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Showing posts with label analysis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label analysis. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2018

Commentary: Plainly Abusive Or Not-Entirely-Willingly Abusive?

Truth be told, people like the abusive person in this video may truly love their partners and are nonetheless abusing them and themselves by doing something for which the partners may need to take the hard step of leaving them: refusing to get treatment for mental illnesses if they can get that treatment.

In the video, the abusive person has Alcoholism for which he is clearly not getting treatment, although he can treatment for Alcoholism. Other mental illnesses which unfortunately can effect people to abuse other people include Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia: when people are in the throes of untreated mental illnesses like that, they're not even aware of what they're doing. According to the Mayo Clinic re Bipolar Disorder alone, "Despite the mood extremes, people with bipolar disorder often don't recognize how much their emotional instability disrupts their lives and the lives of their loved ones and don't get the treatment they need.".

Sometimes, then, the abused partners have to leave and say to their abusive partners something like, "I will come back if you seek the mental-health treatment that you need, and I will be fully supportive of you as you undergo the mental-health treatment. I cannot continue to let you hurt me and, ultimately, hurt yourself, and the only way that you can begin to heal yourself and mend the ties that you have cut is to acknowledge that you have a mental illness and get help for yourself."

Monday, August 6, 2018

Commentary: Rick Gates Just Did In Paul Manafort, Although Paul Manafort Ultimately Did In Himself & Helped To Do In Others

As I'm writing this, it's only seconds after I got the news alert that Rick Gates admitted to doing criminal activity at Paul Manafort's behest. So, Rick Gates essentially proved Special Counselor's case: that D****d ***** used Putin as his puppet to get himself illegally into the White House. This isn't to account for *****'s tweets in which he ultimately trapped himself and because of which Special Counselor Mueller ultimately had to do nothing to pull the Jenga® block out of his tower.

Try to build a ***** Tower in Moscow if Putin is willing to be used as your puppet, meet at ***** Tower HQ with your puppet's puppets to conspire to steal data and change others' votes, and commit a whole litany of other crimes, catch yourself right in your own trap in which Special Counselor Mueller and others knew that you would catch yourself.

Moral of the story: always follow the real rule of law and act ethically and morally, and you won't find yourself in legal, ethical, and moral conundrums.

PS The real rule of law always includes ethical and civil disobedience, and "civil disobedience" includes taking actions such as recording conversations about paying someone to silence her about your affair with her—so what Michael Cohen did was civilly disobedient even if it was illegal per se. 

Friday, August 3, 2018

Commentary: Imagine If...

You boss had extremely-serious allegations leveled against him or her. Imagine if those allegations included that he or she used someone within a competing organization to help him or her become the CEO by taking actions such as helping to intimidate union members whom voted on behalf of other employees—including the board of directors—and hacking their computers to change their logged votes. Imagine if the BoD wanted to investigate him or her, and he or she tried to use the legal department with the organization to stop the investigation that the BoD asked HR to undertake. Imagine if he or she also slandered, libeled, and endangered his or her apparent employees and colleagues, the BoD, and HR.

That is exactly what ***** has leveled against him and is doing, and those allegations are essentially proven by now. He used Putin to help him illegally get into the White House. He and supporters of his threatened the Electoral College and had Russia tamper with ballots. He is trying to get the Justice Department to stop the investigation that Congress asked Special Counselor Mueller to undertake, and he is slandering and libeling those whom don't support him as well as encouraging his supporters to hurt others.

A decent HR department in any given company would sanction such a corrupt and illegitimate CEO as well as turn him or her into the police, and ask the BoD, union members, and other employees to cooperate with an investigation that the police department and a DA would undertake. In this case, Special Counselor Mueller is closer to indicting ***** every day and needs the support of all of the American people to continue investigating him.

By the way, keep in mind that the all-employees-as-members BoD and union as well as the general workplace are the American people in the analogy.  

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Commentary: With All Due Respect, Nobody "Misspoke", "Pushed" You, Or Threatened "Extortion"...

You said what you said. You did what you did. You spoke for yourself, and you did the action of speaking. You sat in that Helsinki palace with Putin, and you called African Americans a racist name and brought up how many of them were mistreated for God knows what reason—"role playing" definitely wasn't it, and everybody saw right through that—everybody's (or at least my) guess is that you were trying to intimidate African Americans.

This tweet, by the way, becomes absolutely suspect in light of that: 

Are you? "Role playing" to prove that you're not racist makes your tweet sound like a classic "I am and I'm trying to pretend that I'm not" excuse. You also supported the person whom claims that he "misspoke" at Helsinki, whose the same person whom has called countries like Haiti "****hole countries", might I mention—and what does that say about what you really think of anyone of African descent?

I hasten to additionally mention that whom you supported met Putin in Helsinki, the capital of a notorious Nazi collaborator during World War Two, and about which the CIA Factbook currently says the following:

"During World War II, Finland successfully defended its independence through cooperation with Germany and resisted subsequent invasions by the Soviet Union - albeit with some loss of territory."

Meanwhile, you still won't cooperate with Special Counselor Mueller, and you somehow made time to assure that the CIA would write a pro-Nazi entry in its apparent factbook well before you met with Putin in Helsinki (and everybody can see that you illegally head an executive branch to whom the CIA answers in part).  You also projected by calling Former CIA Director John Brennan "treasonous". 

Both of you claim to be Christian, by the way. I'm pretty sure that you know, then, that Jesus told everybody:

"For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light."

Especially if you really are actually Christian, you know that Special Counselor Mueller (so to speak, and I suppose literally) has your number—you may as well at least call him and set up a time to sit down with him so that you can explain why you've done what you've done, besides that you've been among "men [whom] loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." The same goes for you: you may as well sit before your former company's CEO, shareholders, and other involved parties and state that you really messed up and exposed a really-ugly side of you.

After all, what's the holdup if you really believe that "he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God"? David, the legitimately-appointed king of Israel whom raped Bathsheba and murdered Uriah, had to turn himself in both to Nathan (since kings were as subject to Torah as anybody else, and Nathan was appointed as a prophet and counselor to David by God) and to Godand you're surely not better than David.

