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Showing posts with label United_States. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United_States. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

Why A "Government Shutdown" By ***** Would Not Be A Government Shutdown

This isn't even like last time—it's far worse. If the threat of a government shutdown becomes a reality, it won't be only three days. We'll also no longer have a republic as we know it. Think about this:

  1. *****'s definition of "great people" is far different than the definition of "great people".
  2. "When Mexico sends its people" (emphasis mine): he's going even as far as to allege to Mexico is involved in a conspiracy to send illegal immigrants, and he's saying "When Mexico sends its people"—not anything like, "When some people illegally emigrate from Mexico"—and he sees all Mexicans as inherently evil.
  3. He met with his puppet Putin in Helsinki, in notoriously-Nazi-collaborating Finland—and this isn't to mention what one of his shills wrote in the CIA Factbook (Incidentally, one can tell what known ***** supporter John Schnatter also thinks of Jews when they read the exact wording that I quoted in my open letter to him and *****.). He also invited him to the White House, and he has a relationship with a Putin ally and another notorious Anti Semite: Kim Jong-Un.
  4. He has a "Secretary of Education" whom is taking actions such as rolling back the ADA¹.
  5. He supports Anti-Zionist, Haredi-supporting, and currently-being-investigated Prime Minister(?) Benjamin Netanyahu—and speaking of which, you have to wonder if "Bibi" was legally elected, as (for example) the coalition of Shas, Agudat Yisra'el, and allies of Shas and Agudat Yisra'el have no problem intimidating others (and, being as sexist as they are, they certainly had no problem pathetically trying to intimdate the Women Of the Wall at the Kotel recently—they even went to try to drown out Torah and siddur readings with whistles and blarings of loudspeakers). Also by the way, Agudat Yisra'el began as an Anti-Zionist party in the Diaspora and now runs institutions such as the Interior Ministry in Israel—and this has become increasingly so with Netanyahu's Likud as the majority party in the Knesset.
  6. He has literally threatened a war with Iran (another Putin ally, might I add)—and the United States certainly does not need a nuclear war right now, much less at all.
  7. He has either allowed or even made the NPS give White Supremacists a permit to rally outside of the White House.
Those are just examples, by the way—and more reasons why Special Counselor Mueller's indicting of ***** as soon as possible is imperative. 

¹PS That I found about its 28th anniversary in an email and even had to make a card partly to raise awareness about it is pathetic—and ableism seems to be even increasing in society.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Commentary: With All Due Respect, Nobody "Misspoke", "Pushed" You, Or Threatened "Extortion"...

You said what you said. You did what you did. You spoke for yourself, and you did the action of speaking. You sat in that Helsinki palace with Putin, and you called African Americans a racist name and brought up how many of them were mistreated for God knows what reason—"role playing" definitely wasn't it, and everybody saw right through that—everybody's (or at least my) guess is that you were trying to intimidate African Americans.

This tweet, by the way, becomes absolutely suspect in light of that: 

Are you? "Role playing" to prove that you're not racist makes your tweet sound like a classic "I am and I'm trying to pretend that I'm not" excuse. You also supported the person whom claims that he "misspoke" at Helsinki, whose the same person whom has called countries like Haiti "****hole countries", might I mention—and what does that say about what you really think of anyone of African descent?

I hasten to additionally mention that whom you supported met Putin in Helsinki, the capital of a notorious Nazi collaborator during World War Two, and about which the CIA Factbook currently says the following:

"During World War II, Finland successfully defended its independence through cooperation with Germany and resisted subsequent invasions by the Soviet Union - albeit with some loss of territory."

Meanwhile, you still won't cooperate with Special Counselor Mueller, and you somehow made time to assure that the CIA would write a pro-Nazi entry in its apparent factbook well before you met with Putin in Helsinki (and everybody can see that you illegally head an executive branch to whom the CIA answers in part).  You also projected by calling Former CIA Director John Brennan "treasonous". 

Both of you claim to be Christian, by the way. I'm pretty sure that you know, then, that Jesus told everybody:

"For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light."

Especially if you really are actually Christian, you know that Special Counselor Mueller (so to speak, and I suppose literally) has your number—you may as well at least call him and set up a time to sit down with him so that you can explain why you've done what you've done, besides that you've been among "men [whom] loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." The same goes for you: you may as well sit before your former company's CEO, shareholders, and other involved parties and state that you really messed up and exposed a really-ugly side of you.

