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Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Trump: Bad On Morality And Bad On Morale

As more of the Trump saga unfolds—and only God knows why He wrote it the way that he did—morality and morale are showing to be on the decline in the United States, and some absolutely- and truly-ugly colors and sides of people are either coming out or beginning to be formed. For example, and as if this hasn't been written about before:

  1. Anti Semitism, including Self-Hating Jewishness, is coming out in the open & on the rise. At least Jews like Dennis Prager, for instance, are revealing their far-from-dati colors—and there is nothing dati or b'ahavah about supporting a man whom keeps "My New Order" by his bedside, "[doesn't] want [Jewish] money", as if we're the canardic "short little guys that wear yarmulkes every day", and is friends with Anti-Zionist Netanyahu & Agudat Yisra'el. By the way, the only reason that there are even friends of Trumps like the Netanyahus and their mutual friends known as the Adelsons—whom really spurned the hand of Whom blessed them—is: 1) the one Whom blessed the families like the often-enviously-disparaged Rothschilds and the self-hating Adelsons remade us the head and not the tail; and 2) the Anti Semites that forced many of us into banking as the only available occupation had the evil that they did to us for good; and these Anti Semites now don't like when the tables turned on us and even their families are blessed by B'nei Yisra'el.
  2. Ableism is definitely on the rise. As Serge Kovaleski got mocked, Marlee Matlin got cursed as "retarded"—which, by the way, Donald Trump violated the mitzvah of not to curse the deaf in so doing—and people like me have been threatened by "physically fit German American[s]," many can see why Betty DeVos wants to repeal the ADA and make the lives of PWDs (people with disabilities) than it is, for instance.
  3. Misogyny is on the rise. Ask, e.g., the Chuck Nellis whom attacked me for being a "girl" when he lost the argument regarding how dangerous Trump is; and ask the GOP Senate whom cowed to Trump by silencing Elizabeth Warren.
  4. Racism and xenophobia are on the rise. By the way, thank God that Coretta Scott King died when she did—she did not have to live to see this (cf. Isaiah 57:1-2), and she's a gentile whom went to the mountaintop where her late husband and others are (cf. Micah 4:2).
  5. U.S. military morale is on the decline. Ask, e.g., the family of CSWO William "Ryan" Owens, USN, KIA. Also ask the troops that dread that they will be sent to war against Mexico and actually with, instead of against, Trump's and Putin's mutual friend Rouhani—a known Anti Semite.
In conclusion, envious Anti Semites and Self-Hating Jews, dehumanizing ableists, patronizing misogynists, and nativist racists and xenophobes are helping Donald Trump put the United States of America and the U.S. Armed Forces on a slope of moral and morale decline,  

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Condemnation Of An 8-Year-Old Nora Whom Did Not Choose Her Family Or Her Family's Crimes

The amount of cruelty that is in the comments section of my share of the "Hindustan Times" article re Nora (whose last name I will not use due to its despicable connotations) is unbelievable. Why should an eight-year-old child be condemned for what her father did? Also, as I said, perhaps refugees that were informants could've prevented deaths like this. How many more innocent children will have to die, especially if no refugee who has any relevant information can come forward?

For example, another eight-year-old girl may have her life in the balance but for a refugee whom could speak up for her, such as a young Yazidi girl—whom would be currently stereotyped as a Muslim and an equivalent of "Jihadi Jane"—or a Chaldean Christian man—who might be libeled as a "Palestinian" Muslim who's doing taqiyya (the Mohammedan/"Muslim" form of deception practiced by Orthodox Mohammedans/"radical Muslims", "Islamic extremists", etc.).

Perhaps even a man among the Jadid al-Islam (Mohammedan Anusim) who could be a refugee may be an informant regarding the insidiousness of Iran, and may prevent something that Iran could be planning—for example, what if the Iranians who attacked the Saudi ship may have eight-year-old girls whom they will attempt to barter as sex slaves in order for other terrorists to keep quiet? You never know what sociopathic and narcissistic terrorists plan or could plan; and we may never know if something would (God forbid) happen unless we have refugees whom are informants, will we?

The xenophobes, Muslimophobes (notice that I didn't say "Islamophobes"), and simplistic dread mongers can keep their divisive hate and intellectual dishonesty to themselves—either that, or (while they're spreading their bigotry) they can advocate kicking out people like Mosab Yousef (the "son of Hamas") and eight-year-old girls whom have been rescued from Orthodox Mohammedan traffickers, and they can also advocate doing the un-Christian and un-American thing of punishing children for the sins of their fathers.

As for me, I won't punish the eight-year-old girls whom were born of terrorists, captured by human traffickers, and otherwise forced to live hard lives because of what their fathers did—and I'll hope that more innocent refugees (like Yazidi girls whom testify before Congress) and repentant refugees (like Mosab Yousef) come forward.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

I Remember Where I Was When...

I heard the full "I Have a Dream" speech, at least really for the first time and at least the part that's usually heard. It was in my dad's former church, Epiphany Episcopal in Odenton (Remember that Dad's an Anusi—still unhappy that I found out that we're Jews—and I had to spend every other weekend at with my dad until November 2006—that weekend was worth it.).