You've already ruined your legacy. The Trump™ brand is no longer respected, if it ever even was anything besides well known—since "well known" is not inherently synonymous with "respected". The Papa John'sⓇ brand doesn't even have the original "Papa John" associated with it in any way but for the "Papa John" nickname.

You're also looking at jail or prison time as well as more lawsuits than you've had in the past, anyway. Special Counselor Mueller is likely to indict you any day, and either he or someone else will definitely sue you on behalf of the United States Government and all Americans. One of your former employees or colleagues may press hate-crime charges against you, and someone will definitely sue you for defamation.

In conclusion, then, you might as well do what's right after you've—as the expressions go—burned so many bridges and had everything for which you actually worked go up in flames: try to make the amends that you need to make.

"If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire."
"[C]ome to the light" to which your actions have already been brought and own up to them. Accept a plea deal that Special Counselor Mueller and your defense team work out for you after you've talked to him. Sincerely apologize to your former employees, colleagues, investors, and customers for even being racist, let alone supporting a racist and then using racist language that you tried to couch as something other than what you were really thinking.

Even when you're serving jail and/or prison time and/or once again facing litigation, you can still have others say about you, "At least he [or, as opposed to "he", an understandably-supplied noun] owned up to what he did—albe after a long time!"¹

¹As for Putin, incidentally, I have no idea who will prosecute and/or sue him—perhaps the UN will, and there is definitely a litany of cases that the ICC can make against him, and the U.S. could sue Russia in the ICJ—and as for Finland, they still rightly have to live with being a Nazi-collaborator state.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Of Course, Conservatives Can't Trust *****'s Supreme Court Nominee (And Of Course Can't Trust *****)!

No matter who ***** picks, no conservative can trust her (likely her) or him. Besides, she (as all indicators seem to have demonstrated so far) or he is going to be a ***** sycophant (at least initially—and who knows what's happened when Neil Gorsuch has ruled against his boss, whom is illegitimately in the White House in the first place and thus makes Gorsuch's appointment illegitimate in any case, no matter that the Senate's confirmed it for the time being)? Also, and most importantly, the following should cause everyone to consider why no real conservative is going to back *****'s SCOTUS nominee even if she or he even ends up being a he by the name of Merrick Garland(!):

  1. Real conservatives would rather have a moderate like Merrick Garland, whom was appointed by an albe-legitimately-elected president whom we generally didn't like, than a sycophant of an illegitimately-elected-president in whom no decent person can find any merit.
  2. Now-Former President Obama admitted his general disdain for most conservatives as well as most moderate & leaning-moderate people on all sides—and at least he, as far as I know, doesn't have any forcibly-aborted children or sexual-harassment victims in his wake. ***** still tries to pretend to suddenly be Mr. Reformed and Mr. Conservative when he has never even repented for—and he demonizes everyone whom calls him out on—his own immoderate and far-from-conservative actions, among which are trying to get Marla Maples to abort Tiffany Trump (and someone who really wants to overturn "Roe v. Wade" would come clean about wanting to abort his own child, not to mention his affair-conceived child—and to be fair, one now has to wonder at what point the affair stopped being an affair and crossed into Marla Maples being Stockholmed, since a man who can rape his wife and try to force any woman to abort her child probably didn't have a fully-willing partner in Marla. When he or she also considers, among other things, how ***** bragged about "grabb[ing a woman] by [her private areas]" and "mov[ing] on her like a [dog]", one has to wonder if Marla could've said "No" and had it taken for an answer.)
  3. In other words, Former President Obama is generally a "You get who you see" kind of person and was that way as a politician, even though he at least made bipartisan concessions. ***** is a "For thee and not me" kind of person, and the kind whom "narcissist", "sociopath", and "Machiavellite" only begin to describe!
  4. Especially any women and any (supposedly) pro-life nominee of ***** will be a token and a court packer—and only one SCOTUS nominee of an illegitimately-elected "POTUS" is needed to be pack a court; so, two nominees of a Non POTUS make a packed SCOTUS, even if the rest of the justices are nominees of legitimate now-former POTUSes.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Commentary: A Few Reminders That Charles Krauthammer's Death Brings

  1. Death doesn't discriminate. In the case of Dr. Charles Krauthammer (ז׳ל), death did not care that he was a psychiatrist and a prominent commentator. It also did not care that he'd endured quite enough in his life, being (as, as I should know that, each Jew is at least once in his or her lifetime) a victim of Anti Semitism and of an accident that left him with Quadriplegia during his college days and thereafter for the rest of his 68 years.
  2. Like death itself, disabilities and illnesses will not discriminate. Quadriplegia did not care that Charles Krauthammer had significant aspirations and quite a life ahead of him, and Abdominal Cancer did not spare the same Dr. Krauthammer whom Quadriplegia had already afflicted—and by the way, I as a person with Spastic-Diplegic Cerebral Palsy can at least somewhat imagine how frightening lying on a deathbed due to cancer must've been to a person whom already had paralysis below the neck and became increasingly paralyzed as cancer weakened him (and I'd be surprised if it wasn't frightening at times).
  3. Death, disabilities, and illnesses don't care how old anybody is, and only Yehovah (ב׳ﬣ) knows why people like Dr. Krauthammer didn't get even 70 years, let alone 80 by any reason of any kind of strength—since physical strength isn't the only kind of strength that can help a person reach at least 70-80 years, and even as much as 120 years.
  4. Only Yehovah (ב׳ﬣ) knows why He foreordained that people like Dr. Krauthammer didn't and won't get 70 years, much less why some people won't live even too long after they are born, if they're even born at all. Only Yehovah (ב׳ﬣ) also knows why He foreordained that some people would go through suffering after suffering after being born, if they weren't foreordained to be miscarried or stillborn in the first place, and many people who have gone through suffering after suffering throughout history did wish that they themselves had never been born or lived too long after their births—and Job and the prophet Jeremiah were among those people, and I'm sure that Dr. Krauthammer (who was as human as everyone else) was among those people at one or another point in his life (as I've been quite a few times in my own life given my own circumstances).
  5. There unfortunately are evil people whom are rejoicing in the death of Dr. Krauthammer, as there are always evil people rejoicing in others' heartbreaking deaths. Some of these people are probably also rejoicing as Senator McCain is dying of the kind of cancer which afflicts him, and some of them have likely even rejoiced in loved ones' deaths. These kinds of people have no regard for others' lives, much less any humble regard for their own, or else they would acknowledge that they as much as anyone else will have their own moments in which they have to face Yehovah and account for how they lived their lives.
  6. When the news cycle moves on from Dr. Krauthammer's death, his loved ones aren't going to move on with it. Especially given that he endured having Abdominal Cancer that metastasized and certainly exacerbated his Quadriplegia in his final days, his loved ones' mourning may well go beyond the shloshim  (30-day) and the overall avelut (year of mourning) periods in which the news cycle will appear to have left them behind.  After all, any family members, friends, and others who've lost a beloved person don't measure or schedule their grief or mourning by how much news coverage or how many days in the news cycle that their beloved one's death gets, even after the newspapers, television networks, and online news pages seem to forget that the decedent in question even existed.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