After all, what's the holdup if you really believe that "he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God"? David, the legitimately-appointed king of Israel whom raped Bathsheba and murdered Uriah, had to turn himself in both to Nathan (since kings were as subject to Torah as anybody else, and Nathan was appointed as a prophet and counselor to David by God) and to Godand you're surely not better than David.

You've already ruined your legacy. The Trump™ brand is no longer respected, if it ever even was anything besides well known—since "well known" is not inherently synonymous with "respected". The Papa John'sⓇ brand doesn't even have the original "Papa John" associated with it in any way but for the "Papa John" nickname.

You're also looking at jail or prison time as well as more lawsuits than you've had in the past, anyway. Special Counselor Mueller is likely to indict you any day, and either he or someone else will definitely sue you on behalf of the United States Government and all Americans. One of your former employees or colleagues may press hate-crime charges against you, and someone will definitely sue you for defamation.

In conclusion, then, you might as well do what's right after you've—as the expressions go—burned so many bridges and had everything for which you actually worked go up in flames: try to make the amends that you need to make.

"If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire."
"[C]ome to the light" to which your actions have already been brought and own up to them. Accept a plea deal that Special Counselor Mueller and your defense team work out for you after you've talked to him. Sincerely apologize to your former employees, colleagues, investors, and customers for even being racist, let alone supporting a racist and then using racist language that you tried to couch as something other than what you were really thinking.

Even when you're serving jail and/or prison time and/or once again facing litigation, you can still have others say about you, "At least he [or, as opposed to "he", an understandably-supplied noun] owned up to what he did—albe after a long time!"¹

¹As for Putin, incidentally, I have no idea who will prosecute and/or sue him—perhaps the UN will, and there is definitely a litany of cases that the ICC can make against him, and the U.S. could sue Russia in the ICJ—and as for Finland, they still rightly have to live with being a Nazi-collaborator state.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

An (Actually-Not-So-) Early (-After-All) Flag Day Card


  1. Reilly did end up getting low-calorie treats.
  2. "Momma" had no idea that Flag Day is also World Blood Day (Speaking of which, please help "Momma" help the Red Cross to help Ellicott City!). When she saw it on Google, though, that's when she figured out that the pictures with the flashing red stars really worked for the Flag Day card.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Optical Trumplusion: How The Puppetmaster Attempts To Gaslight Others Into Thinking That He's the Puppet


  1. How the spotlight goes under the curtain and shines onto the purported puppetmaster. Wouldn't the spotlight usually be on the puppet, though? Notice, though, that the spotlight is on whomever or whatever the focus is, or at least not on whatever is being hidden.
  2. How the strings go under the curtain and are wrapped around the purported puppetmaster and then come back out from behind the curtain.
  3. How the spotlight is set to make the curtain transparent enough that the purported puppetmaster can be seen as he's purportedly controlling a puppet.
Trump (whose name I normally censor) has created what I call an optical Trumplusion for the willfully ignorant: he has put the spotlight on Putin to make him look like he's the puppetmaster when Putin is in fact the puppet. After all, as I've said before:

  1. Trump has had a history of never playing puppet.
  2. He has also had a history of throwing others—including the Clintons—under the bus once he sees them as useless. 
  3. Putin needed a Trump Tower in Moscow more than Trump needed one, since the U.S.' economy was better than Russia's economy and the Trump brand was an international brand. Keep in mind that (according to the tape of the press conference that is circulating) this was in 2013 and the Trump brand is likely to not be even a New York brand once Special Counselor Mueller indicts Trump.
  4. Trump is playing Putin like Ribbentrop played Molotov¹.

In conclusion, then, a history-informed careful observer will notice how Trump the purported puppet is using spotlights that he is shining under the curtain to take the focus off of himself and make Putin the puppet look like Putin the curiously-visible puppetmaster. 

¹ By the way, even though Stalin even had his own equivalent of the Nazis' Final Solution" plan, ****** was worse than Stalin merely by the fact that his Anti Semitism was the worst kind of Anti Semitism. Unfortunately, he was a self-hating Jew—as his father was the son of Leopold Frankenberger, as DNA testing confirmed. I understand the attempted backtracking of the researchers, by the way. Nonetheless, people have to acknowledge uncomfortable truths such as the fact one of the worst enemies of Israel arose from among Israel and was far worse than a run-of-the-mill gentile Anti Semite like Stalin. After all, self-targeting bigotry affects far more havoc to be wreaked than standard bigotry does. 

