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Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Sunday, July 2, 2017

To Especially "Momma"'s and Reilly's Loved Ones Whom Are Up North...

150 years (and a day for those whom are in the MDT and more eastward timezones) is a long time, and (in the case of Canada, two to three days short of) only 91 years less than the United States has been around.

(In other words, the card's not too late!)

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: Trying To Be A Better "Momma" To Reilly

Needlessly to say, "Momma" can't guarantee that she'll be a better "Momma" to Reilly—hence does she use the operative word "trying". Poor Reilly nonetheless remains begrudgingly patient with "Momma" as she feels that her life is like a ship without a rudder and without wind in its sails. Meanwhile, "Momma"—using the ship metaphor here—knows that a rudder and wind in its sails are meaningless without God, and that a co-captain would still help her and Reilly out immensely.

Besides, for "Momma" to have only her own ship in her fleet is lonesome—and not conducive to her being a "Momma" to Reilly at all, especially when she doesn't definitely know what a certain someone wants.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: Thinking About Poor Reilly On Father's Day

For Reilly to see "Momma" go through heartbreak as she has no helpmate for herself and "Daddy" for Reilly has to be incredibly painful for her. Reilly has understandably given "Momma" looks of frustration, anger, etc. as "Momma" and Reilly have gone "night nights" later than "Momma" has promised as she stays up thinking about and getting frustrated in regards to getting no unequivocal answer as to what her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" wants.

How long's it going to take—until "Momma"'s in her 40s to 60s, or until Reilly is in her older years or even—God forbid—shortly before she would die (even if she does make it until "Momma"'s at least 60; and given that "Momma"'s only ~24.17 years and two days older than Reilly) in Gregorian terms)?

This heartbreak has been going on for quite a while and been part of exacerbating "Momma"'s Depression flareups, etc., and been affecting Reilly since "Momma"'s been affected.

Poor Reilly—poor Roosel!

PS Incidentally and on a cheerier note, "Momma" and the rest of Reilly's human family have a lot of other nicknames for Reilly besides "Roosel"—Reisy Rosalicita being one of them, for example.

A Father's Day Card From Reilly


  1. Reilly was already laying there and had woken up from a nap. All that "Momma" had to do was get Reilly to look at the camera by holding up two tiny treats.
  2. "Momma" and Reilly send a special shoutout to someone whom they hope will be in Reilly's life soon (especially if he is whom "Momma" thinks that he is, especially since "Momma" could use help being a good "Momma" to Reilly). Also, "Momma" couldn't guarantee that Reilly was dreaming about a certain someone, though "Momma" wondered if she was! 

Friday, June 16, 2017

The Belated Flag Day Card

And here she is—Miss Ri-merica!

By the way, getting Reilly to have "Momma" take her picture was hard enough—thus, only Reilly is in the card; and "Momma" spares everyone from being scared by the sight of her 😉. At least "Momma" wasn't bitten

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Two Instances Of Biting Tonight, Why the Flag Day Card Will Be Belated, &c.

  1. Camille bit "Mom-Mom" during her grooming, and "Mom-Mom" had to withhold Camille's treat until Camille agreed to not bite and to cooperate in getting her bag legs brushed. "Turning on the pathetic" with a puppy-eyed face sans whimpering did not work, notwithstanding Cam's wordless attempt to break "Mom-Mom"'s resolve.
  2. Reilly also bit "Mom-Mom", though that's she was getting her grooming treat and wanted to make sure that Camille couldn't get it before "Mom-Mom" tried to groom her again.
  3. For the Flag Day card (besides, albe unintentionally on "Momma"'s part, to note the somber events of today), "Momma" has to delay the Flag Day to fix both herself up and Reilly up ("Der mensch trakht un Got lakht"—though "Momma" is sure that God wasn't laughing in this case.).
By the way, "Momma" doesn't write for nothing (God gave her an opportunity and put people in her life to inspire her to write—she would appreciate if people at least start buying the books about Reilly more, and she's certainly not giving away—she wants to, e.g., make enough to provide for Reilly herself more¹.

