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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Commentary: Assuming That DePaul's Like Notre Dame Of Maryland, They Will Support The Anti Semites

Assuming that DePaul is very-traditionally Catholic, it will support the Anti-Semitic students and persecute Dr. Hill. I as a student learned this the hard way when I went to Notre Dame of Maryland University (still then the College of Notre Dame of Maryland) for a time, and I left it for good reason when I did (and why Yehovah, ב״ה, allowed it to become a university is what only He knows, and it became a university within a year after I left. I suspect, though, that NDMU will be another case of the arrogant being exalted by Yehovah only to be humbled by Him.).

In my case, I was a student whom was persecuted by an Anti-Semitic professor and the administration (and I will name names, too: I have no problem speaking up about whom persecuted me). I was even set up by the campus religious director, Melissa Lees, after I confronted the religious studies professor, Dr. Weiss, on his Anti-Semitic remarks—literally, she promised to defend me in a meeting with the administration only to have sided with them in the first place, as became clear when I got into the meeting room. I'm not kidding when I say that Dr. Weiss' remarks were Anti-Semitic, either, and four that still stick out are the lies that: 
  1. We stole Passover from the Syrians
  2. The Exodus didn't happen and that it was "an ancient peasant rebellion" as opposed to an actual exodus from slavery
  3. "It's possible" that "the prophets [were] inspired by the Devil" (a student actually asked if the prophets could've been, and the professor actually answered, "It's possible").
  4. Matthew knew that Jesus was born in Nazareth and wrote that he was born in Bethlehem to advance his narrative, anyway

In other words, Dr. Weiss, Melissa Lees, et. al. perpetuated and encouraged these three among other Anti-Semitic canards that are rife within traditional Catholic institutions:

  1. That we're thieves
  2. That we're liars and perpetual victim-card players
  3. That we're demonic and do demonic things in the name of God 24/7 

Meanwhile, someone in a Facebook group asked the following question (which can be publicly seen), and this is why I even wrote all of this in the first place: 

"Funny they are being ugly and racist re Jews but that is okay and doesn't seem to threaten any of them. Do they not have any Jewish students? I would find their attitude threatening and racist. Why is that allowed!" 

As I replied to his or her question, "[m]y guess is that any Jewish students who are part of their student body either are self hating or are being persecuted like the professor is"; and "any Jewish students that have spoken up against Anti Semitism at DePaul, then, have probably been in the same position that I was in when I went where I went."

I didn't name Notre Dame or Dr. Weiss or Melissa Lees in the group, as I didn't want to try to make the thread in re Dr. Hill and DePaul about me. At the same time, I almost left this commentary as a comment in response into comments such that "the school needs to support the professor". So, I decided to turn what was going to be a clearly-too-long comment into this warning—essentially, that
one has to either understand or learn the hard way that Catholic Anti Semitism like that at DePaul is as Catholic Anti Semitism that Dr. Weiss, Melissa Lees, et. al. taught at NDMU, is as Catholic Anti Semitism anywhere and everywhere else:
  1. It is sadly not a "paradox", despite one commenter's giving of the benefit of the doubt: it is run-of-the-mill Pseudo-Christian Anti Semitism that Non-Evangelical (Non-Christian) Catholics still perpetuate. 
  2. It is the kind of Pseudo Christianity that caused my father's family to hide and deny our heritage, and I learned the hard way that Non-Evangelical Catholicism is indeed a cult. 
  3. It is what Martin Luther harbored: when he said that he never wanted to leave the Catholic Church, he meant that he never wanted to leave it; and he harbored its Pseudo-Christian Anti Semitism until his dying day (Besides, Luther was an opportunist and wanted to steal the work of the real reformers—Hus and Wycliffe—to make himself look like a real reformer—and were he a real reformer, he would've been a martyr like Hus was and even like Wycliffe was, as the persecution that Wycliffe endured fatally wore down his health.)

Saturday, April 20, 2019

A Virtual Pesach Card From Reilly and Camille For Pesach 5779

We had only some of the karpas (celery) and betzim because the other food—even the matzah—isn't safe for puppies this year!
Reilly did get some of the matzah, though, when her "Momma" was putting matzah crumbs over her own meal for shulchan orech!
At least there was an alternative to the afikomen—a third of a salmon-and-sweet-potato treat (The matzah was gluten-free and had grape juice, and gluten-free at the behest of Auntie Michelle/Mimi).
Of course, Momma/Auntie Nicole had a hard time hiding the afikomen—we didn't help her by being impatient, the albe-benevolent stalkers that we are!
I, Camille, especially didn't help Auntie Nicole!
Meanwhile, she tricked us—she got us to pose for pictures as she ate karpas dipped in leftover brisket sauce and we watched her!
Reilly, though, did get part of a betzah later because Camille found the afikomen!  

Chag Pesach Same'ach v'Shabbat Shalom (even though Pesach doesn't begin until tomorrow night)!

