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Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Friday, June 9, 2017

Last Quick-Break-In-The-Promised-Post Cycle, Part Three

After just yesterday with getting a scratch from Reilly when she tried to roll her over, getting pulled by Camille to the point of almost falling (and having to tell both Reilly and Camille constantly "No pull"), etc., "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" came to the same old conclusion that she's discussed before: she could use a helpmate for herself and a "Daddy" for Reilly. What else is there to say? As she even said about this upcoming Father's Day:

"How Father's Day will be for "Momma" and Reilly is to be seen, especially since Reilly has never met her "Pop-Pop" ("Momma"'s dad) and she doesn't yet have a human "Daddy" of her own (let alone her possible "Daddy" in her life, and "Momma" could certainly use a helpmate to help her be able to help Reilly more)—all while Reilly will be 3.25 Gregorian years old on June 25th and"Momma" will be a month short of 27.5 Gregorian years old on June 23rd (Time passes!)."

It seems like a broken record, but so seem "Momma"'s life and (to at least some extent) Reilly's life at this point; and is having a helpmate for "Momma" and "Daddy" for Reilly too much to ask? (Apparently, it was even by Mother's Day 🙄.)

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Last Quick-Break-In-The-Promised-Post Cycle, Part Two

Long story short (as far as "Momma" recalls, anyway, since a couple of days have passed since the incident): never cross Reilly in terms of beef-liver-jerky treats unless you want to risk being bitten, targeted for growling, etc.. Trying to steal Camille's chance at getting groomed with the electric toothbrush, Reilly jumped back up on "Mom-Mom"'s lap and would not take "No" for an answer. Finally, "Auntie Michelle" had to roll over Reilly, since even moving her away from Camille and "Mom-Mom" did not work.

"Where's the beef?" At that point, it was where Reilly couldn't get it—and her attempts at stealing Camille's treat ended up like Walter Mondale's campaign, which was a losing attempt, although Reilly certainly had no support of any human female equivalents. In that case, there would've been a special place in Hell for "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole", "Mom-Mom", and "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" had they not helped Camille (Granted that Madeline Albright wasn't speaking of canines like Reilly and Camille, though.).

Monday, June 5, 2017

Re A Tom Robinson Quote That A Friend Shared On Facebook, And My Response With Some Additions

 I take offense to his "Black Holocaust" comment, though. Langston Hughes (per a "Forward" article) put it best when he explained why Jews should be helping Blacks fight for Civil Rights:
"Very early in life, it seemed to me that there was a relationship between the problems of the Negro people in America and the Jewish people in Russia, and that the Jewish people’s problems were worse than ours. Every so often my grandmother would read a headline in the Negro press stating that a Negro had been lynched in Georgia, or two Negroes had been lynched in Louisiana, or three Negroes had been lynched in Texas.
“From our daily paper every so often she would read an item that a dozen Jews had been ridden down by the horses of the Cossacks in the Ukraine, or 50 Jews killed in a pogrom in Old Russia, or a hundred Jews killed and injured by a mob in Poland. So, I thought, here in our American South we Negroes were lynched by ones or twos or threes, but in Tsarist Russia and Poland they killed Jews by the dozens, or even the hundreds." 
(By the way, I just realized that I'm a fourth-generation pogrom survivor. Since Great-Granddad Czarnecki's parents converted to Catholicism to survive the pogroms and—when the openly-Jewish sides of the family cut them off—remained Anusim to survive Anti-Semitism in America, I count as a fourth-generation pogrom survivor in the same way that children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors count as second- and third-generation Holocaust survivors—and to realize that is pretty unnerving, especially since that never would have occurred to me, since I wouldn't have thought of myself as almost comparable to children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. After all, the Holocaust was at the least quite a bit worse than the pogroms, and at the most far worse than the pogroms, notwithstanding how bad the pogroms were.)

Also, Blacks in no way were targeted for mass ethnocide like Jews were, including by our own. Even ****** was unfortunately Jewish (as DNA testing did prove, and a college acquaintance of mine sadly proved to be right). If Tom Robinson can name me one ******, Rumkowski, Torquemada, or even Donin or Christiani equivalent among Black people, I'd love to hear him name one. Even J. Edgar Hoover (who was actually "mulatto") was nowhere near Torquemada.

I also take offense to his "white Christians" comments. Real Christians such as the Grimkes worked to save Blacks from slavery, and I as a mostly-Patrilineal Jew say that my gentile, Irish, Confederate patriarch John Farrell absolutely got what he deserved when they stripped him of his citizenship and made him apply for renaturalization after the Civil War (Mom has Jewish heritage, too, by the way; though she's self loathing about it.).

