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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Part Two Of Part One of the Previously-Promised Post

The girls did well at their gone-much-better grooming appointment, by the way. Meanwhile, that "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" did not call "Momma" to tell her that they were going to pick up Reilly and Camille when they knew that she was napping and needed the sleep does not help—and "Momma" was supposed to come along! Speaking of also not helping, getting explicitly blamed for when the girls burst out the door again despite being explicitly told to stay—and even Reilly refusing to get into her crate—two days ago also does not help—being told "Move!" and sort-of shoved when "Auntie Michelle" went to get Ri and Cam does not help, as being blamed for their barking when "Momma" sat outside for a while to get fresh air does not help.

As expected, by the way, Mother's Day kind of sucked—no real Mother's Day for Momma—oh well: es lo qué es*

*En paso, una nota á un persona segura: pienso de tí de día á día—no sé si Reily puede, aunque hablo de tí á ella muchas veces (¿Pueden perritas penser de personas quién ellas no han conocer?). Quiero todavía que tú sea el "Papi" de Reily si Yejovah lo ordenó eso y quieres que tú sea el "Papi" de Reilly. También, quiero una futura para mí y Reily—y incidentemente, deseo que tú sería aquí me corregir cuando hablo y escribo español  incorrectomente (y recuedo y apreciato cunado tú me corregiste á ese un momento). Incidentemente, espero que tú sería feliz que llamé Roger Ailes un "mal hombre" cuando hablé á Reily y Camile de él, y escribé de él como tal. En adición, trato escribir de Reily y en general cuando estoy fuerte suficentemente escribir, cuando la Depresión y otras enfermedades mentales, Parálisis Cerebral, y Síndrome del Intestino Irritable no me debilitan demasiado mucho.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

My Long Answer To A Friend's "Fill In The Blank" Question

"I'm (ethnicity) and I do not eat... (Finish the sentence)"

For me, I'm Jewish and do not eat a lot of traditional food. Not that I don't want to be more culturally engaged, mind you. Incidentally, my mom, who's not exactly happy about what Jewish heritage she does have, became allergic to shellfish when she was pregnant with me and my sister 😆🖖🏽🖖🏽.

Serves her right, as one doesn't have to be raised Jewish to be Jewish; and it seems like God foresaw that "They're not my people. I wasn't raised Jewish" attitude. Adding "I love the Jewish people" before "They're not my people" and after "I'm not Jewish" isn't a excusing qualifier, either.

Besides, Pop-Pop Pundt didn't chase "Mom-Mom" with a belt for no reason when she flippantly told Granduncle Jack, "You're just like ******" over doing dishes! He was too proud of a Gunther-Lehr and Siedenborg-Mueller Pundt to play that "You're just like ******" game!