Monday, April 15, 2019

#MemoryMonday, #MaltipooMonday, and #MondayMusings: Time Outs For Reilly, More Jealousy, Etc.

Just a few highlights of what's happened of late in la casa de Reilicita Rosalicita:

  1. "Quiet or get down!" doesn't always work on the little barkbrat (namely, Reilicita Rosalita herself). Thus, "Momma" has needed to devise a new system: putting Reilly in "time out" by telling her to "get down" from the window and stay down until the timer that she sets on Alexa goes off, which she has told her outrightly (e.g., "You need to stay until Alexa says that you can get back up there.") and despite that she is not always obeyed (and has to tell her to get back down and stay down until Alexa says that she can get back up there).
  2. Reilly may be or may not be learning a new trick (Stay tuned to find out 😏.).
  3. Speaking of tricks, both Reilly and Camille quite often continue to insist on tricking everybody into thinking that they need to "go potty"—and have made friends with the spray bottle on that account as well as other accounts!
  4. Speaking of both Reilly and Camille, Reilly now gets jealous when "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" even asks Camille if she can give her a kiss!
  5. Meanwhile, both of them have had quite-adventurous walks recently—and (according to "Mom-Mom"), today's morning walk entailed Camille literally jumping three feet in the air when the wind blew a recycling bin or trash can toward her and Reilly!
  6. By the way, Camille just turned four years old on the Hebrew calendar! (L'Yom Huledet Same'ach, Kamila!).
  7. Also by the way, Reilly has been dealing patiently with (among other things) "Momma"'s recent Depression flareup, although she's let "Momma" know when her patience has been tested by either trying to go "night nights" in "Mom-Mom"'s room or even running back downstairs!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Commentary: To A Certain "Condor" Who Wrote A Non-Apology "Apology" Letter

Drek like the following does not fool people like me:

"I did not expect the paper to be taken seriously as I thought the students at North County who read the letter would be able to recognize it as a simple practical joke. The forged letter that was being distributed around school got more attention than I initially thought and I did not think it would cause any publicity. I was wrong for distributing those papers around the campus, I should have been more considerate of those who may have been deceived by the letter. I am sorry for any lost productivity due to time spent on the investigation and for causing any confusion among my fellow peers."

You as well as I and everybody else know that what you as an accomplice in a sexual-assault and hate crime did is exactly what you did—commit a sexual-assault and hate crime. You were wrong for being involved in threatening to have students violated in such a manner as well as for aiding and abetting your perverted and bigoted friends, and people like you and your fellow hate propagators especially do not deserve the benefit of the doubt 80 years later.

You as well as I and everybody else know that you caused way more than "lost productivity due to time spent on the investigation and...confusion among [your] fellow peers." While I myself do not know either you or your peers, I know for a fact that common sense and statistics (including the abysmal ones for your county in re sex crimes alone) certainly bear out that you and your accomplices caused at least one of your peers psychological harm (and let me assure you that PTSD and Depression, for example, have no element of harmlessness).

You shouldn't, then, be allowed to get away with your non-apology "apology". You frankly shouldn't even be allowed to graduate until you write an actual apology letter and agree to take some initiative such as doing volunteer work for an organization that works to combat sexual assault & battery and/or for a Jewish organization that works to combat Anti-Semitic and other hatred. 

Friday, April 5, 2019

Commentary: Raising the Red Flag Re *****

I and quite a few others told everyone this for a reason! If you don't believe us, believe someone who worked with ***** when he says that and is a takes-one-to-know-one type!

Also, again, the narcissist and sociopath who first convinced the psychiatrists that narcissism and sociopathy are mental illnesses either is or was (depending on if he's still alive and) sitting back laughing!

Meanwhile, ***** is sitting back and laughing: "Look at these idiots. They really think that I have Dementia or some cognitive issue. Well, **** them. 'I don't play games,' I said. Oh yes I do. Of course I was projecting & acting like everyone else plays games.

"If they don't want to catch me at my game, they won't hold me as accountable as they should; and it's even better that my father did have Dementia: I can use my family history to fool them."

As for his IQ, it definitely is high; and sociopaths with high IQs are like particularly cunning, calculative, and frightening, especially when they try to look unintelligent to attempt gaslighting.

For example, even his recent comments about "Judge Flores": he knows the actual judge's name and acted like he doesn't to demean "Little Miss Judge Flores". Just ask "Miss Nicole" or "Miss Nick", among the plenty of other "Miss" types that I apparently am—and the memories of my grandfather calling me that have never gone away, even though he's now been deceased for six years this December, and he was not a nice person at all!

If nothing else, at least take it from a survivor of childhood abuse (with even some of it being physical, though at least thankfully not sexual). As I explained, with a few of the tweets shown here:

As I've said, that's the only reason that I'm glad that I went through childhood abuse and dealt with other narcisstic-sociopathic abuse: that is, I can see right through people like ***** because of what I've endured!