A (Not-So-)Funny Thing Happened On the Way To This Point In American History, And It Doesn't Make One "Derang[ed]" When Distrust Is Earned

Three North Korea-kidnapped Americans were released and returning to the United States today, and to distrust a certain illegally-elected "POTUS" whom's currently under investigation by a special counselor does not make one "derang[ed]." After all, the last time that an American came back to the United States, the American in question died—and he had held out until he could die surrounded by loved ones, all of whom had been and still are targets of the illegally-elected "POTUS", D****d *****. So I'm certainly not withholding earned credit when I criticize *****, either. Besides, ***** praised Kim Jong-Un long after Otto Warmbier died; and the Warmbier Family were thus targeted again as recently as just over three weeks ago. They were also targeted when ***** maliciously withdrew the U.S. from the Iran Deal, as every single Jewish family was.

When an impurely-motivated person has repeatedly shown his or her Anti-Semitic and/or other bigoted true colors, I'm not going to give him or her "credit for anything good that he [or she] does". I'm also not going to say that two wrongs make a right, and the bad-enough Iran Deal certainly did not need to be withdrawn by somebody whom harbors just as much hatred for Jews as does the Iranian Government. In fact, I would be foolish to call "good" that Iran is now emboldened enough to "increase spending" on nuclear weapons and continue its Anti-Semitic attacks on Israel.

Call me and others "derang[ed]", then, though you're certainly not going to make *****'s wrong right or your slander against me and others true when ***** has continued to prove that the Warmbier Family, Americans as a whole, and Jews as a whole are only pawns to him at best and just continuous punching bags at the best of the worst—and Special Counselor Mueller luckily does have ***** under investigation, or only God indeed does know what (I kid you not) Mr. "proud to have that German blood" would do. By the way, ***** being proud to have German heritage would not be a big deal if he wasn't proud of it for malicious reasons—so I'm not asking anybody to go to the Germanophobic extreme that occurred during World War Two, and there were many righteous Germans¹ and are righteous Germans.

¹ Truth be told, though, I'm pretty sure that many "Righteous Among the Nations" were Jewish themselves and not counted as such either because of Rabbinic halachah and/or other identification by others as "gentile". One example is probably Hebert Coehn. "Coehn" or "Cöhn" can be German, but it is often Jewish. Also, Raoul Wallenberg and Eduardo Propper de Callejón were both Jews and never got recognized as Jews. We who are Jewish do ourselves a real disservice when we don't acknowledge Jews whom risked their lives to save other Jews as Jews.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Commentary: The PETA That Nobody Heard Condemn the YouTube Shooter And Mohair

After I received an email from PETA (because I had signed one of their petitions once, despite that I honestly wish that PETA wouldn't require me to receive their emails), I was reminded that I didn't hear them condemn the YouTube shooter. PETA could've condemned the actions of the vegan extremist, and they didn't condemn them. So, are they okay with the fact that a vegan extremist murdered four people at YouTube's headquarters? They might be. After all, they themselves go to extremes.

For example, they are asking Forever 21 to stop selling mohair just because of a few of their mohair suppliers whom have mistreated animals. They're also asking everyone else to stop selling and buying mohair products just because of Forever 21's cruel and inhumane suppliers. They, so to speak, are throwing out the baby with the bathwater, though that's as normal and acceptable to them as are (for instance) abortions in which babies are literally thrown out as waste. "Save the baby animals," though not the baby humans in spite of their belief that humans evolved from animals, right? 🙄

As for me, I modified the petition letter when I went to sign hypocritical PETA's petition to Forever 21. I kept the first paragraph, deleted the rest of the paragraphs, and added a paragraph. This is how my letter to Forever 21 reads:

"PETA's exposé of the mohair industry found that workers in South Africa, the world's top mohair producer, roughly handled goats, threw them around, and even cut their throats while they were fully conscious. Goat kids, who were being shorn for the first time, cried out in fear. Many goats were subjected to mutilation of their ears, with pliers that punched sharp needles through them, causing them intense pain and, as one farmer described it, to "scream terribly."

"There are humane ways to shear goats and harvest mohair. Please have your producers handle mohair-producing and other goats as well as other animals appropriately. There is no need to go to the extremes to which PETA goes to treat animals properly."

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for PETA to both issue a better-late-than-never condemnation of the YouTube shooter's vegan extremism and call for humane harvesting and supplying of mohair and other animal-produced materials. I'm also waiting for PETA to give a darn about the baby humans for once, since babies who are aborted are ripped away from their mothers when they are taken from the mothers' wombs via procedures such as D&C procedures and uses of morning-after pills. This isn't to mention the babies and other children whom are ripped away from their mothers when they're kidnapped or otherwise illegally taken by abusive relatives and others whom shouldn't be near children in the first place, by the way.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Commentary: Karl Marx's Fifth Daughter & Her Various Lovers And Descendants—And What Havoc She Has Wreaked

Since necessity is the mother of invention and Karl Marx was the father of Communism, one could say that Communism was Karl Marx's fifth daughter. While Communism was at best a misguided and thus ill-conceived attempt at correcting abuses that occurred during the Era of the Industrial Revolution and Neoimperialism/Neocolonialism, abuses that occurred during that Era still needed correction. Thus, Karl Marx perhaps conceived his brainchild in an attempt to affect a correction of those abuses—and at worst, he conceived his brainchild just to create different kinds of abuses and heap abuse upon abuse.