As I recall, it was on the left side of the front of the sanctuary, and there was certainly a speaker (or projector or other kind of media-playback device) on that side—and because it was within the time of MLK Day or one of the anniversaries of the "I Have a Dream Speech", the pastor had it played in the sanctuary after the service and encouraged people to listen to it.

While I can't exactly remember the details, I remember the impression that it left—and now I'm wondering how after that long ago (when a Jewish boy had just turned three years old five days before) anyone could've voted for Donald Trump (and gave to that now-almost-57-year-old Jewish man more reason to have an excuse to deny being a Jew) and how anyone could've voted for Donald Trump in the Name of Jesus (a Jew whom created women like Epiphany's priest and one of Epiphany's African-American congregants whom I shall never forget—and I'd mention her by name if I wasn't in dread that someone would use my mention of her by name to hurt her).

For Donald Trump voters whom were alive at the time of the March on Washington, old enough to remember, and/or even in Washington, by the way, did you forget where you were when you voted for Donald Trump; or was the March on Washington a joke to you; or do you have another reason as to why you voted for an embodiment of the nightmares of Dr. King (not to mention the embodiment of the nightmares of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and others whom marched with Dr. King)? 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Who Advised Andrea Bocelli To Take Donald Trump's Offer In the First Place?

Were I one of Andrea Bocelli's managers or PR agents, I've written a memo of dissuasion such as:

"Absolutely not. You're Italian, Roman Catholic, and blind. Do you really think that Donald Trump—a known admirer of Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, and their contemporary counterparts such as Saddam Hussein and Putin—would be good to you? He doesn't like any Olive—let alone Latin—people, Christians—let alone KKK-despised Catholics, or people with disabilities.

"You do realize, by the way, that Italians and Hispanics are not the only Olive people whom he hates, right? If you didn't, know that he also hates—for example—Jews, such as Jesus—for starters, ask Julia Ioffe and other Diasporan Jews, and certainly ask Jews under Ultra-Orthodox oppression—then you'll understand why he supports the Netanyahu and the Ultra Orthodox.

"As for Christians, he can't love Christians (let alone be a Christian) since he hates Jews—and I can't help you if you need that one explained to you—and since he helped his KKK-affiliated father discriminate against Blacks, he couldn't love Christians or be a Christian even if he didn't hate Jews.

"As for people with disabilities, ask Sergei Kovaleski and Marlee Matlin—the latter of whom is also Jewish, which is another obvious reason that Trump targeted her.  As for Sergei Kovaleski, by the way, Slavophobic Trump would doubly despise him regardless of whether he's Jewish with a Slavophonic surname or ethnically Slavic—ask his ex-wife Ivana and the Polish workers that he exploited.

"In conclusion, then, I hope that you understand why you should not take the offer of a known White Supremacist and ableist—let alone one that is a KKK aider and abetter—after all, being a blind Latino whom claims a Jew as your Savior inherently put you among the kind of the people that Donald Trump hates."

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Did The Far Left & Clinton Desperation Syndrome Crowd Have Their Leftism & Desperation Come Back To Bite Them?

In short, the Far Left and Clinton Desperation Syndrome crowd will have their support of Trump come back to bite them at the Day of Judgement if it will come at no other time—and the rest of us are suffering because of Trump and his modern Eichmanns, Goebbelses, Ribbentrops, and other Nazi equivalents. By the way, Putin as well had better watch out if God doesn't deliver us from Trump—doesn't Putin know about the "Non-Aggression" Pact? After all, Stalin and Molotov—among others—were baited by Far Left—i.e., the Alt Right, Old Right, and 19th Century Right—competition.

Both Stalin and the Nazis were Anti Semites—and both had "Final Solutions"—by the way—the Nazis implemented their "Final Soultion" in 1942, and Stalin implemented his in 1948—of course, the Nazis ended up getting theirs as much as Stalin got his, and as much Haman got his for considering Jews a problem. If anything and if one will, God answered the "Jewish question" by having the Nazis and Stalin answer to Him:

  1. "Now יﬣ׀ﬣ said unto Abram: 'Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee. 2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and be thou a blessing. 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.'"
  2. Just as were Pharaoh and Haman—among other Anti Semites—the Nazis and Stalin were created for destruction: "[']Let My people go, that they may serve Me. 14 For I will this time send all My plagues upon thy person, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou mayest know that there is none like Me in all the earth. 15 Surely now I had put forth My hand, and smitten thee and thy people with pestilence, and thou hadst been cut off from the earth. 16 But in very deed for this cause have I made thee to stand, to show thee My power, and that My name may be declared throughout all the earth. 17 As yet exaltest thou thyself against My people, that thou wilt not let them go?[']"
  3. Pharaoh, Haman, the Nazis, and Stalin all thought that they had to right to question Yehovah. "Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say: 'Who seeth us? and who knoweth us?' 16 O your perversity! Shall the potter be esteemed as clay; that the thing made should say of him that made it: 'He made me not'; or the thing framed say of him that framed it: 'He hath no understanding?'"
  4. No matter how many other nations tried to exalt themselves as the chosen nations or destroy Israel, Jews survived being in Egypt and all the way to enduring the Holocaust—and 1922-1960, since the Holocaust both happened in Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, is both quite a long time in terms of years and also a short time in which to destroy up to at least 26,000,000 Jewish lives (For Stalin, I once read that the number of Jews murdered was 20 Million.). "8 When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when He separated the children of men, He set the borders of the peoples according to the number of the children of Israel. 9 For the portion of יﬣ׀ﬣ is His people, Jacob the lot of His inheritance. 10 He found him in a desert land, and in the waste, a howling wilderness; He compassed him about, He cared for him, He kept him as the apple of His eye."
I imagine that God must've—since there was no "Jewish question" in the way that Pharaoh, Haman, the Nazis, and Stalin saw it—rhetorically smirked, "Any questions?" After all, while Yehovah does not delight in the death of the wicked (cf. Ezekiel 33), "The Lord doth laugh at him; for He seeth that his day is coming."

