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Friday, October 21, 2011

We Stopped Talking Because...

And here are a few to whom I've stopped talking, and we stopped talking because:

  1. You're a liar & a murderer. You hurt me, your other granddaughters, your great-granddaughter (not Madison, and she's not Great-Grandma Czarnecki's great-granddaughter), Great-Grandma Czarnecki (your good, Jewish Evangelical Catholic mother), your now-former in-law daughters, and your daughter, Mary (not "Mary Jo". Get used to that she dropped "Jo(an)" a long time ago.).
  2. You're a Far-Right ideologue and agnostic who persecutes my sister for her faith, and why she continues to hang around you is beyond me. And your Apsberger's is no excuse, whether you use it or deny it as an excuse. I have OCD/Anxiety/Depression and possible Aspberger's myself, and I don't act like you do.
  3. Both of you started hanging around Chris Dick. For the life of me-- or rather for the lives of yourselves, you couldn't have kept better company?
  4. You care for your music more than you do your cousins. Get used to that I was reviewing your music and using it in a Fair Use way. See if I ever like mjturner916 again. In fact, I would've encouraged people to boycott you if I weren't generous enough.
  5. You defended Great-Grandma Gaydos and acted like our trief eating-- besides getting away from our Jewish heritage otherwise-- has nothing to do with why many of us are sick and/or have thorns in the flesh. You're cursed, too, because of what Great-Grandma did and how you'd defend you once you'd found out-- I mean, your divorce and remarriage happened before either one of us (or at least I) knew about what Great-Grandma did. I honestly would not be surprised if you somehow knew beforehand and G-d cursed you with one divorce because of that.
  6. You're not proud of our Jewish heritage-- and you might even be like Janet. Good riddance, Kristy and Ally.
  7. You removed me. Sorry, but get used to it: your in-law-granduncle Jack is a murderer and murderer your husband's grandmother; and we're Jewish, so get used to it. I hope that you decide to raise Tony the Fourth and the girls with more integrity than your granduncle Jack has ever had. In fact, I hope that you take after your in-law dad and do even better.

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