Karl Marx himself¹ was a Levite and a child of Herschel Mordechai HaLevi and Henrietta Pressburg² Mordechai, and Herschel Mordechai culturally Prussianized himself by converting to Lutheranism and renaming himself "Heinrich Marx". As for Karl, he in many respects took the opposite path of his father—a Levitic rabbi's son turned fully-assimilated and patriotic Preußener. For example, he married the gentile Jenny Westphal and became an Atheist—whereas his monotheistic father had never intermarried or given up on God in any way. He also believed in centralization of governance and of governments in a far different way that his Prussian monarchist father did—in fact, he founded an entire family to reflect that he did.

That family is the family of Communism and the family of Communism-descended ideologies. Paradoxically enough, the writer of "Daas Manifesto" and "On the Jewish Question" raised up his ideological daughter in his Jewish roots to some extent—whether or not he meant to do so. For instance, he—whether intentionally or unintentionally—based "Each according to what he needs and what he has" on the pursuit of justice and on the mitzvah that the rich give no more than the poor and the poor no less than the rich³. At the same time, he explicitly bucked against his roots by raising up Communism in ways that were contrary to them such as the shunning of the mitzvot to believe in and worship Yehovah⁴ and to not engage in Revolutions⁵.

Once Communism fully grew up, she found her footing in finding various lovers and having her own children—and to this day, she is as polyamorous and prolific as ever. She has had gentile lovers and Jewish children like her father had, and she has also had Jewish lovers and gentile children. Of course, some had and have loved her by loving her descendants such as Socialism instead of loving her—although some have flirted with her as well as with her descendant ideologies.

Among the lovers of Communism were Lenin and Stalin, both of whom were in Imperial Russia—where her father actually thought she could never have a footholdⁱ10—and among her descendants were Leninism and Stalinism. Once Lenin died and against what Lenin wished, polyamorous Communism simply took on another husband—Stalin. Thus, misguided and bad-enough Leninism was overtaken by his worse stepfather and by his brother Stalinism—and obviously, bad went to worse.

The Communistic Soviet Empire ("Union Of...Republics"⁶) eventually collapsed, and Communism's familial rule in Russia seemed done until her child Kremlinism conceived another descendant of hers—Putinism. Meanwhile, other descendants of Communism and other lovers of hers have continuing footholds in other places. For instance, Maoism still is the ideology of China's governance and government, and its own Politburo head declared himself "emperor for life" as China looks to have a modern-day equivalent of the Soviet Empire. At the same time, Kimism is the Ribbentrop to whom South Korea is sickeningly playing Molotov⁷.

Thus, then, the kind of Solomonic wisdom that Karl Marx flouted for whatever reason⁸ could apply here. In this case, Communism is the seductress that one wants to avoid:

"Say unto wisdom: 'Thou art my sister', and call understanding thy kinswoman; [t]hat they may keep thee from the strange woman, from the alien woman that maketh smooth her words.For at the window of my house I looked forth through my lattice; [a]nd I beheld among the thoughtless ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding, [p]assing through the street near her corner, and he went the way to her house; [i]n the twilight, in the evening of the day, in the blackness of night and the darkness. [a]nd, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of a harlot, and wily of heart. She is riotous and rebellious, her feet abide not in her house; [n]ow she is in the streets, now in the broad places, and lieth in wait at every corner....

"Now therefore, O ye children, hearken unto me, and attend to the words of my mouth. Let not thy heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. For she hath cast down many wounded; yea, a mighty host are all her slain. Her house is the way to the nether-world, going down to the chambers of death."⁹

Fair Use. Obtained via

¹ As one can find out even if he or she just browses around on good-for-the-basic-facts Wikipedia, though he or she will want to do more research than that
² Or, were it UnGermanized, something like Bratislavsky—or in her case, Bratislavskyová. Again, research. I've researched. By the way, I'm using simply prior knowledge as I write this—e.g., I remember reading that "Pressburg" is German for "Bratislava", and I have Slovakish Yidish roots. 
³ Exodus 30:15. I do double check my work when I'm not sure about something—a particular reference. By the way, the "pursuit of justice" refers to Deuteronomy 16:20.
⁴ Psalm 14:1 sufficiently covers that.
⁵ Proverbs 24:21-22. Incidentally, I think that the American obsession with British royals may involve latent Post-Revolutionary regrets.
Once again, Western Ashkenazim look down on Eastern Ashkenazim, despite that Karl Marx may've had Eastern Ashkenazi roots😉. 
"Socialist" and "Republic" denote inherently-contradictory concepts, especially with regards to direct republics like the United States (as opposed to traditional republics. Also, a republic with elements of what's been called "direct democracy" could really be called a "direct republic", especially since democracy could actually be called an ideological ancestor of at least Soviet Communism—just as only freeborn Athenian Greek men could be citizens and vote in democracy's birthplace, so only Soviet Russian men whom were part of the Politburo and Soviet Non-Russian men whom had the favor of the Politburo had any real say).
⁷ By the way and on that note, Ribbentrop actually represented what are two Communism-related ideologies, which are Fascism and National Socialism—the latter of which is known as part of the Alt Right for a reason, as the Alt Right ("Old Right", 19th-Century Right) is the Modern Far Left. In contrast to Communism (unless Communism was maliciously conceived as opposed to misguidedly conceived), however, Fascism and National Socialism were maliciously-conceived ideologies from the beginning. 
Since the exhortation against revolutions comes from the Book of Proverbs
From Proverbs 7, JPS 1917
10 Update as of May 2, 2018 at 10:15 PM EST: I came to realize that since I had written Footnote Two to insert the joke that is now is in Footnote "i"and that Footnote Two would've thus made no sense without Footnote "i"—I decided to insert the joke despite whatever backlash I may get for it. Besides, Western Ashkenazim apparently at least did at one time look down on Eastern Ashkenazim—in fact, I once read that Western Ashkenazim came up with (forgive my language) "sheeny" to make fun of Eastern Ashkenazim for using Yiddish, which explains why a character's use of it in Eugene O'Neill's play didn't make sense to me when I read it without knowing that (Why would a slur that sounds like it came from "Sheen" be Anti Semitic and not Anti Irish?, I thought?).

