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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Friday, February 16, 2018

#FluffyFriday: Somewhat Offbeat: Why Reilly Deserved Some Peanut Butter Last Night

Again, Reilly was incredibly patient with "Momma" and even laid beside her for a while as she was wrapping up last night—and for some reason (a certain reason¹, as far as "Momma" can tell and as she again explained to Reilly last night), "Momma" keeps failing Reilly even though she promises to be a better "Momma" (Besides, once "Momma"'s night-owl and OCD/Anxiety-, ADD-, and Depression-affected mind gets going at night, it gets going at night and "Momma" suddenly decides to look up a lot of things while—for example—she's waiting for a certain answer for her and Reilly's sakes). Thus, "Momma" gave Reilly the peanut butter that she promised her—and Reilly of course very much enjoyed having a spoonful of peanut better.

¹ P.D. Una nota incidental a una cierta persona: Como ¨Mamᨠdijo, "[ella] y Reily rezan por tí todos los días, y ellas piensen de tí todos los días...o al menos ¨Mamᨠpiense de tí todos los días; y Reily piense de tí cuando ella y ¨Mamᨠy Reily rezan por tí, y cuando ¨Mamᨠmenciona tí a ella."

On Mitt Romney's Senate Run, Rick Gates' Finalization Of His Plea Deal, Etc.

  1. Good. We need a common-sense and #NeverTrump (in other words, a real) conservative, not RINOs or those whom dread Hillary Clinton more than fear God.
  2. Good. By the way, the probe that Special Counselor Mueller's conducting is (so to speak) getting down to the wire, and it's only a matter of time before ***** is indicted like his equivalent Netanyahu and his "natural partners" will be by the prosecutors in Israel.
  3. On North Korea: South Korea is either trying to trojan horse North Korea in turn or desperate to make peace and/or avoid trouble with Kim Jong-Un, and to pay North Korea for the Olympicsis a bad idea if the latter is the case.
  4. On the shooting in Florida: as someone in a Facebook group pointed out, the majority of victims of Jews and the media's hardly covering that. Sadly, that makes sense, as the shooter was a White Supremacist. Also (and forgive if I'm being racist), I think that the media would cover it a lot more if the majority of the victims were Black or Hispanic. Of course half of the media hardly to not at all cover when an Anti-Semitic hate crime has occurred. By the way, the shooter was adopted by a Hispanic family; and whether or not he himself is even ethnically Hispanic or at least has of some Ethnic Hispanic heritage, pulling the "White card" is as racist as if someone pulled an Anti-Hispanic card. Whites can't be blamed as a general rule in this (and quite frankly, I thought that the shooter was Hispanic until the news that he was adopted came out)—point being, a person of any given ethnic group can be a racist and an ethnocentrist, and the Florida shooter was clearly an Anti Semite (Incidentally, I have no idea whether his ex girlfriend or his ex girlfriend's current boyfriend is Jewish, although it wouldn't surprise me if either one of them is and were victimized for that reason—and many abusive people are also racists and ethnocentrists—hateful does and hateful is, and the Florida shooter is clearly a hateful person.).
  5. Of course the mental-illness card was pulled by the shooter—the convenient excuse that many mass shooters seems to be that ableist one—and in any case, as I said, the Florida shooter effected the clock to be set back for those of us with mental illness. Besides, he didn't have to shoot anybody even if he really does have Schizophrenia and will be found not even competent to stand trial—those of us with mental illnesses are not inherently evil just because of mental illnesses, and many of us even need guns to protect ourselves from ableist people whom would target and otherwise abuse us. In addition, I have ancestors and other belated relatives whom had Schizophrenia and never even attempted to hurt anyone—in fact, at least two of them were exploited due to their mental illness and other factors.
  6. Of course ***** the hypocrite pretends that he cares about anyone with mental illnesses. By the way, my mental illnesses have honestly flared up in part because of an ableist, racist, and otherwise-bigoted and lawless person whom is not being indicted by Special Counselor soon enough being in the White House.
  7. The most-dangerous weapons are the brain and the heart, not guns. Furthermore, no amount of gun control will change anybody—only Yehovah can change anybody. As I tweeted:

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Three Moments Of Sanity Or Shalom Or Something

Only just a few minutes ago did "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" fully grasp that the following were moments of reminders of sanity¹, shalom, or something:

