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Showing posts with label accountability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label accountability. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Reilly's "Friend": The Spray Bottle

When my family had a cat, the cat would get the spray bottle if she was on the furniture or doing something else—besides being on the furniture—which she wasn't supposed to do. When we brought Reilly home, the spray bottle made its comeback—neighbors who have their own dog recommended the spray bottle for when Reilly barks when she's not supposed to bark, and we took the neighbors' advice.

After we'd used it for a while, it stopped being as effective as it had been at the beginning. Then I had an idea: add citrus juice to it. Given that some bark collars have citronella (and the vibration-offset bark collar that Reilly had worked somewhat until we lost it—and we still can't find it), I decided to put lemon juice in the water in Reilly's spray bottle (especially after I saw a YouTube video in which a citronella-water collar worked on another dog). 

Needlessly to say, Reilly has since had the spray bottle used on her. Meanwhile, she's stopped barking as soon as she gets threatened with the spray bottle, even when she's barked while I've typed this blog entry—she knows that "the spray bottle" and her "friend" are not pleasant. 

By the way, Camille has also gotten the spray bottle in the past—despite that Camille's "Mimi" has not been happy about it. Oh well—"Mimi" can do as she wants if she ever takes "Auntie Nicole"'s place and watches Cam and Ri when "Auntie Nicole" ("Momma" to Reilly) is at work or out with friends, at a church event, etc..

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Few Reasons That YouTube Needs To Restore Its Webcam-Upload Technology, Or In Short....

Some people literally used the YouTube webcam-upload technology to make their livings, or at least parts of their livings, sometimes even as YouTube partners. Other people used the YouTube webcam-upload technology to try to get their foots in the doors, and even others used the webcam-upload technology to open up their professional—and personal—worlds to others, and quite often to help others.

Examples include:

  1. Myself. I'm trying to get my foot in the door, help others, etc.—a number of videos talk about subjects that I cover in "The Real Stories"
  2. Guitar teacher and worship leader Daniel Choo—unless I speak out of turn and arrogance, I can reasonably ascertain that Daniel Choo had an easier time doing more-frequent covers when the webcam technology was available. By the way, I'm merely citing Daniel as an example.
  3. Greta van Susteren—unless I speak out of turn and arrogance, I can reasonably ascertain that even Great van Susteren had an easier time making more frequent "Gretawire" videos.
With one laywoman and two professionals being cases in point as to why YouTube was wrong to discontinue the use of its webcam-upload technology, the cited laywoman in question asks that you ask YouTube to restore a vital uploading means for everyone from the layperson whom doesn't have fancy studio- and on-location equipment, to the professional whom can increase the accessibility of his or her professional world

YouTube Needs To Restore Its Webcam-Upload Technology

That is all.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Originally On LinkedIn: Regarding Government And the Workforce