If one needs another example, look at someone else who could very much be compared to Trump and was part of another ethnic group that Trump hates: J. Edgar Hoover, whom was apparently an African American.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Since It's Still June 6th West Of the EDT Time Zone....

PS "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" began creating this card when it was still the 71st Anniversary of D-Day in the EDT Time Zone! Also, Camille would not wear the bow, though she at least posed for pictures.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Memorial Day 2018 Card From Reilly and Camille

PS Reilly and Camille as well as their human family are praying for the National Guard and other Armed Forces personnel, and police officers and other emergency personnel whom are working to help Ellicott City &vicinity and Catonsville and vicinity. They also pray for all of the other people and the pets & other creatures in Ellicott City & vicinity and Catonsville and vicinity.

PPS Please help "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" help Ellicott City & Catonsville as well as their respective vicinities, since the Red Cross will be among the organizations working to help pet owners & other people as well as pets (including fellow puppies of Reilly and Camille) & other creatures with the Ellicott City, Catonsville, and other flood-affected areas.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

An Armed Forces Week Card From Reilly And Camille

PS "Momma" and Reilly particularly wish the Air Force a good day on this Air Force Day during Armed Forces Week--and they have a bit of a special affinity for the Air Force, with the Marines and Army coming in at a close second :-). 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

A (Not-So-)Funny Thing Happened On the Way To This Point In American History, And It Doesn't Make One "Derang[ed]" When Distrust Is Earned

Three North Korea-kidnapped Americans were released and returning to the United States today, and to distrust a certain illegally-elected "POTUS" whom's currently under investigation by a special counselor does not make one "derang[ed]." After all, the last time that an American came back to the United States, the American in question died—and he had held out until he could die surrounded by loved ones, all of whom had been and still are targets of the illegally-elected "POTUS", D****d *****. So I'm certainly not withholding earned credit when I criticize *****, either. Besides, ***** praised Kim Jong-Un long after Otto Warmbier died; and the Warmbier Family were thus targeted again as recently as just over three weeks ago. They were also targeted when ***** maliciously withdrew the U.S. from the Iran Deal, as every single Jewish family was.

When an impurely-motivated person has repeatedly shown his or her Anti-Semitic and/or other bigoted true colors, I'm not going to give him or her "credit for anything good that he [or she] does". I'm also not going to say that two wrongs make a right, and the bad-enough Iran Deal certainly did not need to be withdrawn by somebody whom harbors just as much hatred for Jews as does the Iranian Government. In fact, I would be foolish to call "good" that Iran is now emboldened enough to "increase spending" on nuclear weapons and continue its Anti-Semitic attacks on Israel.

Call me and others "derang[ed]", then, though you're certainly not going to make *****'s wrong right or your slander against me and others true when ***** has continued to prove that the Warmbier Family, Americans as a whole, and Jews as a whole are only pawns to him at best and just continuous punching bags at the best of the worst—and Special Counselor Mueller luckily does have ***** under investigation, or only God indeed does know what (I kid you not) Mr. "proud to have that German blood" would do. By the way, ***** being proud to have German heritage would not be a big deal if he wasn't proud of it for malicious reasons—so I'm not asking anybody to go to the Germanophobic extreme that occurred during World War Two, and there were many righteous Germans¹ and are righteous Germans.

¹ Truth be told, though, I'm pretty sure that many "Righteous Among the Nations" were Jewish themselves and not counted as such either because of Rabbinic halachah and/or other identification by others as "gentile". One example is probably Hebert Coehn. "Coehn" or "Cöhn" can be German, but it is often Jewish. Also, Raoul Wallenberg and Eduardo Propper de Callejón were both Jews and never got recognized as Jews. We who are Jewish do ourselves a real disservice when we don't acknowledge Jews whom risked their lives to save other Jews as Jews.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

#FunnyFriday & #InspirationFromGod: Where's the Beef?

I actually thought of this on Wednesday at the moment that I saw that Special Counselor Mueller "is writing a report" on ***** in the Russian-collusion probe:

Where's the beef? Well, Special Counselor Mueller seems like he b-usted T-rump, whom made himself quite the butt of many a joketalk about being on a legal hotseat and being a subject of many a comedic toast and roast!—and besides, he treated many a woman worsely than meat, and treated many a man poorly. Treat people as literally less than cows, figuratively set up your career and reputation to be grilled like a steak for everything to come out and be fresh for the fodder picking. The grass was greener in the pastures on the side of Yehovah, I guess, but ***** chose to stall and fatten up his professional and social lives.