PS To me, that those such as Rabbi Dr. Heschel (who was a Holocaust survivor), Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman fought with MLK and James Chaney for Civil Rights makes Tom Robinson's comments even more offensive. To mitigate the Holocaust and other Anti Semitism by revisionistly appropriating terms for what we've suffered throughout history is sickening.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Last Quick-Break-In-The-Promised-Post Cycle, Part One

On Wednesday, the last day of May 2017, the special anniversary that occurred was the third anniversary of a week since Reilly had been home:

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No automatic alt text available.

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On Saturday, meanwhile, the second anniversary of Camille's homecoming will occur.

Correction (June 10, 2017): Camille came home on June 6th—oh well; she still came home on a Saturday (Excuse "Auntie Nicole" for having an ADD-, etc.-addled brain and two years in between Cam's homecoming to remember!).

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Preview Of the Last Quick-Break-In-The-Promised-Post Cycle

  1. A special anniversary happened yesterday, and another one will happen in nine days.
  2. Reilly was particularly mean to and aggressive toward Camille and "Auntie Michelle" last night—and all over treats.
  3. How Father's Day will be for "Momma" and Reilly is to be seen, especially since Reilly has never met her "Pop-Pop" ("Momma"'s dad) and she doesn't yet have a human "Daddy" of her own (let alone her possible "Daddy" in her life, and "Momma" could certainly use a helpmate to help her be able to help Reilly more)—all while Reilly will be 3.25 Gregorian years old on June 25th and"Momma" will be a month short of 27.5 Gregorian years old on June 23rd (Time passes!).
  4. Once again, barky and jealous Reilly has to have a nicer way of saying, "Hi!"

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Quick Promised-Post-Cycle Break: "When Did This Biting Habit Start?" & Memorial Day

"Momma" thought that Reilly's biting of her hand was maybe her teeth nudging against it when she opened her mouth and nudged it on "Momma"'s hand to get her to resume petting her. Two bites and a still-hurting-albe-with-no-blood-or-significant-teeth-marks hand later, "Momma" realizes that Reilly has a "Keep giving me scritches!" biting habit—and "Momma" does have a triangle of three now-fading small teeth marks on her pinky. ("Reilly! when did this biting habit start?")

Meanwhile, a Memorial Day card is planned to be forthcoming. Also, even though Memorial Day is meant especially for MIA, KIA, and DOW¹ members of the United States Armed Forces², "Momma" and Reilly also observe Memorial Day in honor of active-duty U.S. Armed Forces personnel, and in honor and memory of reservist and veteran U.S. Armed Forces personnel³⁴—after all, all active-duty, reservist, and veterans in good standing³ have and died every day when they lay and laid their lives on the line, especially since they haven't and hadn't been guaranteed tomorrows.

¹ Died Of Wounds (Including United States Armed Forces members whom committed suicide or otherwise died to a mental-illness flareup due to post-service aftermaths
² Including reservists and veterans—since, e.g., many do go on multiple tours of duty
³ Including honorably-discharged and mistakenly- and maliciously-dishonorably-discharged veterans alike, including racistly-dishonorably-discharged World War Two veterans.
⁴ Including one of the people whom inspired "Momma" to write about Reilly, whom became an Air Force Member in the year before Vietnam ended. 

Friday, May 26, 2017

Quick Break In The Promised-Post Cycle: Re The Saga Of El Ratón Del Bajo Tierra, aka....

The Ground Rat...

The Ground Rat that "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" noticed when she was trying to see if a rainbow was in the sky after the recent round of storms...

The brazen Ground Rat, el bastardito....

The Ground Rat that "Auntie Nicole" would've sent Camille to scare away from the window if Cam weren't so stubborn about getting back into her crate...

And that "Momma" sent Reilly to scare...

With Camille as cobarker...

And with Reilly and Camille scaring off that ground rat (aka, "groundhog") for "Mom-Mom" today....

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Part 2.3 Of the Previously-Promised Post: An Anecdote Regarding Reilly's Jealously & Loyalty

Reilly is loyal and jealous to a point that when "Auntie Michelle" was trying to help "Momma" get to the restroom last night (since "Momma" had a hard time getting up due to a horrid IBS flareup), Reilly thought that "Auntie Michelle" was hurting "Momma" and tried to defend her.

By the way, Happy Homecoming Day, Reilly!