Meanwhile, Bill Gates actually made a very-apt comparison between Trump and the late JFK: both are leftists and Nazi sympathizers.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Pro Tip: Don't Post Bigotry On Which You Don't Want To Be Called Out

Two examples of Anti-Semitic bigotry this week include those from Bill Roper—whose WriterBeat post was shared on LinkedIn in the name of freedom of speech—and Felicity Jane Lowde—whom had the complete chutzpah to confront me on my Facebook page over my RT of @ElderofZiyon's response to her tweet. 

By the way, another pro tip: never use your full name on Facebook. Giving your full name like that could be extremely dangerous—after all, even Jessica Leeds, who gave out only her first and last names, received horrid attacks and threats because of Lou Dobbs' criminal tweeting of her personal information—even if you're a horrid Anti Semite or another kind of horrid bigot, you don't need to give the extremists any fodder. For instance, saying that "Israel was bombing little children"—as foolish as you are for accusing the IDF of infantocide and paedocide—will incur the dangerous wrath of Kahanists whom don't know to leave well enough alone—Meir Kahane was a violent extremist, and quite a few of his followers continue to incite and/or attempt violence against those with whom they disagree.

Bigotry on all sides—whether Kahanist or Anti Semitic, or other kinds of bigotry—is dangerous; posting bigotry on which you don't want to be called out is not a good idea, and bigots and other hateful people on all sides can and will use any information that they find on others—including other bigotsto harm them—as aforementioned, Lou Dobbs harmed Jessica Leeds by using only her name to find and share information on her.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Mark My Words: I'm Among The "Never Trump" Crowd Whom Would Die If Trump Wins And "Never Trump"ers Would Have To Die

I've written similar words before, and I—as a Jewish Christian and person with Cerebral Palsy that is comrbid with mental illnesses—have received even Anti-Semitic and other—including ableist—threats to basically speak for the following words:

If Trump and Reince winand, for whatever reason, Trump's and Reince's willing extension known as Pence winsI will willingly die in one of Trump's and Reince's murder camps if I must. "If I must", meanwhile, means "if I can't make aliyah or immigrate to Canada"—unless I'm very blessed, I doubt that hiding will do me any good if I can't make aliyah or otherwise flee the U.S. if Trump wins.

Sinceeven though I'm a laywomanI've been one of the outspoken "Never Trump" people, I'm pretty sure that Trump, Reince, and Pence will have me on at least a—so to speak—"small fry" section of a hit list. After all, for example:

  1. I'm a Jewish Christian, and being a Jew alone has caused Anti-Semitic Donald Trump—a lauder of My New Order, a friend of David Duke, and a slanderer of the Republican Jewish Coalition.
  2. I have Cerebral Palsy and—comorbid with Cerebral Palsy—Obsessive Compulsive Disorder/Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and Attention Deficit Disorder. Given that Trump is—for a lack of better terminology—a posthumous disciple of the Nazis and hates Sergei Kovaleski, he will go after me.
  3. One threat that I received from an obvious Trump voter: "As a physically fit German American, I can think of a place for you."
  4. A threat from a Colin Kaepernick supporter whom clearly shares sentiments with Trump read something along the lines of, "Hitler details why [Jews are at the top of the crime-victims list] in Mein Kampf."
  5. Trump attacked Marco Rubio because he is Hispanic, and I've made clear that I'll write in the should've-been-GOP-VP-nominee Marco Rubio  
  6. Trump attacked John Kasich by, e.g., falsely linking to him to George Soros, and I've made clear that I'll write in the should've-been-GOP-POTUS-nominee John Kasich.
  7. Given the two points mention above, Hispanophobic and Slavophobic* Trump will have no problem going after a person—let alone a Jewish-American woman—whom has been vocal about supporting a Hispanic-and-Czech-American GOP ticket, let alone a conservative Hispanic-and-Czech-American GOP ticket. By the way, keep in mind that the National Socialists—contrary to revisionist history—were Far Leftists, and that is why revisionists paint the Nazis as Far Right, conservatives like Rubio and Kasich as RINOs, and Trump as Reaganesque: revisionists who are promoting Trump have the goal of obscuring Modern Conservatism/Classical Liberalism and Classical Conservatism/Modern Liberalism, pushing one form of Far Leftism against another form of Far Leftism—a la Naziism against Stalinism, and then later blaming the right if push comes to shove—and sadly, Trump does like on track to win if Reince stays as the GOP Chairman.
As I've also said before, I and others will at least have the pleasure of being considered martyrs of the will-be-modern-Weimar-Republic-equivalent if Trump becomes POTUS—mind you that the pleasure will be posthumous, as it was for those whom warned about the Nazis. 