I will (at least try to) never forget when Former Pakistani Prime Minister Bhutto was murdered on December 27, 2007—and I will never forget the clip in which she highlighted her philosophy on government: "Where the madrassas won't get involved, the government will." 
The equivalent of the late Bhutto's statement for Non-Muslim (or at least Non-Muslim-majority) countries: the government has to and will get involved when the churches, synagogues, mosques, etc. won't get involved. Taking the examples of my people in the Desert and churches in particular—since I'm a Jewish Christian—I highlight why OSHA had to be created and why legislation such as the Civil Rights Act had to be written (Incidentally, what a shame that Barry Goldwater did not support the Civil Rights Act.)
The first example comes when God spoke to Moses about when a house is being built:
“When you build a new house, then you shall make a parapet for your roof, that you may not bring guilt of bloodshed on your household if anyone falls from it.
So much for that being applied and happening in the Judeo-Christian United States! Thus came along the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, since its predecessors weren't adequate enough—and even after Upton Sinclair exposed the equivalent of "guilt of bloodshed...if anyone falls from [a being-built roof]" in the meat-packing industry! By the way, when I Googled to find out when OSHA was founded, I was surprised to see that it was not founded until 1971, long after "one nation under God" should have had an organization to hold the reckless employers and overseers accountable.
Also by the way, OSHA came too late for those such as coal miners in Northeastern Pennsylvania—with my great-great-grandfathers Michael Gajdos, Sr. and Julian Czarnecki among them—and groundskeepers such as Julian's son Anthony (whom, as I've written before, severed three of his toes and his leg up to his knee as he mowed a lawn at the apartment complex which hired him—and his work-related accident partly affected his suicide just months later). 
Were their churches there to raise a voice for them and other workers, to hold their congregants' and community members' employers accountable for the employees' safeties. After all—as especially the Bible-literate ones, including my family whom needed someone to speak up for them as workers, would have known—"Justice, justice you shall pursue!" Yet, not even a layman or laywoman rose his or her voice enough to affect that an organization such as OSHA would be unnecessary.
The same laymen and laywomen also neglected to raise their voices enough when civil rights were an issue, even though "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" automatically implies that nobody should discriminate against anyone else. Because not enough men or women raised their voices until laywomen like Rosa Parks spoke up through their civilly-disobedient actions, and clergymen such as Drs. Martin Luther King and Abraham Joshua Heschel marched as they called for freedom for all Americans, the derogatory signs such as the horrid ones against Jewish and Irish men remained on business-owners' doors and windows, and Blacks and women were lucky if they were paid even remotely close to fairly. Never mind that a Jewish man whom wouldn't have been allowed to apply, James by name, admonished fellow followers of another Jew, Jesus of Nazareth:
Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth." 5 You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury; you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter. You have condemned, you have murdered the just; he does not resist you.
How many church-going businessmen "condemned...the just" such as the Jews (including church-going ones) and Irishmen whom they would not hire, despite that these Jews and Irishmen would have gladly "mowed [their fields]?" How many of these same church-going businessmen had "wages...which [they] kept back by fraud" from sharecroppers, shoeshiners, maids, nurses, and other laborers?
(Incidentally, I have questions for you if you wonder—or, if you knew, still wonder—why my paternal family remained Crypto Jews in even the United States—after all, "No Jews" still reeks of the albe-far-worse Anti Semitism that they escaped when they left Imperial Russia and Austria Hungary. If my family isn't enough of an example, look at the family of lucky-to-be-a-businessman, Austria-Hungary-born Fritz "Frederick Kerry" Kohn.)
Because apparently-pious, God-and-country, "Bless your heart" businessmen withheld wages from and otherwise discriminated against Blacks and women (even with intimidating maxims such as "It's a man's job" and "A woman's place is in the home."), and refused to hire Irishmen and Jews (all while slandering and libelling Jews as conspirators whom owned every business), the Civil Rights Act (including Titles VII and IX) had to be written and signed into law. By the way, in terms of Title IX: you try getting a decent job without some kind of college degree (whether you'd've gotten an Associate's Degree or a four-year-degree), let alone if you had to leave college because you faced horrid discrimination, and tell me when you get that job. 
Even I have a B.A. in Political Science from UMBC, and—according to the National Association of Mental Illnesses' recent newsletter—I am statistically doomed because of mental illnesses, which make me three times more likely to be unemployable than someone with a physical disability—and here's the kicker: I have both mental illnesses and Cerebral Palsy. So, think again if you don't think that Title IX relates to the workforce as much as it relates to the educational system.
I also note that Titles VII and IX far from help me, and they also far from help others—since the government is made up of people whom should be getting involved in their communities both within and outside the government sector, Title VII and IX often fail to be enforced. After all, many of the people who are supposed to be enforcing the Civil Rights Act—not to mention the Americans With Disabilities Act—are the same kinds of people who look down on the kind of people on whom the oh-so-pious businessmen of back then looked down. Therefore, quite a bit of government involvement that's supposed to make up for the lack of community involvement actually becomes a Catch-22.
Nonetheless, the government has to be involved when the communities won't get involved—even when the government gets involved too late for those like Michael Gajdos, Julian and Anthony Czarnecki, and Frederick Kerry, not to mention the Irishpersons, Blacks, and women whom were in similar positions to the positions of the Gajdoses, the Czarneckis, and the Kohns.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Will Great-Granduncle Bernie Ever Rest In Peace? At Least Until He Gets A Purple Heart...