Monday, February 12, 2018

On a Wilkes-Barre High School Debate, Fragmented Computers, and Segregation

I think that Vice President Walker knows what he's saying. Besides, the two schools have clearly worked together in the past (I did my research here.), and consolidating them would just make their working together (among other things) permanent. Also, think about Coughlin-Meyers JSHS like a computer: if you don't want a fragmented computer with too many files in the first place, you don't want what could easily be one school continuing to be two schools. In addition, Vice President Walker (quite literally) is putting the schoolboard's money where his mouth is: for the people whom actually want to have the concept of school choice, he's giving it to them.

As far as segregation, real segregation "is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age or sex"¹. By the way, I as well know what I'm saying²: any of my ancestors and their relatives who attended Coughlin³ didn't get a choice as to whether they'd be openly of their ethnic group ("race") or open about their religious choices—consolidating schools and giving school choices are as related to bigotedly segregating as defragging and cleaning up computers is: they aren't! Let me know, though, when saving taxpayer money and real-estate space, and giving school choice are related to—for example—being implicitly and explicitly hostile to Jews on ethnic and/or religious grounds, and then we'll talk! 

¹Or ability, though never mind us people with disabilities, again 🙄
²Except apparently about people with disabilities—but hey, what's new? 🙄 Ableism is ingrained into the culture and as old as the Anti Semitism that my ancestors faced—when a third of the angels fell, they were intent as bringing ableism into the to-be-created world as they were to bring Anti Semitism, perhaps especially because they foreknew that many Jews would have disabilities.
³Paradoxically enough, the one who I know attended Coughlin ended up being a busha and a boged—never mind that he was one of the ones given a Yiddish diminutive and a second-generation pogrom survivor whose first-generation-pogrom-survivor mother was closest to him and my other great-granduncle whom she gave a Yiddish diminutive. In his (and the other great-granduncle's) eyes, exploiting another one of my great-granduncles—and probably my great-great-grandma, too—was totally okay!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

As Originally Written On Twitter & Modified For Blogger: A Simple Republican Response To the State Of The Union

Those of us who are Republicans do not tolerate or support RINO *****'s willful and deliberate attempts to destroy the GOP, the United States, and republican parties in other countries. We also do not tolerate or support *****'s attacks on the Democrats, from whom he is much further on the Left. We additionally do not tolerate or support a repeat of history in which Neo Nazis and Neo Stalinists can bring about the kind of lawlessness and disorder that ***** seeks to bring.

We therefore support Special Counselor Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, both of whom (by the way) are GOP members whom seek to bring about what GOP Abraham Lincoln discussed in his address at Gettysburg: "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

By standing with other Republicans (including Special Counselor Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein), the Democrats whom are willing to work with the GOP, and other American people whom want "one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all" (as we pledge to want when we "pledge allegiance to the flag...and to the republic for which it stands"), we can be "a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." 

The United States can have a revival that does not include *****'s idea of what to "make American great again" is. 

As Martin Luther King, Jr. stated, "[W]hen we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!""

That is all. Goodnight and God bless the United States of America.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Exactly What I Was Thinking, And A Good Idea

  1. The first point: exactly what I was thinking, although it's more that he's hungry for power. Also, a Non POTUS (unless he's a legal VP acting on behalf of a legal POTUS) can't give SOTU addresses, anyway.
  2. Good idea. Besides, we know enough about *****'s crimes to not talk about him.
  3. Another point: not talking about ***** may actually help Mueller complete a thorough probe: less distraction, more action; less leaks, investigations won't take as many weeks.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

A Floorless Economy, A Quickly-Rising Stock Market, Inflation, And Debts & Deficits: aka...

A United States-self-made economic hell known as the Second Great Depression is coming if the United States does not refound the American economy based on the Gold Standard—or at least some kind of concrete standard, even if it's the Silver Standard, Copper Standard, or other standard which can give the U.S. Economy a floor should the NYSE crash again. Besides, the United States Economy will also be in worse-than-historically-repetitive trouble if the NYSE keeps going up and up and doesn't have the kind of floor that it had last time.


(The U.S. Government entirely ripped up the floor of the Gold Standard from under the U.S. economy in 1971.)

Add inflation and a probably-impossible-to-repay debt to a floorless economy and an NYSE that could hit a ceiling at any time, and a Great Depression with either a nonetheless-painful end or no end could occur probably well before the 2022 "Budget Showdown"—and compare the former possibility to if my third childhood hamster had risen from the dead after he (as I have since heard) died instantly from a 16-foot-fall that a squirrel-dug hole in my father's apartment caused him to have, or if he even somehow survived that fall and eventually recovered (As for the latter possibility, the bottomless-pit analogy can be used for that.).