She still hates pictures, especially when she's sleepy. "Momma" tried to see if she could get a picture and Reilly would give a stinkeye!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Part 2.2: Jealousy, Loyalty, And Smugness From Camille As a Response

Overly-jealous Reilly sometimes gets hers. Even recently, for example, Camille successfully blocked Reilly from being the only one allowed to give "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" kisses for about a few minutes. As far as Camille's recent smugness, Camille recently (in Millennial terminology) threw shade at Reilly when she secured "Auntie Nicole"'s/"Momma"'s lap—since Reilly was already sitting with "Mom-Mom", anyway!

Reilly also got hers when she refused to go downstairs when she was supposed to do and got aggressive with "Auntie Michelle" when "Auntie Michelle" had to pick her up off of the bed—and Reilly's wanting to wait for "Momma" instead of go downstairs and wait for "Momma" to come downstairs was not an acceptable excuse, and "Momma" has even had to tell Reilly to go downstairs and not worry about having to wait for her!

To be fair, if only "Momma" had a human and romantic equivalent whom was as loyal to her as Reilly as a "dogter" is fillialy to "Momma"!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Part 2.1 Of The Previously-Promised Post: A Jealous Reilly, Whom To Never Trust To...

  1. Not try to block off Camille when Camille wants to give kisses, etc.
  2. Not to cut in to when Camille's giving kisses, etc..
  3. Not to finally prove to "Mom-Mom" that Camille does avoid her and others when jealous Reilly is getting attention 
  4. Not to try to stare down, growl at, or otherwise get aggressive with Camille, or (as Millennials like "Momma" say) throw shade, give a stinkeye to, or stare at (maybe even whimper at) someone.
Reilly has other jealously tactics as well*.

*"Momma" has written about jealous Reilly before; and incidentally, "Momma"'s also written about how Reilly's jealousy reminds her of when she asked a friend of hers if either of some of his loved ones were seeing anyone, and only later did she realize—or at least suspectthat he was jealous when she asked that—and maybe he's "Momma"'s possible helpmate & Reilly's possible "Daddy", and maybe he's not—he knows 😏. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Part Two Of Part One of the Previously-Promised Post

The girls did well at their gone-much-better grooming appointment, by the way. Meanwhile, that "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" did not call "Momma" to tell her that they were going to pick up Reilly and Camille when they knew that she was napping and needed the sleep does not help—and "Momma" was supposed to come along! Speaking of also not helping, getting explicitly blamed for when the girls burst out the door again despite being explicitly told to stay—and even Reilly refusing to get into her crate—two days ago also does not help—being told "Move!" and sort-of shoved when "Auntie Michelle" went to get Ri and Cam does not help, as being blamed for their barking when "Momma" sat outside for a while to get fresh air does not help.

As expected, by the way, Mother's Day kind of sucked—no real Mother's Day for Momma—oh well: es lo qué es*

*En paso, una nota á un persona segura: pienso de tí de día á día—no sé si Reily puede, aunque hablo de tí á ella muchas veces (¿Pueden perritas penser de personas quién ellas no han conocer?). Quiero todavía que tú sea el "Papi" de Reily si Yejovah lo ordenó eso y quieres que tú sea el "Papi" de Reilly. También, quiero una futura para mí y Reily—y incidentemente, deseo que tú sería aquí me corregir cuando hablo y escribo español  incorrectomente (y recuedo y apreciato cunado tú me corregiste á ese un momento). Incidentemente, espero que tú sería feliz que llamé Roger Ailes un "mal hombre" cuando hablé á Reily y Camile de él, y escribé de él como tal. En adición, trato escribir de Reily y en general cuando estoy fuerte suficentemente escribir, cuando la Depresión y otras enfermedades mentales, Parálisis Cerebral, y Síndrome del Intestino Irritable no me debilitan demasiado mucho.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

My Long Answer To A Friend's "Fill In The Blank" Question

"I'm (ethnicity) and I do not eat... (Finish the sentence)"

For me, I'm Jewish and do not eat a lot of traditional food. Not that I don't want to be more culturally engaged, mind you. Incidentally, my mom, who's not exactly happy about what Jewish heritage she does have, became allergic to shellfish when she was pregnant with me and my sister 😆🖖🏽🖖🏽.

Serves her right, as one doesn't have to be raised Jewish to be Jewish; and it seems like God foresaw that "They're not my people. I wasn't raised Jewish" attitude. Adding "I love the Jewish people" before "They're not my people" and after "I'm not Jewish" isn't a excusing qualifier, either.

Besides, Pop-Pop Pundt didn't chase "Mom-Mom" with a belt for no reason when she flippantly told Granduncle Jack, "You're just like ******" over doing dishes! He was too proud of a Gunther-Lehr and Siedenborg-Mueller Pundt to play that "You're just like ******" game!