Great-Granduncle Bernie won't ever rest in peace as the hero that he is. Granted that I've written about Great-Granduncle Bernie before, though today's Memorial Day and a post-Holocaust victim of the Holocaust still goes unacknowledged:

Bernard Stanley Czarnecki (Benyamin Shmarya Tshernyetski ben Yehudah-Yochanahn Efryaim v'Sara Osnat, z"l) was born on March 15, 1920 to Julian John Felix (Yehudah-Yochanahn Efryaim ben Chananiah v'Sarah, z"l) and Alexandria Alice (Osnat Sarah bat Yosef HaKohen v'Sarah, z"l).

Born into a Anusi family, he was born into a family whom posed as Polish-Lithuanian Catholics in order to avoid Anti Semitism in America after the first three members (including his brother Anthony) emigrated from Poland Russia after becoming Anusim to avoid Anti Semitism there and, thus, estranging their openly-Jewish family. When Bernard "Bernie" Czarnecki became of bar-mitzvah age, part of why his parents had become Anusim was becoming clearer every day in especially Germany and the Soviet Union: the brutal and ethnocidal Anti Semitism that had permeated pogrom-riddled Russia was on an extreme resurgence. Only under a year into his adulthood (since his 20th birthday was March 15, 1940), he would enlist in the U.S. Army 111th Infantry Division Medical Corps.

Receiving a head wound due to shrapnel that hit him during combat, Pfc. Bernard S. Czarnecki had a failed operation to remove the shrapnel and was discharged from the Army on December 12, 1945. Not really being able to live at home (despite what his exploitative brothers John "Jankie" and Joseph "Susi" stated), Pfc. Czarnecki lived at the Lebanon, PA Veterans' Home And Hospital. When he died on July 16, 1963, his brothers Jankie and Susi received his Social Security benefits, which they tricked him into giving him because of his childlike condition that the shrapnel wound and botched operation effected—since he was vulnerable and easily trusting, thus able to be tricked as a child can be.

While "[i]t's a shame what [Jankie and Susi] did to Bernie," even more of a shame is that the United States never gave Pfc. Bernard Stanley Czarnecki the Purple Heart that he deserved, even posthumously. Also a shame is the shanda fur di goyim that Pfc. Bernard S. Czarnecki (WW2, DOW) was never recognized as a post-Holocaust victim of the Holocaust, despite that he died of his wounds and took almost 18 agonizing years to die.

בנימין שמריה צהרנצקי בן יהודה-יוחנן אפרים ואסנת שרה, ונכד של חנניא ושרה צהרנצקי ויוסף הכוהן ושרה  אנדרולוביץ (ז''ל, תרע''ט-תשכ''ג)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

In Spite Of That Certain People Have Hurt Me, And Because Other Certain People Have Hurt Me...

I think about quite a few of them from time to time, sometimes even often or every day. To some of them, I'd say, "I hate you" or "I hate you, too"—that's how much they hurt me. Not that I was always right—still, a spirit of unforgiveness and hypocrisy hurts; and some would say that I'm being a hypocrite, although my "I hate you"s are quite honestly a way to numb the pain from how they hurt me.

By the way, I told a former Chapelgate member that I'd not name other incidents because I'd made my point. However, I will name one other incident since Anti Semite Donald Trump seems to be on track to winning the U.S. Presidency; and the incident is even more unfunny now:

When I was a student at Chapelgate, I took Mrs. Bonnell's drama class. One of my fellow students (whom I will not name)—whom, by the way, is Jewish him- or her-self—thought funny to give a Nazi salute as apparent satire at the end of his skit during one of the class meetings. When I confronted Mrs. Bonnell about finding it funny, she told me, "I don't see Jesus in you"—and she left me in tears for it.