¹Besides (though perhaps this is "Momma"'s wishful thinking), maybe "Momma"'s becoming at least a famous-enough author will get a certain person to look more at being in her and Reilly's lives.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Last Quick-Break-In-The-Promised-Post Cycle, Part Three

After just yesterday with getting a scratch from Reilly when she tried to roll her over, getting pulled by Camille to the point of almost falling (and having to tell both Reilly and Camille constantly "No pull"), etc., "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" came to the same old conclusion that she's discussed before: she could use a helpmate for herself and a "Daddy" for Reilly. What else is there to say? As she even said about this upcoming Father's Day:

"How Father's Day will be for "Momma" and Reilly is to be seen, especially since Reilly has never met her "Pop-Pop" ("Momma"'s dad) and she doesn't yet have a human "Daddy" of her own (let alone her possible "Daddy" in her life, and "Momma" could certainly use a helpmate to help her be able to help Reilly more)—all while Reilly will be 3.25 Gregorian years old on June 25th and"Momma" will be a month short of 27.5 Gregorian years old on June 23rd (Time passes!)."

It seems like a broken record, but so seem "Momma"'s life and (to at least some extent) Reilly's life at this point; and is having a helpmate for "Momma" and "Daddy" for Reilly too much to ask? (Apparently, it was even by Mother's Day 🙄.)

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Preview Of the Last Quick-Break-In-The-Promised-Post Cycle

  1. A special anniversary happened yesterday, and another one will happen in nine days.
  2. Reilly was particularly mean to and aggressive toward Camille and "Auntie Michelle" last night—and all over treats.
  3. How Father's Day will be for "Momma" and Reilly is to be seen, especially since Reilly has never met her "Pop-Pop" ("Momma"'s dad) and she doesn't yet have a human "Daddy" of her own (let alone her possible "Daddy" in her life, and "Momma" could certainly use a helpmate to help her be able to help Reilly more)—all while Reilly will be 3.25 Gregorian years old on June 25th and"Momma" will be a month short of 27.5 Gregorian years old on June 23rd (Time passes!).
  4. Once again, barky and jealous Reilly has to have a nicer way of saying, "Hi!"

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Quick Promised-Post-Cycle Break: "When Did This Biting Habit Start?" & Memorial Day

"Momma" thought that Reilly's biting of her hand was maybe her teeth nudging against it when she opened her mouth and nudged it on "Momma"'s hand to get her to resume petting her. Two bites and a still-hurting-albe-with-no-blood-or-significant-teeth-marks hand later, "Momma" realizes that Reilly has a "Keep giving me scritches!" biting habit—and "Momma" does have a triangle of three now-fading small teeth marks on her pinky. ("Reilly! when did this biting habit start?")

Meanwhile, a Memorial Day card is planned to be forthcoming. Also, even though Memorial Day is meant especially for MIA, KIA, and DOW¹ members of the United States Armed Forces², "Momma" and Reilly also observe Memorial Day in honor of active-duty U.S. Armed Forces personnel, and in honor and memory of reservist and veteran U.S. Armed Forces personnel³⁴—after all, all active-duty, reservist, and veterans in good standing³ have and died every day when they lay and laid their lives on the line, especially since they haven't and hadn't been guaranteed tomorrows.

¹ Died Of Wounds (Including United States Armed Forces members whom committed suicide or otherwise died to a mental-illness flareup due to post-service aftermaths
² Including reservists and veterans—since, e.g., many do go on multiple tours of duty
³ Including honorably-discharged and mistakenly- and maliciously-dishonorably-discharged veterans alike, including racistly-dishonorably-discharged World War Two veterans.
⁴ Including one of the people whom inspired "Momma" to write about Reilly, whom became an Air Force Member in the year before Vietnam ended. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Part Two Of Part One of the Previously-Promised Post

The girls did well at their gone-much-better grooming appointment, by the way. Meanwhile, that "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" did not call "Momma" to tell her that they were going to pick up Reilly and Camille when they knew that she was napping and needed the sleep does not help—and "Momma" was supposed to come along! Speaking of also not helping, getting explicitly blamed for when the girls burst out the door again despite being explicitly told to stay—and even Reilly refusing to get into her crate—two days ago also does not help—being told "Move!" and sort-of shoved when "Auntie Michelle" went to get Ri and Cam does not help, as being blamed for their barking when "Momma" sat outside for a while to get fresh air does not help.

As expected, by the way, Mother's Day kind of sucked—no real Mother's Day for Momma—oh well: es lo qué es*

*En paso, una nota á un persona segura: pienso de tí de día á día—no sé si Reily puede, aunque hablo de tí á ella muchas veces (¿Pueden perritas penser de personas quién ellas no han conocer?). Quiero todavía que tú sea el "Papi" de Reily si Yejovah lo ordenó eso y quieres que tú sea el "Papi" de Reilly. También, quiero una futura para mí y Reily—y incidentemente, deseo que tú sería aquí me corregir cuando hablo y escribo español  incorrectomente (y recuedo y apreciato cunado tú me corregiste á ese un momento). Incidentemente, espero que tú sería feliz que llamé Roger Ailes un "mal hombre" cuando hablé á Reily y Camile de él, y escribé de él como tal. En adición, trato escribir de Reily y en general cuando estoy fuerte suficentemente escribir, cuando la Depresión y otras enfermedades mentales, Parálisis Cerebral, y Síndrome del Intestino Irritable no me debilitan demasiado mucho.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Quick Post Before The Promised Post, Since...