*By the way, the equally-Anti-Semitic wife of Donald Trump is a Balkaner, not a Slav—Slavs and Balkaners are as different from each other as Jews and Arabs are. Also, Jews in Eastern Europe and Southeastern Europe are separated along Ashkenazi and Sephardic lines—I know this because, e.g., my father's paternal grandmother was a descendant of the Legradi Family, whom have roots in the kehillah that was in Legrad, and Croatian Jews are considered Sephardic Jews.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Even If I Wrote This Before, I'll Write It Again...

  1. Whenever I hear "Pigs in a blanket; fry them like bacon!", I am reminded that we still called "pigs" and other slurs; and we face threats of Auschwitz again.
  2. When "Black Lives [Really Don't] Matter" targets Jewish bastions and the bastions' vicinities—e.g., Ferguson in St. Louis' vicinity, Northwest Baltimore, where Park Heights is; Baton Rouge, and Dallas—I think of the pogroms, especially since kapo Glenn Greenwald blamed the Mossad for Ferguson (which makes Glenn Greenwald a kapo) and fellow Anti Semites of the "Black Lives [Really Don't] Matter" Movement—such as the Nation Of Islam and the Black Panthers—have joined "Black Lives [Really Don't] Matter".
  3. If Black lives really mattered to them, where are they advocating for groups like the Lemba and Falasha? If they're going to parallel Israel:"Palestine" to the police:Black men, why don't go after the real trouble in Israel and its perpetuators: not the "occupation" of "Palestine" and "racist" Jews, but the chokehold of Agudat Yisra'el and Netanyahu on Israel? After all, many Lemba, Falasha who were supposed to make aliyah, and other Black Jews would like to go home; thanks—so would a lot of us Non-Black Jews!
I'd write more if I could (and trust that I wish that I could write more!). Nonetheless, I think that many will get—even if they don't like—my point.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Originally On LinkedIn: The Brexit (Soon To Be Bregret) And The Workforce

  1. Are you a Jew, Pole, Syrian or Iraqi (perhaps even a Syrian or an Iraqi Jew) or other person whom's part of a Non-United Kingdom ethnic group? If so, get ready to be stereotyped—as if you haven't already been—whether or not you're legally in the United Kingdom. You'll be treated as a foreigner whom's encroaching on the United Kingdom's job market, whether or not you already have a job and are a person with a good work ethic. By the way, read some of the posts on Polish Forums if you don't believe me in regards to the United Kingdom's Polonophobia—I have read about how Ethnic Poles and other Poland-connected people are treated.
  2. Did you already read about how the NYSE and French, German, AsiaPacific (e.g., the Japanese Nikkei), and even the UK stock markets were hit? If you pay attention to history, you know that the Brexit-affected hits could lead to another Depression—and of course, more Anti Semitism (which may include another Holocaust), Polonophobia, and other xenophobia. Remember that Anti Semitism (and other xenophobia) and the 1929 NYSE Crash exacerbated each other—and a "Deutschland first" eerily echoes into almost 87 years later with "America first" (the slogan of a certain businessman whom hates Jews and exploited Polish workers in the United States) and "Britain first" (the slogan of the British National Party). Also remember how, e.g., a certain Otto Frank lost his job at his company and had to hide in an Annex at his former company's building.
  3. Do you follow how the number of joblessness claims in the United States constantly rises and falls, and often comes in lower per the estimated amount of rising and higher per the estimated amount of falling? If you are in the United States, do not think that you are immune to being among the jobless someday—after all, many people during the Great Depression thought that they would be immune until, for example, the bank runs started happening in even the small towns.
Do not think that, for instance, giving the wolves Cameron and Merkel—two of the greatest allies of Israel, the people from whom many great professionals came—will not affect you, especially since not every Jew was able to bless the world like Drs. Einstein and Salk were. Also, many startups and other businesses that are in or linked to Israel will be hit—as if, for instance, Sodastream being hit and many gentile workers losing jobs wasn't enough. By the way, I can reasonably guess that at least one former Sodastream employee may be among the refugees, many of whom are escaping Daesh (now called the "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria".

Incidentally, why we call Daesh a state is beyond me—since Daesh is not a legitimate state. By the way, "ISIS" does not like the name Daesh, which is exactly why I call them that—I refuse to recognize an aspiring state whom plans to be a terrorist state, and whom is already taking livelihoods and lives away from many people. Besides, all one needs to do is look at terrorist states like North Korea, where the economy is abysmal and echoes of the Holocaust—including the German and Russian parts (with the gulags being a part of the Russian part)—permeate the lives of the North Korean people.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Re A Rough Couple Of Months (BTW, Thanks To Those Who've Borne With Me)—And I'll Hopefully Be Able To Help Anyone Whom Can Relate

"A merry heart is a good medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

Right now, I feel it—not to mention, too, while I often feel guilty about feeling my own pain and dealing with it as others are feeling and dealing with their pain. By the way—as I've mentioned—I'm a Jewish Christian, and I believe in the Parable of the Talents, etc.—and I'm baffled to realize to while some are suffering worse on the equality scare, all of us are suffering the same on the proportionality scale.

Nonetheless, I often feel guilty for feeling my—at least in comparison—1 while someone else feels his or her 2 or 5. Still, 1/1 = 2/2 = 5/5. Thus, it all comes down to a paradox: while some are going through worse than I'm enduring, I'm going through worse than others are enduring; yet, we're all enduring the same proportion of suffering.