At the time, I was suspecting that I am Jewish; and before that—during the fallout of 9/11 and when I was learning about the Holocaust—my OCD/Anxiety set off, and partly because (though I didn't know it at the time) God was telling me that I am a Jew whom lost relatives in the Holocaust (Sometimes, one doesn't know what the Holy Spirit was doing until he or she looks back.). Later, she accused me of calling another student a Marxist—which I never did—in her "apology" non apology—someone else had jokingly called her that, and she thought that I did. By the way, why would I call someone whom I didn't even know well a political disciple of a self-hating-Jewish man whom stated, for example, the following?

We recognize in Judaism, therefore, a general anti-social element of the present time, an element which through historical development – to which in this harmful respect the Jews have zealously contributed – has been brought to its present high level, at which it must necessarily begin to disintegrate.
In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.
The Jew has already emancipated himself in a Jewish way.
“The Jew, who in Vienna, for example, is only tolerated, determines the fate of the whole Empire by his financial power. The Jew, who may have no rights in the smallest German state, decides the fate of Europe. While corporations and guilds refuse to admit Jews, or have not yet adopted a favorable attitude towards them, the audacity of industry mocks at the obstinacy of the material institutions.” (Bruno Bauer, The Jewish Question, p. 114)

As for an example of when I think about certain people in spite of that they've hurt me, I continue to think about (at least whom I thought was) a dear friend, father figure, and writing mentor (whose self estrangement from me still baffles me in many ways—as I've written, that estrangement threw me into a Depression flareup that is still ongoing in quite a few ways, especially as I await an update about the publication status of my second book.). 

As I've stated before, I also think about those whom've hurt me with a spirit of unforgiveness and hypocrisy—and when I didn't even do wrong to them, despite that I might've or did hurt their loved ones—and when I've made amends to those whom I've hurt.

Some—maybe even you—will have read all of this and nonetheless wonder why I think about the people whom've hurt me, and why I sometimes numb the pain with an "I hate you" or "I hate you, too" in my thoughts toward some of them—and especially when I've never forgotten what they said and/or did, let alone how they made and make me feel to this day.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Originally On Writerbear Brussels Deserved The Attacks For Anti Semitism...According To, Among Others, Asher Schwartz And

Asher Schwartz and "The Jewish Press" posted a despicable editorial cartoon that blamed Belgium for Daesh's attacks on it. The Facebook page "Documenting Anti Semitism" shared the cartoon, and I began writing the following in the comments section until I realized that reporting such victim-shaming and giving everyone else the heads up might be a better idea.

Needlessly to mention, Asher Schwartz and "The Jewish Press" are also on notice that victim shaming is unacceptable to and unwelcome by the majority of 'am Yisra'el:

"Wow. Victim shaming much? This surely wasn't the attitude of Asher Schwartz and 'The Jewish Press ' about the 9/11 attacks, or after the attacks in Paris?
"The U.S. under the Carter and Clinton Administrations was particularly Anti Israel; so, did the U.S. get what it deserved post Clinton? BTW, Daesh is doing to Europe what Al Qadea did to the U.S.: targeting the Jews among them.
"In other words, are we to blame for what Daesh did to those of us in Paris and Brussels, and what Al Qadea did here? That's ultimately what Asher Schwartz and 'The Jewish Press' are saying. After all, just as Al Qadea wanted to target Jews*, Daesh wants to target Jews; and for 'The Jewish Press' to encourage Asher Schwartz to blame an Anti-Semitic attack on victims of Anti Semitism is akin to what Daesh and its influencers do and did—after all, Daesh's influences include a Nazi government that blamed Jews in Europe for Kristallnacht, don't they?"
*Per Page 251 of the "9/11 Commission Report":
"Mullah Omar is reported to have opposed this course of action for ideological reasons rather than out of fear of U.S.retaliation.He is said to have preferred for al Qaeda to attack Jews, not necessarily the United States. KSM contends that Omar faced pressure from the Pakistani government to keep al Qaeda from engaging in operations outside Afghanistan. Al Qaeda’s chief financial manager,Sheikh Saeed, argued that al Qaeda should defer to the Taliban’s wishes. "

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Originally On Writerbeat: A Redacted 2005 Police Report, Depression, and An Ableist

The former two are not fair game. The latter one—a sick ableist—is—and the sick ableist in question is Donald Trump. Heidi Cruz did not wake up one day and decide to have a depressive episode that day (whether or not the depressive episode was a one-time episode or a flareup of chronic Depression). She did not decide to plan to sit 10 minutes away from traffic during a nervous breakdown, and she did not think that someone as cruel as Donald Trump would be cruel enough to use what can be a fatal mental illness to "spill the beans".