This must be said before the regularly-scheduled kvetching...

"Momma" and Reilly wish a happy Mother's Day to all whom have been in and filled maternal shoes, and to all whom have helped those whom wear and fill maternal shoes!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Preview Of The Next Post: A Smug Camille(?!), Grooming Appointments, How Reilly Resembles "Momma", Etc..

  1. Camille did indeed get smug with a jealous Reilly.
  2. Both Camille and Reilly, meanwhile, have grooming appointments later today (Pictures will follow, God willing).
  3. Reilly resembles "Momma" and....well, let's just say that there is a negative side to it.
  4.  Etc., including anticipating to see how Mother's Day goes. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: Maybe This Mother's Day Will Bring "Momma" (and Reilly) Some Luck

After all, "Momma" still needs a helpmate for herself and somebody to love, and a "Daddy" for Reilly to love. Besides, Mother's Day falls on the Gregorian Israeli Independence Day and the third anniversary of ten days before "Momma" brought Reilly home.

Besides—for example and as frequently aforementioned—Reilly continues to eat "nasties" and can rarely be reached by "Momma" to get them out of her mouth, "Momma" frequently worries that Reilly will severely or even fatally self harm without "Momma" being able to do anything about it. Also, "Momma" still wants to know what Reilly's possible "Daddy" wants as both she and Reilly are getting only older—and "Momma"'s certainly getting grayer along with getting older (and part of the getting older and grayer is often due to the stress that Reilly's bad behavior can affect as well as having little to no support when, for instance, she has to use the muzzle on Reilly or when she wants to try using the electric toothbrush to get Reilly used to the groomer's brushes).

In short, what can "Momma" say that she hasn't said before regarding needing a helpmate and someone to love, and a "Daddy" for Reilly to love? You'd also think that Yehovah (though He is nonetheless righteous and just in all of His ways) would help "Momma" and Reilly out—though He often doesn't seem to do so (notwithstanding that He owes neither "Momma" nor Reilly anything).

Meanwhile, who on Earth could resist having this "dogter" (on the right) and furniece (on the left)?

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Happy Acquaintance Day, Camille!

On May 2, 2015—which was, by the way, the 70th Anniversary of VE Day!—Reilly met Camille. As on May 2, 2015, today's Acquaintance Day for Camille fell on an auspicious date: this time, the day was Israeli Independence Day (Yom Ha'Atzma'ut, which actually did fall on Iyar 5—not Iyar 6—of 5708).

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For Camille the MaltiJew, this makes sense. 

Incidentally, Camille seemed to like "Czardas" when "Auntie Nicole" listened to it one night. "Auntie Nicole" wonders, then, how Camille would react to this—especially partly since "Mimi" used to play the violin.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter 2017 Card From Reilly

PS Reilly would not put that paw down for anything—when she wants her belly rubs, she stretches her legs out and keeps that one up in particular.

Happy Easter From "Momma" and Reilly!

Be on the lookout for an Easter card from Reilly soon—she (albe very begrudgingly) did a Passover card, after all.

By the way, remember that Easter/Resurrection Day/ Día de la Resurrección/ יום התחיית/ , celebrates miracles*—including the Exodus*, since Easter commemorates Aviv/Nisan 16, the day after Israel left Egypt and the day on which Jesus is believed to have risen from the dead in 3793 (on April 5, 33)—and the hope of the Resurrection Of the Dead—which is a big deal for pets and pet owners alike, since no human or animal is guaranteed the next moment, let alone tomorrow—and especially nowadays, humans and pets are either almost as much as or equally in danger of not seeing each other tomorrow (Ask, e.g., Gary Fisher ☹—his "Mommy" is not here to celebrate Easter with him.).

*And "Momma" really needs a miracle—if (and, as "Momma" and Reilly believe) the Resurrection did happen, can't God perform an albe-smaller-and-nonethless-important miracle to a "Momma" whom needs miracle after miracle, even when small miracles like occasional IBS-flareup reliefs happen for her and Reilly's sakes?