Incidentally, I have to take issue with Amy Grant's "Better Than a Hallelujah": I find more Christian a "broken 'Hallelu Yah'" better than no "Hallelu Yah", even when I feel the way that the songwriters of "Better" do. Job knew that a broken "Hallelu Yah" was far better than anything that's apparently "better than a Hallelu Yah". Of course, one doesn't have to vocalize "Hallelu Yah" to say "Hallelu Yah". Notwithstanding, Christians have to try to say "Hallelu Yah" in all of our actions—didn't Paul remind us of that as he wrote down that we're to give thanks in all things?

Meanwhile, this is part of why many among everyone else laughs at, jeers, derides, and otherwise abhors Christians—there is a real problem when Leonard Cohen, who is not a Christian, gets part of the core of Christianity better than those whom profess to be Christians.

This also reminds me of how many other Non Christians—both Jewish and gentile—get that supposedly-Christian Donald Trump's lack of asking God for forgiveness—aka, lack of praising God for what he supposedly professes what the sacrifice of Christ means to him—shows up in his Non-Christian narcissism, greed, racism, sexism, ableism, and Anti Semitism.

On that note, I wonder how Jewish Christians such as Edith Stein (whom, out of strong conviction, became a Carmelite nun and a namesake of another Jewish Christian, St. Teresa), Eduardo Propper de Callejon, Sir Nicholas Wintour—the first having died in the Sho'ah, and the other two having risked their lives to save others from the Sho'ah—would feel about Donald Trump-supporting Jews and gentiles whom profess to have the same Messiah that they professed. Perhaps they would sum up their feelings with gentile Christian Corrie ten Boom's words: "You cannot love God without loving the Jewish people."

I, thus, have felt the weight especially as those whom also profess the Jewish Jesus of Nazareth and support Donald Trump have persecuted me—and others—for pointing out how a man who is his own idol, has an $100-Million jet and other opulence, and loves only White male gentiles cannot genuinely profess to be a Christian—that is, profess to love a self-sacrificing Jewish man whom (as I and other Christians believe) "was despised, and forsaken of men, a man of pains, and acquainted with disease," of which he healed those such a Syrophonecian-Greek girl continuously-bleeding woman whom touched one of his tzitziyot. By the way, I'm pretty sure that Donald Trump would not let in the Syrophonecian-Greek girl and her mother today, since he'd think them to be a part of Daesh instead of gentile Nasara (Note: some, as I learned while I Googled, have objected to "Nasara" because they think that they're being called "Nasara" in the sense of supporting Daesh—despite that Daesh hates "Nasara", Nazarenes, as much as Donald Trump does. Meanwhile, "Christian" was just as derogatory as "Nasrani"; so, the complainers, with all due respect, need to just embrace "Nasarani" as a way to be "Nasara" against Daesh.).

In sum, then, I've been feeling the pain with which I deal daily (e.g., CP, Depression), fallouts from more-recent pains that I've described (such as the continuing heartbreak of the ongoing baffling estrangement from a dear friend and father figure whom is also a writing mentor—not to mention the long backstory behind it), and the distress regarding the ascent of a modern-day prince of Tyre whom claims to be a Christian as he and supposedly-Christian supporters of his persecute me and others whom point out that he wouldn't let even Jesus into the U.S., let alone love the Syrophonecian-Greek mother whom came with her own "broken 'Halleu Yah'" and a chronically-bleeding and debilitated woman whom would need to come to the U.S. to get treatment if she lived today and God would choose only to show sufficient grace

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Originally On LinkedIn: Regarding Government And the Workforce