Friday, February 16, 2018

On Mitt Romney's Senate Run, Rick Gates' Finalization Of His Plea Deal, Etc.

  1. Good. We need a common-sense and #NeverTrump (in other words, a real) conservative, not RINOs or those whom dread Hillary Clinton more than fear God.
  2. Good. By the way, the probe that Special Counselor Mueller's conducting is (so to speak) getting down to the wire, and it's only a matter of time before ***** is indicted like his equivalent Netanyahu and his "natural partners" will be by the prosecutors in Israel.
  3. On North Korea: South Korea is either trying to trojan horse North Korea in turn or desperate to make peace and/or avoid trouble with Kim Jong-Un, and to pay North Korea for the Olympicsis a bad idea if the latter is the case.
  4. On the shooting in Florida: as someone in a Facebook group pointed out, the majority of victims of Jews and the media's hardly covering that. Sadly, that makes sense, as the shooter was a White Supremacist. Also (and forgive if I'm being racist), I think that the media would cover it a lot more if the majority of the victims were Black or Hispanic. Of course half of the media hardly to not at all cover when an Anti-Semitic hate crime has occurred. By the way, the shooter was adopted by a Hispanic family; and whether or not he himself is even ethnically Hispanic or at least has of some Ethnic Hispanic heritage, pulling the "White card" is as racist as if someone pulled an Anti-Hispanic card. Whites can't be blamed as a general rule in this (and quite frankly, I thought that the shooter was Hispanic until the news that he was adopted came out)—point being, a person of any given ethnic group can be a racist and an ethnocentrist, and the Florida shooter was clearly an Anti Semite (Incidentally, I have no idea whether his ex girlfriend or his ex girlfriend's current boyfriend is Jewish, although it wouldn't surprise me if either one of them is and were victimized for that reason—and many abusive people are also racists and ethnocentrists—hateful does and hateful is, and the Florida shooter is clearly a hateful person.).
  5. Of course the mental-illness card was pulled by the shooter—the convenient excuse that many mass shooters seems to be that ableist one—and in any case, as I said, the Florida shooter effected the clock to be set back for those of us with mental illness. Besides, he didn't have to shoot anybody even if he really does have Schizophrenia and will be found not even competent to stand trial—those of us with mental illnesses are not inherently evil just because of mental illnesses, and many of us even need guns to protect ourselves from ableist people whom would target and otherwise abuse us. In addition, I have ancestors and other belated relatives whom had Schizophrenia and never even attempted to hurt anyone—in fact, at least two of them were exploited due to their mental illness and other factors.
  6. Of course ***** the hypocrite pretends that he cares about anyone with mental illnesses. By the way, my mental illnesses have honestly flared up in part because of an ableist, racist, and otherwise-bigoted and lawless person whom is not being indicted by Special Counselor soon enough being in the White House.
  7. The most-dangerous weapons are the brain and the heart, not guns. Furthermore, no amount of gun control will change anybody—only Yehovah can change anybody. As I tweeted:

Monday, February 12, 2018

On a Wilkes-Barre High School Debate, Fragmented Computers, and Segregation

I think that Vice President Walker knows what he's saying. Besides, the two schools have clearly worked together in the past (I did my research here.), and consolidating them would just make their working together (among other things) permanent. Also, think about Coughlin-Meyers JSHS like a computer: if you don't want a fragmented computer with too many files in the first place, you don't want what could easily be one school continuing to be two schools. In addition, Vice President Walker (quite literally) is putting the schoolboard's money where his mouth is: for the people whom actually want to have the concept of school choice, he's giving it to them.

As far as segregation, real segregation "is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age or sex"¹. By the way, I as well know what I'm saying²: any of my ancestors and their relatives who attended Coughlin³ didn't get a choice as to whether they'd be openly of their ethnic group ("race") or open about their religious choices—consolidating schools and giving school choices are as related to bigotedly segregating as defragging and cleaning up computers is: they aren't! Let me know, though, when saving taxpayer money and real-estate space, and giving school choice are related to—for example—being implicitly and explicitly hostile to Jews on ethnic and/or religious grounds, and then we'll talk! 

¹Or ability, though never mind us people with disabilities, again 🙄
²Except apparently about people with disabilities—but hey, what's new? 🙄 Ableism is ingrained into the culture and as old as the Anti Semitism that my ancestors faced—when a third of the angels fell, they were intent as bringing ableism into the to-be-created world as they were to bring Anti Semitism, perhaps especially because they foreknew that many Jews would have disabilities.
³Paradoxically enough, the one who I know attended Coughlin ended up being a busha and a boged—never mind that he was one of the ones given a Yiddish diminutive and a second-generation pogrom survivor whose first-generation-pogrom-survivor mother was closest to him and my other great-granduncle whom she gave a Yiddish diminutive. In his (and the other great-granduncle's) eyes, exploiting another one of my great-granduncles—and probably my great-great-grandma, too—was totally okay!

Friday, February 9, 2018

In Response To A Friend's Public Facebook Post, And What Became A Long Comment(!)

(By the way, he—along with basically everyone else who's ever read what I've written, heard me speak, etc.—knows that I have Depression, OCD/Anxiety, and ADD. He also knows how I've seen my family destroyed by when they've not admitted that they have conditions such as Depression, not to mention comorbid conditions such as Alcoholism—which, for example, destroyed my great-great-granddad Julian Czerniecki as he coped with Depression that was exacerbated by having to live as a Crypto Jew in order to survive the pogroms and then Anti Semitism in the United States.)