Nobody forced the aspiring First Lady Melania Trump (then model Melania Knauss) to pose nude for "GQ". Circumstances in Heidi Cruz's life, for whatever reason, did force her to have some kind of mental breakdown (regardless of whether the breakdown was a one-time depressive episode or just another flareup of Depression—flareups to which each Depression patients gets resigned in some respect, irrespective of how each of us deals with those flareups.).

Notwithstanding that Heidi Cruz intentionally sat 600 seconds from traffio of six—600 seconds in which she could have had her last breaths and ended her life—she got up and went home. Not everybody does that—in fact, some die at home—ask my great-great-granduncles Frank and Alexander Focko, as the former hung himself at his home and the latter fatally consumed cyanide in his home. 

Ask their dad, my-great-three-times grandfather Istvan Foczko (and while I'm not a mathematician, I know that for a man in his 50s with two sons whom committed suicide—and the sons being two of six sons—to not have committed suicide is statistically impossible—especially since one third of his sons also happened to be two of his seven children.).

Ask my father's paternal grandfather, whom changed his mind too late—he wanted to go home and had already jumped off of Falls River Bridge, blocking traffic with his abandoned-in-the-middle-of-the-bridge car and humiliatedly having drivers, three hunters whom tried to get him to the riverbank, and others watch as he drowned to death from not being able to hold on to a rock in the midst of Falls River currents.

In what year is Donald Trump, anyway—1905? 1913? 1935? 1964? Almost 52-111 years later, can't Donald Trump stop being childish and realize that victims of Depression (let alone Depression-affected suicide) are not stigmas (let alone suicides) in of themselves? At least relatively few—in more Westernized societies, anyway—view victims of suicide as the suicides themselves, even though many still view victims of Depression—and other mental illnesses—as stigmas. 

Donald Trump ought to go live in a shari'a-ruled or other Non-Westernized society if he continues to view people with mental illnesses as shari'a- and other Non-Western-minded people do—and even some Western societies, such as Croatia and Serbia, need to continue to work on Westernizing or even start Westernizing.

By the way, Meliana Trump's precious Slovenia still has its Westernization to implement—why doesn't Donald Trump suggest barring Slovenian immigrants whom are ableist and don't want to take care of their own?—or he could perhaps help Svenica and Ljubljana build adequate mental hospitals instead of focusing on castles. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Originally On WriterBeat: Open Letter To Chad Simon (Class of 2016, Brown University)

I have ancestors whom committed suicide due to Depression; my father's sister attempted suicide due to Depression; I ended up in a mental hospital due to Depression.
You indeed "[know] powerfully little about the physiological mechanisms behind real, incurable, moored-to-the-bed-in-supine-position depression." By the way, not every person with Depression stays moored-to-the-bed-in-supine-position". Also, you need to learn that there is a marked difference between feeling depressed and Clinical Depressions such as Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Depression, and Schizoaffective Disorder (a combination of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Depression).
I really hope that your major is not Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, or Pre-Med Studies, because I would not award you a degree in either of those fields of study were I the person whom is responsible for conferring degrees on students at Brown University.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Originally On Writerbeat: If You Still Believe That Donald Trump Is A Christian And Patriotic American...

You couldn't be more wrong. If no other factor highlights that Donald Trump is not a Christian, that Donald Trump is Anti Semitic highlights that he can't even be a Christian. Trump openly attacked Jews such asJon Stewart and Mort Zuckerman, stereotyped Jews as moneycounters whom are "little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day" (and continued to stereotype Jews as fixated with money at the Republican Jewish Coalition forum), keeps a copy of "My New Order" by his bedside, and had a supporter whom openly gave a Nazi salute and threatened a Hispanic man in Chicago.