I will (at least try to) never forget when Former Pakistani Prime Minister Bhutto was murdered on December 27, 2007—and I will never forget the clip in which she highlighted her philosophy on government: "Where the madrassas won't get involved, the government will." 
The equivalent of the late Bhutto's statement for Non-Muslim (or at least Non-Muslim-majority) countries: the government has to and will get involved when the churches, synagogues, mosques, etc. won't get involved. Taking the examples of my people in the Desert and churches in particular—since I'm a Jewish Christian—I highlight why OSHA had to be created and why legislation such as the Civil Rights Act had to be written (Incidentally, what a shame that Barry Goldwater did not support the Civil Rights Act.)
The first example comes when God spoke to Moses about when a house is being built:
“When you build a new house, then you shall make a parapet for your roof, that you may not bring guilt of bloodshed on your household if anyone falls from it.
So much for that being applied and happening in the Judeo-Christian United States! Thus came along the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, since its predecessors weren't adequate enough—and even after Upton Sinclair exposed the equivalent of "guilt of bloodshed...if anyone falls from [a being-built roof]" in the meat-packing industry! By the way, when I Googled to find out when OSHA was founded, I was surprised to see that it was not founded until 1971, long after "one nation under God" should have had an organization to hold the reckless employers and overseers accountable.
Also by the way, OSHA came too late for those such as coal miners in Northeastern Pennsylvania—with my great-great-grandfathers Michael Gajdos, Sr. and Julian Czarnecki among them—and groundskeepers such as Julian's son Anthony (whom, as I've written before, severed three of his toes and his leg up to his knee as he mowed a lawn at the apartment complex which hired him—and his work-related accident partly affected his suicide just months later). 
Were their churches there to raise a voice for them and other workers, to hold their congregants' and community members' employers accountable for the employees' safeties. After all—as especially the Bible-literate ones, including my family whom needed someone to speak up for them as workers, would have known—"Justice, justice you shall pursue!" Yet, not even a layman or laywoman rose his or her voice enough to affect that an organization such as OSHA would be unnecessary.
The same laymen and laywomen also neglected to raise their voices enough when civil rights were an issue, even though "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" automatically implies that nobody should discriminate against anyone else. Because not enough men or women raised their voices until laywomen like Rosa Parks spoke up through their civilly-disobedient actions, and clergymen such as Drs. Martin Luther King and Abraham Joshua Heschel marched as they called for freedom for all Americans, the derogatory signs such as the horrid ones against Jewish and Irish men remained on business-owners' doors and windows, and Blacks and women were lucky if they were paid even remotely close to fairly. Never mind that a Jewish man whom wouldn't have been allowed to apply, James by name, admonished fellow followers of another Jew, Jesus of Nazareth:
Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth." 5 You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury; you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter. You have condemned, you have murdered the just; he does not resist you.
How many church-going businessmen "condemned...the just" such as the Jews (including church-going ones) and Irishmen whom they would not hire, despite that these Jews and Irishmen would have gladly "mowed [their fields]?" How many of these same church-going businessmen had "wages...which [they] kept back by fraud" from sharecroppers, shoeshiners, maids, nurses, and other laborers?
(Incidentally, I have questions for you if you wonder—or, if you knew, still wonder—why my paternal family remained Crypto Jews in even the United States—after all, "No Jews" still reeks of the albe-far-worse Anti Semitism that they escaped when they left Imperial Russia and Austria Hungary. If my family isn't enough of an example, look at the family of lucky-to-be-a-businessman, Austria-Hungary-born Fritz "Frederick Kerry" Kohn.)
Because apparently-pious, God-and-country, "Bless your heart" businessmen withheld wages from and otherwise discriminated against Blacks and women (even with intimidating maxims such as "It's a man's job" and "A woman's place is in the home."), and refused to hire Irishmen and Jews (all while slandering and libelling Jews as conspirators whom owned every business), the Civil Rights Act (including Titles VII and IX) had to be written and signed into law. By the way, in terms of Title IX: you try getting a decent job without some kind of college degree (whether you'd've gotten an Associate's Degree or a four-year-degree), let alone if you had to leave college because you faced horrid discrimination, and tell me when you get that job. 
Even I have a B.A. in Political Science from UMBC, and—according to the National Association of Mental Illnesses' recent newsletter—I am statistically doomed because of mental illnesses, which make me three times more likely to be unemployable than someone with a physical disability—and here's the kicker: I have both mental illnesses and Cerebral Palsy. So, think again if you don't think that Title IX relates to the workforce as much as it relates to the educational system.
I also note that Titles VII and IX far from help me, and they also far from help others—since the government is made up of people whom should be getting involved in their communities both within and outside the government sector, Title VII and IX often fail to be enforced. After all, many of the people who are supposed to be enforcing the Civil Rights Act—not to mention the Americans With Disabilities Act—are the same kinds of people who look down on the kind of people on whom the oh-so-pious businessmen of back then looked down. Therefore, quite a bit of government involvement that's supposed to make up for the lack of community involvement actually becomes a Catch-22.
Nonetheless, the government has to be involved when the communities won't get involved—even when the government gets involved too late for those like Michael Gajdos, Julian and Anthony Czarnecki, and Frederick Kerry, not to mention the Irishpersons, Blacks, and women whom were in similar positions to the positions of the Gajdoses, the Czarneckis, and the Kohns.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Why I Signed Up For (And I'm Not Being Paid Or Otherwise Compensated For This Blog Entry)

In short, I'm:

  1. "[D]isgustingly Jewish", as a blocked-and-reported Twitter called many of us #NeverTrump people. To Trump and Trumpite zealots, being Jewish is disgusting—and I am among the Jews whom have persecuted by Trumpite zealots. I, reporter Julia Ioffe, and others are clearly not welcome in Trump's America.
  2. A person with Cerebral Palsy and OCD/Anxiety, Depression, ADD, and IBS—and a "physically fit German American" who "can think of a place for [me]" (as a Trumpite threatened me on Twitter) and Donald Trump himself as he persecuted Serge Kovaleski made clear that Americans with disabilities will not be considered Americans in Trump's America.
  3. Likely to, as a Jewish-American with Cerebral Palsy and other conditions, be forcibly stripped of my native American citizenship—just as Jews born in Germany and the rest of Nazi-occupied Europe were stripped of their American citizenship—and put in a murder camp unless I flee the United States of Donald Trump—and if anyone has to worry about FEMA camps actually being used maliciously, one would have to worry about FEMA camps becoming camps used for malicious purposes instead of shelter from disasters if Donald Trump does become POTUS.
  4. Not looking forward to becoming an alteh moid—I even tried Plenty Of Fish at the recommendation of a friend whom found her own bashert there, and it didn't work.
  5. Not wanting to resort to being a trophy wife—I even tried getting friends to send around a dating résumé around, and most of them were reluctant and even hostile about doing it.
  6. Maybe even likely to have better romantic prospects in Canada in any case—whether works out for me or doesn't work out for me—especially if Trump becomes POTUS.
  7. Maybe even likely to have better luck making aliyah from Canada than from the United States.
Besides, I have Foczko and other kevorim mishpacha in Canada; so, I wouldn't be completely foreign to Canada.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Rejection Hurts. Even For-the-Best-Rejection Hurts.