At some point, it's wrong of him or her to not admit it if he or she is able to admit it. Jesus, as they say, didn't call us to act like we're perfect and (forgive the language) we have our shit together. Besides, as Jesus Himself said, He called the sick and not the well. How many people without mental illnesses and/or other disabilities and/or circumstances in which all seems well turn to Jesus? Very few if any at all. Why? Again as Jesus said (and He said this through his apostles), He doesn't call many according to the flesh. 

One example of this is when a guy sitting next to Max Lucado (as Max Lucado recounts in 3:16) told him straight to his face that because he has a good life, "I don't need God." People who don't (or apparently don't) have thorns in the flesh and/or bad circumstances don't want to think that they need God. After all, why (they think) should they need God if they don't need a Great Physician, an Advocate, and a Wonderful Counselor, let alone One Whom can guide them to good doctors (including psychiatrists), advocates, and counselors whom are physically present and directly treat them on Earth? 

Of course, very few people would ever say that they don't need God because they have a good life! As I've seen, most people who say that they don't need God say that they don't need God because they think that they can be good enough without Him or think that they already have Him in their hearts.

As I Submitted To the Patients For Affordable Drugs Website: Why I'm For Lower Drug Prices

I am one of the ones whom is both unlucky and lucky. I have Cerebral Palsy, OCD/Anxiety, Depression, ADD, and IBS; and I have to be on three medicines for my mental illnesses. I also have to use a Baclofen Pump for my CP, and at least the medications that I take for my mental illnesses help somewhat with the IBS. I additionally have to be on Medicaid and receive SSI benefits as well as be on my mom's insurance for the time being.

Without being on Medicaid and my mom's insurance (since she's a single mom whom works for the federal government, and I still have to live at home at 28 because of my conditions) at present, I don't know what I do. For example, my psychiatrist doesn't accept insurance; so I have to pay the full $125 every time that I have a psychiatry appointment. I can only imagine, then, how much I'd have to pay without being on Medicaid and my mom's insurance, and receiving SSI benefits in my current situation.

Of course, I'd like to get married and not have to be on Medicaid or SSI benefits, and I'd surely like to not have to be on my mom's insurance. Part of what scares me nonetheless is the idea of never getting married and having to depend on my mom for the rest of her life, and being on SSI benefits and Medicaid for the rest of my life. Another part of what scares me is if I get cheated on and get divorced if I do get married because I'm ableistically seen as worth cheating on, and being cheated on will hurt enough without me having to fall back on SSI benefits and Medicaid to afford the Baclofen Pump appointment followups, medications for my mental illnesses, etc.

I can only imagine, then, the circumstances of those whom are in worse situations than I am. That's why I'm for lower drug prices and reasonable drug prices, and especially for the rich and otherwise better off to philanthropically help the poor and otherwise less fortunate afford the drugs that we need.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Exactly What I Was Thinking, And A Good Idea

  1. The first point: exactly what I was thinking, although it's more that he's hungry for power. Also, a Non POTUS (unless he's a legal VP acting on behalf of a legal POTUS) can't give SOTU addresses, anyway.
  2. Good idea. Besides, we know enough about *****'s crimes to not talk about him.
  3. Another point: not talking about ***** may actually help Mueller complete a thorough probe: less distraction, more action; less leaks, investigations won't take as many weeks.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A "Secret Society" And Other ***** Conspiracy Theories

"11 For Yehovah spoke thus to me with a strong hand, admonishing me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying: 12 'Say ye not: A conspiracy, concerning all whereof this people do say: A conspiracy; neither fear ye their fear, nor account it dreadful. 13 Yehovah Tzva'ot, Him shall ye sanctify; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread. 14 And He shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 15 And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.' {P}"
(Isaiah 8:11-15)

To how many people whom are of Israel and whom claim to be grafted into Israel would this apply? Plenty! I've already discussed how many have willingly self Pavloved re ***** and Clinton.

("['N]either fear ye their fear, nor account it dreadful. Yehovah Tzva'ot, Him shall ye sanctify; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread.[']")

It's now gotten to the point at which an FBI informant purportedly alleges that an Anti-Trump "secret society" exists, and the "Daily Caller"—Tucker Carlson's former paper—claims to have procured certain correspondences. 

Meanwhile, the apparent FBI informant may not be exactly that—and Ron Johnson himself played an "It depends on what your definition of 'is' is" game:

‘Is there anything more about that?’ Baier asked.

‘No. But we have to dig into it - this is not a distraction. Again, this is bias - potentially corruption - at the highest level of the FBI,’ Johnson said.

‘By the way, Robert Mueller used to run the FBI,’ he said. ‘He is in no position to do an investigation over this kind of misconduct.’

Basically, "I can't back up my claim; so I'm just going to turn it on Mueller."

An non-"what...'is' is" answer would've been something like, "The informant in question did not reveal any more information to me at this time." or "I wasn't given any further information, although I will continue to talk to the informant in the coming days."

As for the "Daily Caller":

  1. Considering that it is Tucker Carlson's former paper, you have to consider what kind of (apparent) journalistic culture the "Daily Caller" bureau has (and given that Tucker Carlson founded the paper and seems to have left his mark there, you probably will conclude that there is certainly an anti-journalistic culture there). You also have to consider who Tucker Carlson is, as much as you have to comparably consider who Ariana Huffington is when you think about the "Huffington Post" (Granted that the "Huffington Post" seems to have gotten better since its founder left it, and granted that she nonetheless left as much of a mark on her namesake paper as much as Tucker Carlson has left on his paper).
  2. Considering who Tucker Carlson is and what the "Daily Caller" is, you have to consider the parallels between them and Julian Assange & Wikileaks. In other words, for example, you can guarantee that the "Daily Caller" deliberately decontextualized any correspondence that they obtained as much as Wikileaks deliberately decontextualized any correspondence that they obtained, including correspondence that they twisted in order to push conspiracy theories that the Scalia Family asked people to stop spreading (By the way, Snopes is not "Pro Soros", lefty, etc.. Were they such, they wouldn't have spoken out against notorious leftist Donna Hylton, for example.)
Meanwhile, a report that Senate Majority Leader prevented then-POTUS Obama from alerting American voters to election fraud just broke. And what have Senator Ron Johnson, Tucker Carlson, and others—including Sean Hannity—done in the meantime? Tried to affect people to believe conspiracy theories, and in the name of Judeo-Christian values and the Name of God!

