense de tí todos los días; y Reily piense de tí cuando ella y ¨Mamᨠy Reily rezan por tí, y cuando ¨Mamᨠmenciona tí a ella."