Examples of hurtful, good and bad, rejections:

  1. Societal rejection, which effects mass-scale evils such as the Holocaust and the continuing rise of Donald Trump. For Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, and other peoples; women, people with disabilities, and immigrants to be told, "You don't count;" "you're not a part of America", etc. hurts—didn't Jews already suffer rejection during the Holocaust, including in the U.S. (when, e.g., Bernard Baruch was blamed for the "Jew Deal" and the "S.S. St. Louis" was turned away)? Didn't Blacks already suffer with Jim Crow and the Nadir? Didn't Hispanics already suffer with being stereotyped during "Operation Wetback"? Never mind that women suffered until even decades after Susan B. Anthony came along, and never mind that people with disabilities are still mistreated (by those such as Dana Stubblefield and TMZ, whom went after the rape victim and her "bizarre profile"—shame on TMZ for going after a person with intellectual disabilities, let alone a person with intellectual disabilities whom was trying to find a job and got raped at work!). 
  2. Familial rejection—all one, e.g., has to do is read the headlines about how a mother murdered her four-year-old child whom had Cystic Fibrosis and how female middle- and high-school students throw away their newly-born children as if the children are disposable tampons or medical waste such as pushed-out kidney stones.
  3. Romantic rejection—especially for people whom've been abused and/or whom are disabled, both having to reject romantic prospects and being rejected as a romantic prospect hurts. I've been on both sides of the rejector-rejectee coin—I had to call the police on each ex after I broke up with him, and I'm a stigma in myself because of my disabilities and having been abused (verbally, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically) in the past. Also refer to the point about societal rejection—I'm not the only person with disabilities (including mental illnesses) who's been seen as a romantic liability and/or undesirable.
  4. Professional rejection—e.g., getting a book manuscript rejected (which just happened to me, and I'm trying to find out how I can improve and resubmit the manuscript), résumé rejections, and rejections that stem from societal rejections (e.g., Refer to the point about Dana Stubblefield's victim, whom was raped on the job that she finally found; and read some of Jeff Woodward's writings and writings that Jeff Woodward has shared—which prove my point that ableism is rampant in the workplace because it is rampant in society, despite that my family refuses to believe me).
  5. Rejection by friends—or at least whom you thought were friends—and mentors—or at least whom you thought were mentors. Rejection, of course, includes betrayal—and one example of betrayal is Dr. Ben Carson's betrayal of African Americans by his endorsement of Donald Trump and slamming of Harriet Tubman's being placed on the $20 bill.
Most of the rejection types and examples thereof are bad rejections, although even the bad rejections—as hurtful as they are—have at least some good in them. e.g.:

  1. Non Trumpites have found out just really how America's colors run or don't run—even if there's a silent majority whom won't speak against Donald Trump (and Donald Trump's friend Hillary Clinton).
  2. People whose families rejected them sometimes don't even have to live in an increasingly-cruel and -miserable world, let alone among cruel and miserable families.
  3. One finds out and/or is reminded of what true love is and what true love isn't.
  4. One is forced to either carry on and/or even improve if doing so is possible.
  5. If someone seems too good to be truly good, they may just be—e.g., Dr. Ben Carson has shown how much intelligence does not equal wisdom, and how the supposedly-outsider conservative and retired neurosurgeon-turned-aspiring-POTUS is really a Dixiecrat to the core—one can't be a true Republican and good role model for African-American young men and women if he supports Tammany-Hall Trump and Andrew Jackson over Harriet Tubman.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Open Letter To Dr. Ben Carson

I suppose that the cost of human lives during the Jackson Presidency means nothing to you. In 1832, Andrew Jackson sent Native Americans on the "Trail of Tears". 100 years later, an inspiree of Andrew Jackson was elected in Germany and implemented the so-called "Final Solution" 110 years after the Trail of Tears.

Then again, you blamed Jews for being unarmed during the Holocaust. You also stated that the Germans weren't armed, when only Jews were not allowed to be armed. The Germans and others (with few exceptions, among them German Dietrich Bonehoeffer and Dutchwoman Corrie ten Boom) willingly collaborated with the National Socialist party whom Germany elected and Europe overall. 

Yet, here you are supporting a nationalistic socialist. Then again, your support of Donald Trump makes total sense for you, given that you support a racist and an Anti Semite whose inspirations include a Pharaoh of his day (and Andrew Jackson virulently hated Jews, which is why the Anti Semites love and laud him) instead of Harriet Tubman, the African-American female Moses of her day.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Did the Second American Civil War Just Begin In New Orleans? If So, Of Course White Supremacists Would Begin It; And They Did So Over Robert E. Lee Commemorations

According to Fox News and the Associated Press, New Orleans may be the new Fort Sumter:

"Backlash against a plan to remove prominent Confederate monuments in New Orleans has been tinged by death threats, intimidation and even what may have been the torching of a contractor's Lamborghini. For now, at least, things have gotten so nasty the city hasn't found a contractor willing to bear the risk of tearing down the monuments. The city doesn't have its own equipment to move them and is now in talks to find a company, even discussing doing the work at night to avoid further tumult.
"Initially, it appeared the monuments would be removed quickly after the majority black City Council on Dec. 17 voted 6-1 to approve the mayor's plan to take them down. The monuments, including towering figures of Gens. Robert E. Lee and P.G.T. Beauregard, have long been viewed by many here as symbols of racism and white supremacy."