("'And He shall be....for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.'" [cf. Isaiah 29:13-16])

My admonition, then, is to remember that Yehovah is speaking to everybody in this time as much as "[He] spoke thus to [Isaiah] with a strong hand, admonishing [him] that [he] should not walk in the way of this people, saying: 'Say ye not: A conspiracy, concerning all whereof this people do say: A conspiracy[']"

Monday, January 22, 2018

The Next Hurdle For Congress To Clear Before The Government Reopens—And It's Still Their Fault If It Doesn't Reopen—And Then Some Related Observations

Because Congress has not voted to remove ***** from office, they and the rest of the United States are stuck with a Non POTUS whom illegitimately remains in office and has veto power that he should not have. Thus, the Non-#SchumerShutdown Shutdown, which even Fox News conceded that the shutdown is,  may not end tonight or tomorrow.

By the way, and with much of the following being what I've stated before:

  1. I was going to use the other hashtag to describe the shutdown, though you're not going to get me to write or type out that man's name unless I absolutely have to do so (and I deleted the other hashtag after I decided that I was not going to type a certain name out). I therefore ended up using "Non-#SchumerShutdown". 
  2. Twitter needs hashtags in which one can censor another person's name—e.g., "#*****Shutdown"
  3. I'm pretty sure that calling the shutdown the "Schumer Shutdown" has an Anti-Semitic undercurrent. 
  4. To see the  *****ite elements still dominate Fox News saddens me. When are Non *****ites at Fox News going to stand up to *****ite elements and at least say to the ones whom dread Clinton more than fear God, "Oh, for God's sake, look at yourselves—you're like Pavlov's dog, except for that you freak out every time someone says 'Clinton'!" Of course, *****ite elements such as the ones who dread Clinton more than fear God have willingly self conditioned—or "self Pavloved"(?) or "Pavloved themselves"(?).
 (Incidentally, I would sadly be unsurprised if I did not coin those terms—I found out that I didn't coin "PWD". At least I can thank Urban Dictionary for publishing my definition, not to mention God for letting me recall that awesome Michael Steele tweet in which he gave Mitch McConnell a taste of his own medicine—and you'll see why when you see the end phrase in the example! PS I did not bracket any of the words in the example—Urban Dictionary did.).

Sunday, December 24, 2017

What Real Journalists Do WhereIn Mental Illnesses Such As Addictions Are Concerned, And As I Made Clear To Rianne Addo Herself

Real journalists have the following duties wherein mental illnesses such as Alcoholism are concerned:

  1. To report mental illnesses for what they are—illnesses that nobody chooses, not comedic fodder.
  2. To report specific mental illnesses such as addictions for what they are—not, for example, "penchant[s]", "extreme liking[s]," or "fondness[es]" for agents that may even fatally affect the sufferers of the addictions in question. For those with addictions, agents such as alcohol are always fatal if the persons with the addictions to them do not choose to abstain from them.
  3. To report exactly how severe throes of mental illnesses can be. In the case of addiction of alcohol, the throes can be quite severe.
If Rianne Addo were a real journalist, she would never call mental illnesses such as Alcoholism "penchant[s]", "extreme liking[s]", or "fondness[es]" when no person whom had the ability to reason or control himself or herself would ever have a penchant, like, or be fond of doing the following to himself or herself—and people whom are in the throes of Alcoholism are deprived by Alcoholism of being able to reason and control themselves in regards to matters such as:

  1. An inability to function on a day-to-day, and even moment-to-moment basis, without any excessive amount of Alcohol
  2. Binge drinking that is never appropriate to call "a weekend bender" or any other kind of "bender", as such drinking can overload and overwhelm the liver
  3. Irreversible breakdowns of familial and professional relationships
  4. Joblessness, homelessness, and entrapment into financially-abusive, emotionally-abusive, and other abusive relationships a result of the irreversible breakdowns of professional and familial relationships 
  5. Illnesses in addition to Alcoholism and the exacerbation thereof, including Cirrhosis of the Liver that results from and remains comorbid with Alcoholism even if a person with Alcoholism is no longer in the throes of the Alcoholism (i.e., even if he or she has sought treatment for Alcoholism and remained sober).
As I told Rianne Addo herself, real journalists remind other people why mental illnesses such as addictions to alcohol are called "mental illnesses", not use those illnesses as comedic fodder while sufferers of mental illnesses are in the far-from-funny throes of mental illnesses that may even kill them—and as I said last night, Alcoholism may certainly kill Ricky Gervais (not to mention kill him at the same age at which it killed my aunt) if those such Rianne Addo and Ricky Gervais' apparent loved ones continue to find humor in his humorless Alcoholism.

Who's Laughing Now? Mental Illness Is Not Funny, And Ricky Gervais' Alcoholism Is Certainly Not Funny

Remember that addiction is a mental illness, and this is all too common of a sentiment among those with addictions: i.e., the sentiment "I like it too much, I'm not going to give it up" is too common. In fact, my own aunt eerily told my sister that she herself would "quit drinking when [she died]." She unfortunately died of Alcoholism in June of 2008 at the age of 56, which is Ricky Gervais' current age, and may have been 57 in November of that year had she'd been able to get treatment for Alcoholism—and who knows if Ricky Gervais won't share her fate almost a decade later ☹?