One can therefore obviously conclude that the U.S. Economy and the NYSE that defines it need:

  1. A refoundation or reflooring, such as a return to the Gold Standard or some other standard that can serve as an economic and financial base
  2. An actually-slowed-down growing and a growth that takes the slow-and-steady approach as opposed to the "Get rich quick!" or "Buy, buy, buy!" standard.
  3. Inflation control
  4. A U.S. government that will put it back on the Gold Standard or some other kind of concrete standard, regulate overgrowth, control inflation, and at least start reducing the growth of the U.S. debt and deficit.
PS I recall that I wrote about the heading-for-another-depression U.S. Economy before, and writing again about it in the 10th-anniversary year of the Great Recession may be worth it.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A "Secret Society" And Other ***** Conspiracy Theories

"11 For Yehovah spoke thus to me with a strong hand, admonishing me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying: 12 'Say ye not: A conspiracy, concerning all whereof this people do say: A conspiracy; neither fear ye their fear, nor account it dreadful. 13 Yehovah Tzva'ot, Him shall ye sanctify; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread. 14 And He shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 15 And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.' {P}"
(Isaiah 8:11-15)

To how many people whom are of Israel and whom claim to be grafted into Israel would this apply? Plenty! I've already discussed how many have willingly self Pavloved re ***** and Clinton.

("['N]either fear ye their fear, nor account it dreadful. Yehovah Tzva'ot, Him shall ye sanctify; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread.[']")

It's now gotten to the point at which an FBI informant purportedly alleges that an Anti-Trump "secret society" exists, and the "Daily Caller"—Tucker Carlson's former paper—claims to have procured certain correspondences. 

Meanwhile, the apparent FBI informant may not be exactly that—and Ron Johnson himself played an "It depends on what your definition of 'is' is" game:

‘Is there anything more about that?’ Baier asked.

‘No. But we have to dig into it - this is not a distraction. Again, this is bias - potentially corruption - at the highest level of the FBI,’ Johnson said.

‘By the way, Robert Mueller used to run the FBI,’ he said. ‘He is in no position to do an investigation over this kind of misconduct.’

Basically, "I can't back up my claim; so I'm just going to turn it on Mueller."

An non-"what...'is' is" answer would've been something like, "The informant in question did not reveal any more information to me at this time." or "I wasn't given any further information, although I will continue to talk to the informant in the coming days."

As for the "Daily Caller":

  1. Considering that it is Tucker Carlson's former paper, you have to consider what kind of (apparent) journalistic culture the "Daily Caller" bureau has (and given that Tucker Carlson founded the paper and seems to have left his mark there, you probably will conclude that there is certainly an anti-journalistic culture there). You also have to consider who Tucker Carlson is, as much as you have to comparably consider who Ariana Huffington is when you think about the "Huffington Post" (Granted that the "Huffington Post" seems to have gotten better since its founder left it, and granted that she nonetheless left as much of a mark on her namesake paper as much as Tucker Carlson has left on his paper).
  2. Considering who Tucker Carlson is and what the "Daily Caller" is, you have to consider the parallels between them and Julian Assange & Wikileaks. In other words, for example, you can guarantee that the "Daily Caller" deliberately decontextualized any correspondence that they obtained as much as Wikileaks deliberately decontextualized any correspondence that they obtained, including correspondence that they twisted in order to push conspiracy theories that the Scalia Family asked people to stop spreading (By the way, Snopes is not "Pro Soros", lefty, etc.. Were they such, they wouldn't have spoken out against notorious leftist Donna Hylton, for example.)
Meanwhile, a report that Senate Majority Leader prevented then-POTUS Obama from alerting American voters to election fraud just broke. And what have Senator Ron Johnson, Tucker Carlson, and others—including Sean Hannity—done in the meantime? Tried to affect people to believe conspiracy theories, and in the name of Judeo-Christian values and the Name of God!

("'And He shall be....for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.'" [cf. Isaiah 29:13-16])

My admonition, then, is to remember that Yehovah is speaking to everybody in this time as much as "[He] spoke thus to [Isaiah] with a strong hand, admonishing [him] that [he] should not walk in the way of this people, saying: 'Say ye not: A conspiracy, concerning all whereof this people do say: A conspiracy[']"