If one keeps reading, he or she will come across reporting such as that:
"H&O Investments LLC. of Baton Rouge soon pulled out of the job, citing death threats, 'unkindly name-calling,' outrage on social media and the threat of other businesses canceling contracts. One day, ... 'a specific articulated threat' was phoned into city authorities warning workers at the monuments to leave for their safety. On Jan. 12, H&O sent the city a letter saying it was dropping out."
 I obviously don't use "Second American Civil War" lightly, then; and the prospect of a Second American Civil War involves nothing funny.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

A Hypocrisy Which I Don't Understand

How can certain loved ones of mine be against the decision of "Charlie Hebdo" to cease their portrayals of Muhammad, and how can they state that "Charlie Hebdo" is "caving in" to the Islamists? After all, they are attempting to ensure that I will not speak out against certain
other Anti Semites and racists.

My problem, then, is not with my loved ones' disagreement with the magazine: my problem is that they are doing to me exactly what they oppose that "Charlie Hebdo"'s editors are doing to themselves. How can they complain about, for example, the following re the Islamists when they complain about me fighting against particular groups whom support groups like "Charlie"'s enemies?

“We have drawn Muhammad to defend the principle that one can draw whatever they want. It is a bit strange though: we are expected to exercise a freedom of expression that no one dares to.”
I'm at a loss for words when they support "Je suis Charlie" at the same time that they tell me "Don't provoke crazies" and "Don't stir up the hornets' nest." While I'm not "Charlie", I'm certainly:

  1. Nicole
  2. Juive (i.e., Je suis Juive; or "אני יהודית.")
  3. Intent on not caving in to the Anti Semites
Meanwhile, God willing, I'll (so to speak) come back up from the underground eventually.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

An Ethnocidal-Religiocidal 21-Year-Old & Nine Innocents: Why?

I am trying to understand how a man who's my age could be so hard-hearted and evil. What was his motive? Infamy? "Revenge" for the racism in this country of late--how does racist violence against innocents rectify any wrongs? Evil for evil?--maybe he had a grudge and racistly scapegoated? Trying to be cool and impress his fellow ex cons? Racism and crime are never cool. Suicide by cop and murder? Why didn't he take just himself in any case? Either way, he needs the death penalty--preferably by firing squad.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Worst Of the Tragedies At Charlie Hebdo

Read the articles and do more research, and the worst of the tragedies at "Charlie Hebdo" will become very clear to you: a Holocaust survivor was the direct target of those who murdered 12, injured 11, and affected many others at "Charlie Hebdo". A survivor of the Nazi invasions into French Tunisia, Georges Wolinski (ז''ל והי''ד) moved to mainland France only to live into his 70s and avoid the fate that he could've had in what became a part of Vichy France. He was also the son of a Volyn'ska-rooted Yehudi Ashkenazi  and a Tunis-rooted Yehudit Mizrachit.

Wasn't that his paternal family endured horrors, including pogroms, at the hands of Imperial and Soviet Russia enough? Wasn't that has maternal family endured centuries of Anti-Semitic Arabocentrism enough (and he was a teen during the aliyot from Arab countries in 1948!)? Now he, also a son of survivors of Anti Semitism, became the victim of the Anti Semitism that he and his family were able to elude when Germany and the "Grand" Mufti (more like a "Satan Gadol") invaded one of the countries in which his maternal family had endured enough Anti Semitism, and to which his paternal family fled to escape Anti Semitism.

That, either an irony or a paradox created by G-d, is the worst tragedy at "Charlie Hebdo".

PS Vive le peuple de Yisra'el!

<a href="" title="How Were You Affected By the Murders At Charlie Hebdo?">How Were You Affected By the Murders At Charlie Hebdo?</a>

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Speaking Of Stereotypes...

I had to deal with, quite frankly, slander against me because I pointed out that the policepersons who saluted their murdered colleagues had Black men among them. As I told her:

To assume that I put Michael Brown and Eric Garner in the same category is wrong. Also, I've even gone out of my way to support certain politicians because they are Black (e.g., Charles Lollar and Pinkston Harris. I'm glad that Larry Hogan has a Black Lieutenant Governor, Boyd Rutherford). I don't like the WASP and WEC mentality that some in the GOP have held for years. I come from Jewish families on both sides even (long story), and I've defended the Lemba Jews and Falasha Mura. As an Ashkenazi Jew from Crypto-Jewish families, I could easily back off and not defend the Lemba (who were slandered in a bogus study by an Indian oceanographer who claims that the CMH type that they have is not a kohen one). You can't assume, then, that I have contempt for Blacks.
I suppose, then, that I was stereotyped as much as she alleges that I stereotype Blacks.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Your Vote and Comments

<a href="" title="Do You Think That the No True Bill Was Justified?">Do You Think That the No True Bill Was Justified?</a>

By the way, I've been blogging more at The Times of Israel lately.