What disturbs me is that the "Daily Mail​" seems to see nothing disturbing about anyone, let alone a prominent figure, sending the message that there is nothing wrong with refusing to attempt to get treatment for mental illnesses even when one has the resources to get such treatment. As for Ricky Gervais' loved ones, I find what they're doing perhaps even more disturbing: they seem to be quite content with not wanting to try to help him get help. In contrast to my family whom did try to help my aunt get help, they seem to encourage him to, for example (and as he related), "[wet] himself after six pints of Guinness during a weekend bender."

Regardless of whom has (a) mental illness(es) or what a given person's mental illness(es), nothing is funny or encouragable about allowing someone to be overtaken by a mental illness.

PS My great-great-grandfather Julian Czerniecki (later Julian Czarnecki), whom was born on December 24, 1875 in Polish Russia, was also besieged by Alcoholism, and I don't know when Alcoholism onset for him. What I do know is that the Anti Semitism—and other persecutions and hardships—that he faced in Polish Russia (which he left after the Belostok Pogrom) and in the United States affected an exacerbation of his Alcoholism (and if you think that having to pretend to be a Polish Catholic and settle in out-of-the-way Sugar Notch in order to survive isn't hardship, don't kid yourself¹).

I also know that Great-Great-Granddad Czarnecki was not help as exacerbated Alcoholism (not to mention other mental illnesses, including Depression) besieged him. I have seen, heard, and lived that "Hurt people hurt people" cycle partly because of that; and that is party of why I find disturbing that the "Daily Mail" and those whom apparently love Ricky Gervais want to see him beseiged by a mental illness and perhaps even dead from it.

By the way, the aunt who died from Alcoholism was a maternal aunt; so, Alcoholism is actually on both sides of my family—that of course makes even more disturbing to me what the "Daily Mail" and Ricky Gervais' loved ones are doing, as they are basically saying that they'd like that both people like Ricky Gervais and people on both sides of my family to die of mental illnesses.

I guess that I shouldn't be surprised, though, given how ableist society is and how society hates both famous and non-famous people with disabilities such as mental illnesses.

¹He also had the hardship of being born on a date when Pseudo Christians persecuted the very people of Jesus—whom many of them ironically called "Jeszua", pronounced "Yeshua", by the way—imagine having to live your life never knowing if you'll make it to your next birthday because people whom claim to be celebrating the birth of Jeszua want to commit ethnocide against the very people for whom the New Testament says that Jeszua is Messiah first.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

***** Fatigue Is One Thing That Demonstrates That...

Maya Angelou was wrong. People may remember what you said, what you did, and how they felt—even if they don't remember the exacts of everything that happened and/or unless they either can't remember or have chosen to repress all of the bad memories because of how painful they were.

With the United States being fatigued by *****, Americans and others within the United States will be too tired and too overwhelmed from having to deal with the ***** Dictatorship to remember everything that *****. In fact, ***** (like other sociopaths and narcissists) is trying to tire and overwhelm America to the point at which it will forget everything that ***** said, did, and made it feel (like other sociopaths and narcissists try to do their victims). Part of *****'s trying to make America forget what he said, did, and affect it to feel is gaslighting, since gaslighting involves trying to get a victim to buy into at least one revisionist history of some kind—whether it's the individual history of the victim, the individual history of the abuser, the relational history of the victim of the abuser, or any other kind of history which somehow involves the victim and/or the abuser, and whether or not the abuser engages in trying to get a victim to buy more than one revisionist history.

With *****, a few examples that involved gaslighting included that:

  1. Even America wasn't broken, although it needed a tuneup. ***** propagated that America needed to be made "great again".
  2. ***** raped his now-long-since-ex husband and blackmailed her into changing her story twice.
  3. ***** had Julian Assange willingly hack, decontextualize messages from, and release decontextualized messages from Hillary Clinton's and others' email accounts.
  4. *****, as a RINO, supported the Hillary Clinton campaign until he could throw under the bus and try to convince others that he's a Republican.
Meanwhile, America has already forgotten the fourth example and seems to already forget that the second example fits the profile of a #MeToo movement; and it can't keep up with the number of racist (especially Anti-Semitic), sexist, xenophobic, and other bigoted attempts to apparently "make America great again" that ***** has made. It also can't keep up with who else ***** has as support—and according to the latest implications made by Pamela Anderson herself, ***** has Pamela Anderson has one of his supporters since she seems to be (even if implicitly) confirming the rumors that she is dating Julian Assange. 

As for me, that's part of why I'm tired of *****—can't the Republicans and decent Democrats in the House and Senate have ***** removed from office, and then a special prosecuter have **** prosecuted already?

Monday, November 13, 2017

Keurig, Sean Hannity, Roy Moore, And A Disturbing New (Still-Not-Normal) "Normal"?

While abuse continues to remain not normal, no question that we're in the End Times exists—at least for the Jewish Christians like me or the gentile Christians:

"Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, But he shall be saved out of it."

"And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold."

"For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened."

"'These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth."[']"
[This is the reference that I tweeted re Kurt Eichenwald's tweet, by the way. Emphasis mine; and plenty of Roy Moore supporters will be vomited right out.]

With, for example, people violently breaking their Keurig machines, calling for Keurig boycotts, etc., when Sean Hannity himself gave Roy Moore the benefit of the doubt in his own interview with him is disturbing, as is Roy Moore's Powellesque and Whitesque language in "Higdon v. State":

"Because there was no evidence in this case of an implied threat of serious physical injury under this definition, or of an implied threat of death, Higdon cannot be convicted of sodomy in the first degree “by forcible compulsion.” This Court has previously taken the position that an implied threat under § 13A–6–60(8) may be inferred in cases “concerning the sexual assault of children by adults with whom the children are in a relationship of trust.” See Powe v. State, 597 So.2d 721, 728 (Ala.1991)(emphasis added)"

By the way, plenty Roy Moore supporters—as far as I can tell—will also be finding millstones around their necks and themselves catapulted right into the Lake of Fire by Jesus Himself. After all, even Ms. Corfman has racked up misdemeanor charges because of Roy Moore and other abusers, including pastors:

"“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!
"“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

(PS When I read this and think about the Roy Moore supporters facing Jesus, I can imagine them facing one angry God!)