  1. In the first two pictures, Reilly is content just to lay by "Momma" and try to receive belly rubs from "Momma" and "Mom-Mom" (whom was off work). The pictures were taken after the shooting after the NSA Shooting occurred,
  2. In the last three pictures, Camille is being her cute self and kind of trying to avoid when "Auntie Nicole" is taking a picture. Nonetheless, Camille doesn't mind that "Auntie Nicole" gave her "Bucky", her favorite of toy of late, with which to pose. These were taken as the fallout of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting unfolded and was being covered in the news cycle, and they were taken quite a bit after Reilly and Camille were perhaps consoling a whom-they-could-sense-was-distressed "Momma/Auntie Nicole" as they gave kisses, asked for belly rubs, etc.
  3. The following video shows Camille "Klutzmille" Dominique Czarnecki going on a ball-playing spree which confuses her cousin Reilly, and it was recorded shortly after midnight in the EST Time Zone:

These pictures and videos, not to mention the moments which they captured, also helped remind "Momma" of how loving and sweet her "dogter" was last night, as "Momma" once again had a lot on her mind. Of course, they also help remind "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" of two of her top reasons for living in this world anymore, as she honestly doesn't know if she could make it if she didn't have a "dogter" and a furniece to love and for whom to care as much as she can².

¹Though as "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" knows, one can't really call moments that simply involve evil and not mental illness "moments of insanity".
² And not having someone to love, let alone an answer from a certain someone whom could be her someone to love, and help her be a "Momma" to Reilly is making her "die a little...everyday".

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day Card From Reilly

P.D. Una nota incidental a una cierta persona: ¨Mamᨠy Reily rezan por tí todos los días, y ellas piensen de tí todos los días...o al menos ¨Mamᨠpiense de tí todos los días; y Reily piense de tí cuando ella y ¨Mamᨠy Reily rezan por tí, y cuando ¨Mamᨠmenciona tí a ella.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

When Reilly and Camille Can Tell That Others Are Treating "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" Poorly

Without going into details, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" will say that she's seen when Reilly and Camille have sensed that others are treating her poorly. She might've mentioned before that Reilly's sensed that, though she's not sure if she's mentioned that Camille can sense that. Nonetheless, it's worth (re)mentioning about Reilly and worth mentioning about Camille because of how recently it's happened.

Even tonight, for example, Camille ran away from someone whom was not being nice to "Auntie Nicole" when the someone in question wanted to give scritches to Camille after the situation that occurred devolved. As for Reilly, she's given "Momma" kisses when she's sensed that "Momma"'s not been treated well and has even had some hopeless thinking as a result.

PS On a more-cheerful note, here are two memories for #TimeTravelTuesday and for #MemoryMonday west of the EST Time Zone:

  1. From exactly a year ago today (in Gregorian terms)
  2. From a year ago on this coming Thursday

Monday, February 12, 2018

On a Wilkes-Barre High School Debate, Fragmented Computers, and Segregation

I think that Vice President Walker knows what he's saying. Besides, the two schools have clearly worked together in the past (I did my research here.), and consolidating them would just make their working together (among other things) permanent. Also, think about Coughlin-Meyers JSHS like a computer: if you don't want a fragmented computer with too many files in the first place, you don't want what could easily be one school continuing to be two schools. In addition, Vice President Walker (quite literally) is putting the schoolboard's money where his mouth is: for the people whom actually want to have the concept of school choice, he's giving it to them.

As far as segregation, real segregation "is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age or sex"¹. By the way, I as well know what I'm saying²: any of my ancestors and their relatives who attended Coughlin³ didn't get a choice as to whether they'd be openly of their ethnic group ("race") or open about their religious choices—consolidating schools and giving school choices are as related to bigotedly segregating as defragging and cleaning up computers is: they aren't! Let me know, though, when saving taxpayer money and real-estate space, and giving school choice are related to—for example—being implicitly and explicitly hostile to Jews on ethnic and/or religious grounds, and then we'll talk! 

¹Or ability, though never mind us people with disabilities, again 🙄
²Except apparently about people with disabilities—but hey, what's new? 🙄 Ableism is ingrained into the culture and as old as the Anti Semitism that my ancestors faced—when a third of the angels fell, they were intent as bringing ableism into the to-be-created world as they were to bring Anti Semitism, perhaps especially because they foreknew that many Jews would have disabilities.
³Paradoxically enough, the one who I know attended Coughlin ended up being a busha and a boged—never mind that he was one of the ones given a Yiddish diminutive and a second-generation pogrom survivor whose first-generation-pogrom-survivor mother was closest to him and my other great-granduncle whom she gave a Yiddish diminutive. In his (and the other great-granduncle's) eyes, exploiting another one of my great-granduncles—and probably my great-great-grandma, too—was totally okay!