How can a man like that love a Jewish man named ישוע (in English, "Jesus")? As Corrie Ten Boom noted, loving God without loving Jews is entirely impossible. As I told a professor whom caused me to see part of why my paternal family (and some of my maternal family) became Anusim, "When you affront the Word of God, you affront the Jewish people." (Needlessly to say, I eventually left that college after that.)

Speaking of Anusim, meanwhile, why would Mexicans and Muslims be on on Donald Trump's hit list? Anusim anyone? That's what's scary: among Mexicans are many conversos, and among Muslims are quite a few "Jadid al-Islam". Don't think that Donald Trump is not knowledgable about this: he knows exactly what he's doing.

In fact, I had to warn an in-law cousin's grandnephew about this; and two of my Anusi ancestors are technically responsible for my cousin's branch's murders in the Holocaust—and I told him that I wish that I wasn't right about Donald Trump when he conceded that Donald Trump is dangerous.

Given that I had to warn my cousin's in-law grandnephew whom was more directly connected to my cousin and what happened (since he thought that thinking of Trump was a stretch, although he also disliked Trump), I can see that even Non Christians are and were being fooled by Trump (and, incidentally, I should mention that the Nazis' claims of being Christians and what my Anusi ancestors did is likely to affect him to not become a Christian.).

Thus, I—as a Jewish Christian whom is a bat Anusim and has ancestors whom used the name of ישוע to hurt one of their openly-Jewish family's branches—warn you: do not vote for Donald Trump, a man whom I and others see as really having "[n]ever asked God for forgiveness". Moreso, might I add, Donald Trump has made the sacrifice of ישוע useless for himself.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Why LinkedIn Either Needs To Return To Its Original Purpose Or Restart With A New Platform

Professionals such as Ted Bauer have posted about it, and aspiring professionals like me have posted about it. Of course, "it" is "how LinkedIn is becoming another Facebook or Twitter". As I've stated, I didn't come onto LinkedIn to use another Facebook or Twitter—I came onto LinkedIn to look for a job and volunteer opportunities, and be discovered as an aspiring author, etc..
Others have also come onto LinkedIn to look for and be found for jobs, volunteer opportunities, and desired careers. I am sure that my fellow job, volunteer-opportunity, and career seekers feel frustrated with LinkedIn becoming something like "LinkUp".
Thus, LinkedIn either needs to return to its original purpose or restart with another professional-network platform and leave LinkedIn/"LinkUp" to those whom (with all due respect) want to turn LinkedIn/"LinkUp" into a break-from-work or party-at-the-office website. My own suggestion is that LinkedIn could build and brand their new digital platform as "WorkBook" (Notice: "WorkBook"), and have the professionals and aspiring professionals migrate from LinkedIn/"LinkUp" to WorkBook.
On WorkBook, LinkedIn would forbid any content that is not related to one's work and/or that is not related to professional life to be shared. Meanwhile, I should note that even though I've been imperfect in my use of LinkedIn, my own imperfections don't justify or excuse the imperfections of others—and (the obvious converse is that) the imperfections of others don't justify or excuse my imperfections—and I hope that I'll be the first to admit when I'm imperfect in my utilization of LinkedIn. 

Update (Not in the original post, although shared on LinkedIn; via

On LinkedIn, I shared this with "An example of why waiters may lose their jobs (and really, why any employee might): i.e., badmouthing the employer's product to a customer of the employer". This is the kind of item that one can share on LinkedIn if he or she can explain why it relates to one's professional life.

Monday, December 14, 2015

This Is A "No Duh!" Action To Take

Taxing the American Internet user would be absolutely detrimental.

Pass the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act!

Send Letters to Congress : 19,198 Letters Sent So Far

Pass the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act!
States and local governments are poised to extend telephone taxes to your home and mobile Internet bills if the current federal ban on such taxes expires as scheduled on December 16, 2015 (Congress passed a five day extension from the previous expiration date of December 11). The average expected tax would be 12% and could be even higher.  The federal ban MUST be extended.  Permanently. The House has already passed it but the Senate must act.
Tell the Senate: Pass the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My Closing Thought For the Night, And.....

I'm definitely thinking about certain people with this one—I could name names, too, though I'm hopefully too nice to do that. If you're worried that you're one of those people, you're most likely not one of those people; and if you're one of those people whom's blaming me re people whom've ditched me (despite that I'm imperfect and as human as anyone else), you're most likely one of those people—and of course you're, I'm guessing, not worried since you're blaming me.

I'm sure, by the way, that others with, e.g., mental illnesses and physical disabilities are thinking the same thought about certain people whom were (or maybe even still are) in their lives that I'm thinking about whom were and still are in my life—e.g., certain family members who've ditched me and would like to think that I'm eradicated from existence, let alone our common families' bloodlines, just because they've ditched; or they'd even like to affect people to think of me as different from whom I really am, and they do this by basically slandering and libeling me,

I made this with Powerpoint 2013, by the way.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Part Of What the Target Shirtgate Highlights

One of the most-pressing issues in the modern world is the increasing mistreatment of others—whether that mistreatment is, e.g., sexism, racism, or ableism. 

When "Treat others as you want to be treated" becomes flouted, that's when societies begin breaking down. Look at, even, e.g., the correlation between bullying and suicides, which is a symptom of societal breakdown:

"Suicide is the third leading cause of death according to the Center for Disease Control. It results in about 4,400 deaths per year. Bullied victims are 7 to 9% more likely to consider suicide according to a study by Yale University. Studies in Britain have found half of the suicides among youth related to bullying.Jul 30, 2014" (Found via Google​) 

I'm not saying that I'm perfect in observing the mitzvah to treat others as I would like to be treated. Nonethless and in this case, Target needs to think about before they make jokes at the expense of people with mental disabilities—they are only affecting the further breakdown of society when they make fun of the less fortunate in society, among whom are those of us with mental disabilities.

As I stated on my Facebook page, "Target and others have no idea what even, e.g. (again, to be frank), having days on which I feel like drilling my brains out, pulling them out of my head, shooting myself in the head, etc. because of how terrible my OCD/Anxiey [sic.] can be is like—as I said, I am being frank: OCD/Anxiety can be that debilitating."

This goes back to my point about the bullying-and-suicide correlation, by the way: think about those of us whom suffer with OCD/Anxiety as is and don't need our suffering multiplied by those whom want to use us as the butts of jokes which they would not like made about them in light of their own situations. 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Reminder That A Cousin's Cousin Inspired Me To Give

I normally don't do this; so, bear with me:
To all of my Facebook friends and others, I'm asking you to think about this (as a friend of mine reminded me and others) for a second:
  1. Among the strongest of people are those whom are also among the most sensitive of people—or at least the ones whom are willing to admit that they are sensitive and are willing to not desensitize themselves.
  2. Many who at least try to be kind are also among the ones whom are usually the first ones to be treated unkindly. The reason for that is that unkind people like to take advantage of kind people and see how strong they really are—to them, sensitivity is weakness and/or a witness against them of their own weaknesses; and sensitivity, of course, includes putting the words "I want to talk about it [whatever 'it' is]"* into action.
  3. Many who at least try to bear others' burdens are trying to do what someone refused to do for them—and frankly, they're hoping that someone will finally bear their burdens in turn (or at least that God will reward them for helping others)**.

If you find this reminder worth sharing, share it. If you don't find this reminder worth sharing, then decline to share it and leave it at that. Also, feel free to take this reminder and—for a lack of better wordage—modify it to put it in your own words, give your own examples that pertain to this reminder (See the asterisks.), and ultimately have it come from your heart.
Remember, too, that we're all imperfect; and many of us at least sometimes hurt others in the ways in which we ourselves were hurt, whether we realize or don't realize that we do—and I certainly grant that many others (for example, the aforementioned unkind people) do often, or even always, deliberately hurt others
* RIP Mary Trudnak Czarnecki (Those were her words to my aunt when she finally broke down. "No, no; it's okay—I want to talk about it."
(I wish that I knew and understood that that's why I knew such a vulnerable Great-Grandma Czarnecki when she was still alive—she was trying to be strong and hold her own for at least 73 years, 16 of them in which I was alive—she married Great-Granddad when she was 20-going-on-21 years old in 1934, and she died when she was 93-going-on-94 years. I was born in 1990 when she was 76-going-on-78 years old.).
** RIP Mary DeBoy Pundt (I only heard about her and never had the chance to meet her.).

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Why I've Been Low Profile Of Late, Despite That Confronting Certain Evils Is Not Just About Me

To work up the courage to do what is right when your own loved ones arepersecuting you is tough, especially when they claim to want what is right whilethey actually would rather have safety—at least partly—in the status quo andnormalcy. Going out on a limb and literally risking your own limbs for the sakeof others becomes even tougher when your loved ones can force you to stop takingthat risk, despite that taking that risk is righteous and worth more than evenlife. Having nobody in lieu of your loved ones to support you—or to confrontyour loved ones—is all the more tough—and so is having your potential in-lieusupport system support your loved ones (even if they mean well in doing so).

That is why I have been low profile of late—and with nowhere to go if I takethe risk and am caught. I can only imagine, by the way, if the attitudes ofloved ones and positions in the cases of those such as MLK, Mark Potok, Jay Sekulow, and even Miep Gies had been like those in my case.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

A Hypocrisy Which I Don't Understand

How can certain loved ones of mine be against the decision of "Charlie Hebdo" to cease their portrayals of Muhammad, and how can they state that "Charlie Hebdo" is "caving in" to the Islamists? After all, they are attempting to ensure that I will not speak out against certain
other Anti Semites and racists.

My problem, then, is not with my loved ones' disagreement with the magazine: my problem is that they are doing to me exactly what they oppose that "Charlie Hebdo"'s editors are doing to themselves. How can they complain about, for example, the following re the Islamists when they complain about me fighting against particular groups whom support groups like "Charlie"'s enemies?

“We have drawn Muhammad to defend the principle that one can draw whatever they want. It is a bit strange though: we are expected to exercise a freedom of expression that no one dares to.”
I'm at a loss for words when they support "Je suis Charlie" at the same time that they tell me "Don't provoke crazies" and "Don't stir up the hornets' nest." While I'm not "Charlie", I'm certainly:

  1. Nicole
  2. Juive (i.e., Je suis Juive; or "אני יהודית.")
  3. Intent on not caving in to the Anti Semites
Meanwhile, God willing, I'll (so to speak) come back up from the underground eventually.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

"Hark; the Herald Angels Sing" Reclaimed From Charles Wesley

This was written for a couple of reasons:

  1. The original lyrics are full of heresy and needed to be corrected. For example, Charles Wesley and the subsequent adapters of Wesley's lyrics claimed that Jesus was "heaven born" and "late in time". According to Tanakh (תנ''כח or תנ''כה for Messianics), however, Jesus was the "Only Begotten Son" and "born of a woman" whom was to be a virgin. 
  2. I've been thinking about this since Christmas in December. It is now Christmastime in July.
  3. Felix Mendelssohn was a Jewish believer. Ironically, he "felt unsuited to sacred music" the melody that we use today! Thus, stripping the Jewish context of "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!" is inappropriate! 

Hark; the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the King of Kings!"
Unto us is born a Child
Unto to God, we're reconciled! 

Joyful, all ye nations rise!
Join the triumph in the skies!

With angelic hosts, proclaim:
"Christ is born in Bethlehem!"
Hark; the herald angels sing, 
"Glory to the King of Kings!"

Bless the virgin-born Prince of Peace!
Bless the Sun of Righteousness! 
Light to those in darkness He brings—
Ris'n with healing in His wings!

The King of Kings departs His throne
To live and die like His own

And to raise the sons of man
Given to Him, the I AM!
Hark; the herald angels sing, 
"Glory to the King of Kings!"

Christ by His elect adored
Christ the Everlasting Lord
As promised, behold He's here!
Unto us, our God draws near!
The Son Whom's Begotten, not made
With the wicked, He made his grave

And from the grave, He arose
And gave new life to the dry bones  
Hark; the herald angels sing, 
"Glory to the King of Kings!"